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Release Aeon Nox: SiLVO
(2016-02-01, 20:54)flhthemi Wrote:
(2016-02-01, 20:42)flowerpot Wrote: hi i am working on jarvis 16, with the correct version of your skin , i am in the process of making a build up and added some pictures , but when i go into the gui settings there is no mention of jarvis or the pictures i have put on so i can edit the gui settings so the build can be used on any device , any thoughts why it is not showing in the gui settings thanks for your help and advice

I wonder if this is a result of skin settings being moved in Jarvis to the userdata/addon_data folder?

thanks for your reply i have upload the gui settings h@@ps://www.dropbox.com/s/xeg25tx8gyy5x9f/guisettings.zip?dl=0

Thanks for the quick fix on the ratings Smile

Seem to be having one more problem with TV Shows, Skin can't figure out the length of an episode or is that info pulled from the scraper?

(2016-02-02, 05:04)Magoo32 Wrote: Thanks for the quick fix on the ratings Smile

Seem to be having one more problem with TV Shows, Skin can't figure out the length of an episode or is that info pulled from the scraper?

TV Shows do not have a runtime. Think of them like folders and Kodi can't tell you the runtime of a folder. That info is provided by properties from the TV Show Next Aired script.
Hi Mike,

thanks for the Skin...
I just installed and played a little bit arround and it's looks great.

i have a smal question: If i focused a widget item and press "i" on the keyboard a infopanel pops up... If I do the
same with my remote the system-Info-Panel pops up. I would guess I must change something in the keymap.xml
but I don't know what...

any ideas?
Board: B85M-ITX
CPU: i3 4330
GPU: Geforce GTX 750ti
(2016-02-02, 17:25)sveni_lee Wrote: Hi Mike,

thanks for the Skin...
I just installed and played a little bit arround and it's looks great.

i have a smal question: If i focused a widget item and press "i" on the keyboard a infopanel pops up... If I do the
same with my remote the system-Info-Panel pops up. I would guess I must change something in the keymap.xml
but I don't know what...

any ideas?

The Keymap Editor addon makes this easier.
Hi Mike,

I've got a request for future development for your consideration. Would it be possible to integrate in one of the views where it makes most sense maybe (Right list perhaps?) to show for a highlighted movie via little Country flags the audio channels that are available for a given movie? Related to spacing i could imagine this info could be displayed perhaps in the bottom bar instead of the Media Flag infos etc (could be a selectable option: Either media flags or Language flags). Unfortunately i have not found any mods that enable this feature and yet it would be a very usefull one. There is already a Language Flag repo in Kodi under Look and Feel that could be used for the flag sources.

I really love all the adjustments you have made so far in your version of Aeon Nox and with this feature it would be for me at least the ultimate skin, So i hope that maybe you can look into it as a future addition option perhaps.

There is already an addon that supports extracting the Audio Languages which currently is already displayed for me in the information page but this is very cumbersome to check each time for a movie and not in the least intuitive.

I think Shednox skin had such a feature albeit i think it was only done in the movie information view page which is already not a bad thing but not ideal either. Worst case i would settle for this option if the other is more complicated to implement Smile

Alternatively if you do not wish to do this yourself if you have any idea how this could be achieved and you could point me in the right direction where i can find some infos to help me figure this out on my own i would give it a try myself to do it although i have zero Kodi skinning experience but from what i could see its all a matter of adjusting the xml files appropriately in the right places Smile

(2016-02-02, 17:31)martinconroy Wrote:
(2016-02-02, 17:25)sveni_lee Wrote: Hi Mike,

thanks for the Skin...
I just installed and played a little bit arround and it's looks great.

i have a smal question: If i focused a widget item and press "i" on the keyboard a infopanel pops up... If I do the
same with my remote the system-Info-Panel pops up. I would guess I must change something in the keymap.xml
but I don't know what...

any ideas?

The Keymap Editor addon makes this easier.

I assume you are using the Jarvis branch of the skin. If that is the case the default button is 'i' on the keyboard as you have said. It seems like it is an issue with you remote and you will have to reassign that button to the 'i' key.

