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(2016-04-11, 22:21)Firetv344 Wrote: @Angelinas downloaded the latest skin helper but still not pulling that info
see my edit in post beffore Sad

delete this file and script make new, reload for this content dont working..

in folder
open kodi and your art will be there

Sorry same,writing to Marcel to fix isue with reload...
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Ok.....thank you

Do you know if it's possible to turn off the youtube search in the skin.helper.service ??

I get an error from this every few minutes

ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.KeyError'>
                                            Error Contents: 'q'
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/default.py", line 7, in <module>
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/kodion/runner.py", line 32, in run
                                                __RUNNER__.run(provider, context)
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/kodion/impl/xbmc/xbmc_runner.py", line 23, in run
                                                results = provider.navigate(context)
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/kodion/abstract_provider.py", line 123, in navigate
                                                result = method(context, re_match)
                                              File "/home/xbmc/.kodi/addons/plugin.video.youtube/resources/lib/kodion/abstract_provider.py", line 253, in _internal_search
                                                query = params['q']
                                            KeyError: 'q'
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--

The helper service is already set to not use youtube lookups

<setting id="useGoogleLookups" value="true" />
    <setting id="useLocalLibraryLookups" value="true" />
    <setting id="useTMDBLookups" value="true" />
    <setting id="useYoutubeLookups" value="false" />

This doesn't appear to make any difference though.

Thanks for any advice/thoughts you may have.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Hello Angelinas, first of all thanks for the great work on the skin, I have a problem in the collections, I redid the whole database to use only local information and have the logos in the collections,because it was not possible by pressing "c" to select the logos but only poster or fanart and now although in the movie collection all disks do not appear in the main records collection here is an example http://postimg.org/image/h6li9gjrn/ http://postimg.org/image/vyxfolmsx/ in the first link interior of the collection with all 4 Discart not in the second link does not appear discs.I something wrong or is there some problem with the view? I apologize for the english I am Italian I hope you understand the problem
You create a whole mess in your Library....
For set you need to have all info for all single movie for collection.First download all art for your movie with Artdownloader from Topmenu

then you can set art for movieset

watch gallery

Now in images no.3 have just to art label, press "add image" and write clearlogo "done",find in your library logo for set and thats all Smile
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
Okay I could not explain, my problem is not having all the artwork for the collection I have it because I redid the whole library with Ember media manager and I rescan everything using "local information only" .The problem is that in the right list I don't see the 4 discs that run despite having all the artwork for each film contained in the collection
(2016-04-13, 07:03)fabris74 Wrote: Okay I could not explain, my problem is not having all the artwork for the collection I have it because I redid the whole library with Ember media manager and I rescan everything using "local information only" .The problem is that in the right list I don't see the 4 discs that run despite having all the artwork for each film contained in the collection

Have you tried running artwork downloader (making sure it is set to local files only) on all the movies in the set ?
Learning Linux the hard way !!
In artwork downloader setting I disabled in film all dawnload art poster fanart ecc and in advanced setting choose and enabled use local file only
nothing will happen if you have disabled all options in AD, if you have 'local files' then AD will use them first otherwise download them, but if you have them disabled then AD will do nothing at all?!
SKIN: Aeon Madnox
RIP Schimi2k, we miss you.
When I grow up I want to be a skilled skinner
Thank me by ⬇ adding to my + reputation
(2016-04-11, 21:55)Angelinas Wrote: Just finished time for hide info music
-add button for seting time of showing info in musicOSD
Thank you so much. Really appreciated.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Ok I enabled in artwork downloader in film section all option and in advanced use local file now what should I do? Delete the movie source and rescan? Because now I have the discs for each film in the collection but does not appear to me in the general collection in the right list
Never mind read back a few posts and read where to address/fix - "Time For Hide..."

Installed latest GIT version, 16.1 and have lost "Furniture" playing music full-screen. Any idea what I may have done/forgot to configure to enable "Furniture" music full screen? I have verified I have "Furniture" checked/enabled from settings.

(2016-04-13, 21:34)Govnah Wrote: Never mind read back a few posts and read where to address/fix - "Time For Hide..."

Installed latest GIT version, 16.1 and have lost "Furniture" playing music full-screen. Any idea what I may have done/forgot to configure to enable "Furniture" music full screen? I have verified I have "Furniture" checked/enabled from settings.


no16.2 is on GitHub

I see that you find solution, but error was present in condition, all visualisation was have same condition...now they depend from his button.
I add in skin reset missing onload,now some skin string load in first time installed skin (dont need reset custom buton for widget,add art in full screen and weather icon will be set to folder skin)
XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
(2016-04-11, 14:57)Angelinas Wrote:
(2016-04-11, 14:27)aptalca Wrote: Hi Angelinas,

Just installed this on jarvis and noticed that with the recent movies widget on the home screen, it shows a little icon in the upper right corner, what looks like the thumb from the youtube trailer for the movie.

I confirmed that it is related to YouTube because it was giving youtube related errors before I set up the youtube plug-in.
That is default icon for Director, and this icon is from helper script.
You need to go in settings for script and in part of PVR is button for enable source for images google and youtube.Enable google but for youtube disable.(for this you need to have pvr activated)
If you dont have pvr then must go in user folder and manual write file setings.xml in script.helper.service youtube string change in "false" if is true..

Script helper have problem with youtube...I need to write Marcel about this problem..Api key is down i think...And youtube is always activ if google can find images(or is disabled) then go to youtube and have error...some notice is uper bar.
(2016-04-11, 14:27)aptalca Wrote: How do I get to it to play the trailer? It sits in the corner and there is no way I can go over there to select it. From the cinemavision button if I hit right, it closes, if I hit up it closes again. If I go left it goes to widget selection
I use list from extended script,on movies in focus press c then start exteded script video dialog in bar have button for trailer and youtube video,...have more then that in that dialog bar,images,fanart,crew,simular,episodes.....(in settings script must be diasable nature view)
Somebody ask to add button (user can change function for that button),i doo it today (comand for this will be arow right from that button)
-Play Trailer
-Start info dialog window from helper script
-Start Info from Extended Script
-Start youtube list with search&q="name of movies in focus"
-Start cinemavision

Hi Angelinas,

I finally figured out the problem with the skin helper service. By default, there is no settings.xml in its folder and it is having a lot of issues (youtube errors, the director thumb and the watched movie posters are not faded). The only way the settings.xml gets created is if you go into the skin helper service's settings, change one setting, and then save. