XBMC Windows 7 X64 Best MCE Remote
I'd be interested in why anyone would want to use EventGhost or change the registry?

If you have a compatible remote and receiver you just need to change the keymap. This keeps the changes XBMC specific (which I would think is preferable because the settings only apply to XBMC) and it also keeps the config portable.

I use a "hardly compatible" ASUS receiver and a Logitech remote and simply change the keymap file and now the remote works for every function in every all.

Because sometimes you can't do this way Wink ...

You can be sure we would do like you if we could Wink. But it's not so easy with MCE remotes ... (as as said, MCE means default MCE actions you have to remove first or replace).

If you give me a way to use as it is, my gyration, just changing the keymap, i give what you want. But sure you won't be able.

In addition : with eventghost you can set specific actions for your remote depending on the context. For instance, with green button i can lauch xbmc or emulating home button (if xbmc is already opened)
jhsrennie Wrote:Hmm, that all looks a bit odd. Did you reboot after running the Remote-XBMC.reg file? A reboot is necessary for the changes to take effect.

If you run the ShowKey app you should find it gives:

Play         - VK_P
Fwd          - VK_OEM_PERIOD
Mute         - VK_VOLUME_MUTE
Power button - alt-VK_F4
Start button - ctrl-shift-VK_X
i/more       - VK_C
Enter        - VK_RETURN
DVD Menu and Guide aren't mapped by the Remote-XBMC keymap.

Can you check the keys and post the results here.


Thank you JR.

Yes I did reboot and when I ran ShowKey I got exactly the keyIds as above, so what does that mean then? issue with .xml filesHuh

Just to make sure I rebooted again this morning and I had the same results in XBMC that I posted about yesterday in post #28 Sad

If DVD menu and Guide are not mapped by the Remote-XBMC keymap, can I map them some how to it? or I would need to assign "Menu" & "Title" to another buttons. sorry if that sounds like a dumb question as I'm not sure whats going wrong here :o.

Thanks for your help mate Smile

EDIT: Looked under C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\userdata\keymaps the file keyboard.xml looks wrong to me because in the Full screen Video section the key "P" is set to "Step Forward" and not play and that exactly what happens in XBMC.

DO I have a wrong Keyboard.xml file somehowHuh I might be looking in the wrong place or mistaken though.


keyboard.xml in Pastebin


I've replaced the Keyboard.xml in "C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\userdata\keymaps" with the one in "C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\system\keymaps" and that seemed to fix the issue with "PLAY" and "FWD" "i/MORE" buttons.

But now I do not have any buttons assinged as


and would want this to change as well, if possible:

Mute -> mutes my PC sound [I want it to mute XBMC instead]

Start button -> Does nothing now [if it can Start XBMC instead]

i/MORE -> acts as "Title" [If I can make it 'info' Instead and map "Title" to another button]
RobS Wrote:All you have to do is modify your XBMC keymap. Let me know if your interest as I have a modified keymap that will work perfectly. I also have a complete list of all keystrokes that each button on this remote will send

Hi RobS,

I have the same Hama MCE remote as you but I can't configure it at all. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong...
Could you please send me your keyboard.xml file?
Thanks in advance!
Could I just ask.... could I purchase this remote from marlin and only use the receiver part to work with my Logitech remotes?
I second the Harmony One. Am using with an ASrock ION 330HT-BD (Built in IR) and it is flawless under Win 7.

It also controls my whole system - 2 x Receivers, Plasma TV, DSTB, CD Player at the touch of a button
Irish2685 Wrote:I am using a Logitech Harmony 550 (any would work) with a Microsoft MCE receiver. I set up the receiver as a M$ MCE Keyboard in the Logitech software, and it works beautifully. I can run it without the need for EventGhost.

For those on a budget, the lower end Harmony remotes are excellent options. I'm using a Harmony 525 to control my TV, XB360, Logitech 5500's and HTPC and it works flawlessly.

I too have a MS MCE Keyboard added as a device in the Logitech software so I can assign key presses to buttons, which works a treat. The only app I use to 'customise' this is AutoHotKey, which I have to assign a key press to open XBMC, which I can then assign to a button.

One piece of advice though; IMO it's best to ditch the Macro/Activity function of the remotes. It's kinda shit and breaks every time your girlfriend or a mate f^&*'s with it. I have a single activity setup and all my devices selectively mapped to buttons, which works perfectly for me.
I like the wireless 360 controller, because I'm used to it from xbmc on xbox Nod
Are there any step by step guides for setting up the Harmony One with the XBMC for Windows?
neophytal Wrote:Are there any step by step guides for setting up the Harmony One with the XBMC for Windows?

Use a Microsoft IR receiver then configure the Harmony to emulate the Microsoft remote. That way your PC will think you're using the standard Microsoft remote. See http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Usi...in_Windows for notes on usinmg the Microsoft remote with XBMC.

Hi all - I've been running XBMC for a while and have started trying to do some stuff with my harmony 1100.

I've got function keys successfully going to specific windows (like movies, tv shows, etc.).

But I'm trying to find how to bring back what's playing to full screen.

For example, if I'm watching a video, then hit backspace to pull up the navigation in order to look at the weather real quick - how do go back to watching my video?

I'm using the MCE keyboard option and it works great - but I can't figure this one out. I've been going through the windows_IDs at http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=Window_IDs.

Is there a Window_ID for what's playing in the background so I can bring it to the front?
I want to assign it to F8 or something if there's not a keyboard shortcut already.

Here's what I have mapped right now:


Any help would be appreciated.
Press the Tab key. or map a key to the FullScreen action e.g.


I have the same remote control as elitegamer360 in the first post. I kept on following instructions and make it work.


Sorry for my bad english Big Grin
jhsrennie Wrote:Use a Microsoft IR receiver then configure the Harmony to emulate the Microsoft remote. That way your PC will think you're using the standard Microsoft remote. See http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Usi...in_Windows for notes on usinmg the Microsoft remote with XBMC.


I usually see the receiver/remote combos sold, not the receiver by itself... Do you just buy a combo and then discard the remote?
neophytal Wrote:I usually see the receiver/remote combos sold, not the receiver by itself... Do you just buy a combo and then discard the remote?

Yes, if you can't find just the receiver that's the only way.

Actually it can be useful to have the MS handset on hand for testing. If things don't work on the Harmony you can test them with the MS handset.


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XBMC Windows 7 X64 Best MCE Remote0