I am not familiar with the keymap editor so I don't know if that will work. If your like me and have a MCE remote I just use that plugin and reconfigure the info button.
Madnox 2.0
Forum / Source
Hi Mr. V

first: thank you for your work on the widget. That's really cool stuff.
right know I trying to implement a widget for a German plugin but I'm not so familar with the script.skinshortcuts.
so it's really hard to understand the code... :-)

(2016-02-03, 11:03)Mr. V Wrote: I assume you are using the Jarvis branch of the skin. If that is the case the default button is 'i' on the keyboard as you have said. It seems like it is an issue with you remote and you will have to reassign that button to the 'i' key.

I am not familiar with the keymap editor so I don't know if that will work. If your like me and have a MCE remote I just use that plugin and reconfigure the info button.

yes you are right, I'm on the Jarvis branch. And yes I use a MCE remote... So I will give that plugin a try....

Board: B85M-ITX
CPU: i3 4330
GPU: Geforce GTX 750ti
Hi i hope you can help me out...
I am using you skin on Jarvis and i have a problem.
If i use the Add-on:Categories (wiki) addon en setup movie addons Categorie i can use it in the widget if i first put it in kodi favorites. Oke its cool,..... but the skin sees this as a movie... and there are no posters on addons... so u only get Fanart as option... How can i make the skin so i can choose Fanart and poster and icon... so i get the addon icoons in the widget.
if you can tell me what xml i have to edit...?

I can do the same thing by using superfavo but you get an extra step when pressing back out of the widget.

Gr. Warez
Love this version of the skin, Only problem is when i install my build of other devices the backgrounds aren't showing, I have changed the relevent xml file to the shortcut special://userdata\ infront of all the images, problem is everytime I go back into kodi it changes them all back, So i closed kodi changed the shortcuts again, zipped my build up and installed it on another device and no backgrounds Sad am I changing the wrong file.

Current one I am changing is the setting.xml located in the userdata/addon_data/skin.aeon.nox.silvo
Sorted my other issue found you need to change the shortcuts in the skin.aeon.nox.silvo.properties.

Next question where in the shortcut located for the into.mp4 I have changed it out but it's cutting my video short by 0.5 secs so need to extend the time it plays
Hi Mike,

Not too sure if the following is a skin related or a Kodi bug.

In the past when you used to add a movie to a custom tag it would not display the movies which already have that tag in the list. Now for some reason it shows every movie in the library including those which have the tag.

I know this was the case is Helix so dont know if it changed with the skin or with isengard update.

Quick question about fanart/extrafanart. I have both types stored locally alongside the video files. It appears tho the skin doesn't use it. Will it only use downloaded artwork stored within userdata?

Hi Mike,

im fairly new to Kodi but i liked the Aeon Nox Skin so far. Until i found your modded version of it. Now i love this skin and i want to thank you for this great work! Nod

There's just one little thing that the regular Aeon Nox Skin does "better" than you mod (just for me): My default view vor TV-Shows is "Poster/Wall/TriPanel". So, the episodes are listed in Tripanel with the infos: Title, Release Date, Runtime and Plot.

In your modded version of Aeon Nox the Infos in the TV-Shows TriPanel episode view are (afaik): Title, Release Date, Genre and Plot.

I'd love to change Genre with Runtime .... is there any possibility for me? Huh

And apologies for my bad english. Blush
(2016-02-02, 20:07)CaptainHero Wrote: Hi Mike,

I've got a request for future development for your consideration. Would it be possible to integrate in one of the views where it makes most sense maybe (Right list perhaps?) to show for a highlighted movie via little Country flags the audio channels that are available for a given movie? Related to spacing i could imagine this info could be displayed perhaps in the bottom bar instead of the Media Flag infos etc (could be a selectable option: Either media flags or Language flags). Unfortunately i have not found any mods that enable this feature and yet it would be a very usefull one. There is already a Language Flag repo in Kodi under Look and Feel that could be used for the flag sources.

I really love all the adjustments you have made so far in your version of Aeon Nox and with this feature it would be for me at least the ultimate skin, So i hope that maybe you can look into it as a future addition option perhaps.

