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XBMC_PC Win32 GUI Development Environment for skinners (skin developers)
reboot or type these at the command line ( or make a bat file)
subst p: /d
subst t: /d
subst z: /d
Jezz_X Wrote:dont compile it in debug mode compile it in release mode

I keep getting errors when I do it in release mode, let me do it and copy the log.

look up, i posted a bat file that does both
XBMC loads fine for me, except that there is absolutely no text visible at all. I'm working with an exact copy of my XBMC installation, only customizing sources.xml.

Any ideas?
I've decided to try this out but I am having some problems. When I run the exe I see the xbmc splash but then it crashes. I've checked to see if the correct drives are subsituted by using the SUBST command and they are. Here is my debug log:
22:35:24 M:212246528  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
22:35:24 M:212226048  NOTICE: Starting XBoxMediaCenter.  Built on Nov 17 2006
22:35:24 M:212226048  NOTICE: Q is mapped to: C:\BUILD
22:35:24 M:212226048  NOTICE: Log File is located: Q:\xbmc.log
22:35:24 M:212226048  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
22:35:24 M:212119552  NOTICE: Setup DirectX
22:35:24 M:211611648  NOTICE: load settings...
22:35:24 M:211603456  NOTICE: loading T:\guisettings.xml
22:35:24 M:211582976   ERROR: Unable to load T:\guisettings.xml, creating new T:\guisettings.xml with default values
22:35:24 M:211443712  NOTICE: Saving Unknown settings in T:\avpacksettings.xml
22:35:24 M:211308544  NOTICE: Saving Unknown settings in T:\avpacksettings.xml
22:35:24 M:211193856  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
22:35:24 M:211193856  NOTICE: Checking resolution 10
22:35:24 M:211193856  NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 6
22:35:24 M:211189760  NOTICE: Per AV pack settings are on
22:35:24 M:211189760  NOTICE: Unknown found : loading T:\avpacksettings.xml
22:35:24 M:211189760  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
22:35:24 M:211189760  NOTICE: Checking resolution 10
22:35:24 M:211189760  NOTICE: Setting autoresolution mode 6
22:35:24 M:211185664  NOTICE: q:\userdata\sources.xml
22:35:24 M:209920000  NOTICE: Checking the Date!
22:35:24 M:209911808  NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
22:35:24 M:209899520  NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
22:35:24 M:209887232  NOTICE: load default skin:[Project Mayhem III]
22:35:24 M:209838080 WARNING: file doesnt have <fontset> with name 'Default', defaulting to first fontset
22:35:24 M:209543168   ERROR: GUIFontTTF::GetCharacter: Unable to cache character (out of memory?)
22:35:24 M:209530880   ERROR: GUIFontTTF::GetCharacter: Unable to cache character (out of memory?)
22:35:24 M:209469440   ERROR: GUIFontTTF::GetCharacter: Unable to cache character (out of memory?)
22:35:24 M:209461248   ERROR: GUIFontTTF::GetCharacter: Unable to cache character (out of memory?)
22:35:24 M:209391616   ERROR: GUIFontTTF::GetCharacter: Unable to cache character (out of memory?)
22:35:24 M:209362944   FATAL: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005)
                              at 0x006a2358
I'm also having a problem with no text, but only on MC360.

click to enlarge
Not sure how to edit my last post... Here's a log:
22:22:07 M:1437433856  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
22:22:07 M:1437413376  NOTICE: Starting XBoxMediaCenter.  Built on Nov 17 2006
22:22:07 M:1437413376  NOTICE: Q is mapped to: C:\xbmc_pc
22:22:07 M:1437413376  NOTICE: Log File is located: Q:\xbmc.log
22:22:07 M:1437413376  NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
22:22:07 M:1437253632  NOTICE: Setup DirectX
22:22:07 M:1436872704  NOTICE: load settings...
22:22:07 M:1436860416  NOTICE: loading T:\guisettings.xml
22:22:07 M:1436614656  NOTICE: Getting hardware information now...
22:22:07 M:1436614656  NOTICE: Checking resolution 1
22:22:07 M:1436594176  NOTICE: Per AV pack settings are on
22:22:07 M:1436594176  NOTICE: Unknown found : loading T:\avpacksettings.xml
22:22:07 M:1436532736   ERROR: Error loading T:\avpacksettings.xml, no <Unknown> node
22:22:07 M:1436614656  NOTICE: q:\userdata\sources.xml
22:22:07 M:1432662016  NOTICE: Checking the Date!
22:22:07 M:1432662016  NOTICE: start dvd mediatype detection
22:22:07 M:1432653824  NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
22:22:07 M:1432637440  NOTICE: load default skin:[MC360]
22:22:07 M:1432051712 WARNING: file doesnt have <fontset> with name 'Arial TTF', defaulting to first fontset
22:22:07 M:1430278144  NOTICE: initialize done
22:22:09 M:1426219008  NOTICE: Webserver: Starting...
22:22:09 M:1426305024  NOTICE: Webserver: Started
22:22:09 M:1419599872  NOTICE: AudioScrobbler: Handshake successful.

got it to work. in the .bat file, i used jm's code:
subst q: c:\xbmc_pc
subst t: q:\userdata
subst p: q:\userdata
subst z: c:\xbmc_pc\cache

as per "Nuka1195" i titled the .bat file the same as the .exe file

and voila! it loaded instantly!

thanks jm and Nuka1195 Wink
How do I "press" buttons?

Like X, Y, White, Black, L and R triggers, Start, and Back?
edwinmcdunlap Wrote:How do I "press" buttons?

Like X, Y, White, Black, L and R triggers, Start, and Back?

read keymap.xml in userdata
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edwinmcdunlap Wrote:I'm also having a problem with no text, but only on MC360.

click to enlarge

Thanks for the tip. I switched skins and all is now well. Big Grin
for the people who get no fonts in the skins it only supports truetype fonts not the xpr ones (xbmc will be dropping xpr fonts soon anyway) and then they have to be set to unicode true
if your trying to get mc360 to run you will need to open up the font.xml files and change the lines like this for the truetype fonts
Quote:<fontset id="TeamBlackbolt" unicode="true">
then it should load fonts.
Also the build in this thread has problems with the mc30 carbon themes so don't use them or it will crash its to do with how xbmctex compresses the xpr ( I think jmarshall has fixed this in the svn allready )
Those of you who are getting crashes after the splash: It's likely because your graphics card doesn't support non-power of 2 textures.

I believe that elupus has fixed this in his own codebase and so a fix in SVN should not be far away.

And yes, the fix for the carbon themes is already in SVN.

Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.

when it is said to open font.xml and make sure the font id tag says:
<fontset id="TeamBlackbolt" unicode="true">
is there anything else aside from restarting that needs to be done?

my font.xml page looks as follows:

    <fontset id="Default">













    <fontset id="MC360.TTF" unicode="true">









    <fontset id="TeamBlackbolt" unicode="true">













Thanks for any help
Here is what I did and it made all the text show just fine, tho there is still some really weird issues..


    <fontset id="TeamBlackbolt" unicode="true">












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XBMC_PC Win32 GUI Development Environment for skinners (skin developers)4