There is already an addon that supports extracting the Audio Languages which currently is already displayed for me in the information page but this is very cumbersome to check each time for a movie and not in the least intuitive.

I think Shednox skin had such a feature albeit i think it was only done in the movie information view page which is already not a bad thing but not ideal either. Worst case i would settle for this option if the other is more complicated to implement Smile

Alternatively if you do not wish to do this yourself if you have any idea how this could be achieved and you could point me in the right direction where i can find some infos to help me figure this out on my own i would give it a try myself to do it although i have zero Kodi skinning experience but from what i could see its all a matter of adjusting the xml files appropriately in the right places Smile

I have gone back and forth on this... I understand the need for it in certain circumstances but adding that everywhere might look a little cluttered. I would have to add them to all views otherwise there is no point. I guess the way I see it is if you added the movie to your library you should know the language it is in and if the subtitles are available in your own. There are other ways to do this if you just want to find a movie with a specific language or subtitle... A smart playlist using audio language and/or subtitle language as rules will show the specified library items containing them.
(2016-02-03, 17:04)Warez Wrote: Hi i hope you can help me out...
I am using you skin on Jarvis and i have a problem.
If i use the Add-on:Categories (wiki) addon en setup movie addons Categorie i can use it in the widget if i first put it in kodi favorites. Oke its cool,..... but the skin sees this as a movie... and there are no posters on addons... so u only get Fanart as option... How can i make the skin so i can choose Fanart and poster and icon... so i get the addon icoons in the widget.
if you can tell me what xml i have to edit...?

I can do the same thing by using superfavo but you get an extra step when pressing back out of the widget.

Gr. Warez
Does the superfavorite shortcut end in ,return)? Mr. V will have to step in on this since I neither coded the widgets or use them myself...
For future reference I'd prefer you not PM with support questions. I will just ignore them. I do not provide support through PM.
(2016-02-04, 01:13)GTunney Wrote: Hi Mike,

Not too sure if the following is a skin related or a Kodi bug.

In the past when you used to add a movie to a custom tag it would not display the movies which already have that tag in the list. Now for some reason it shows every movie in the library including those which have the tag.

I know this was the case is Helix so dont know if it changed with the skin or with isengard update.
I don't see how it could be skin related. I just checked and I have a SuperHero movie tag and when I add more movies to it none of the ones added appear in the list... Huh
(2016-02-04, 07:04)leejk Wrote: Hello,

Quick question about fanart/extrafanart. I have both types stored locally alongside the video files. It appears tho the skin doesn't use it. Will it only use downloaded artwork stored within userdata?

Extrafanart uses script.toolbox to add it to the cache so you need to run it by selecting the Download extrafanart option under the background button in the side menu when browsing the Movie and TV Show areas. Movies does Movies and TV Shows does TV Shows so you would have to run the Download option in both sections if you want extrafanart for all areas. To use the extrafanart select - Cycle fanart after adding it using the toolbox script.
(2016-02-04, 11:44)ovarus Wrote: Hi Mike,

im fairly new to Kodi but i liked the Aeon Nox Skin so far. Until i found your modded version of it. Now i love this skin and i want to thank you for this great work! Nod

There's just one little thing that the regular Aeon Nox Skin does "better" than you mod (just for me): My default view vor TV-Shows is "Poster/Wall/TriPanel". So, the episodes are listed in Tripanel with the infos: Title, Release Date, Runtime and Plot.

In your modded version of Aeon Nox the Infos in the TV-Shows TriPanel episode view are (afaik): Title, Release Date, Genre and Plot.

I'd love to change Genre with Runtime .... is there any possibility for me? Huh

And apologies for my bad english. Blush
I just checked the regular Aeon Nox 5 and I see Genre for episodes Huh

The request makes sense to me so I have added it to Git. If you do not use Git you can follow the link on the first page and click the commit history and then click on the "runtime for eps in TriPanel" commit message and it will show the exact file and line number of what to change so you can see runtime instead of Genre. It is a very easy change to make.
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Aeon Nox: SiLVO55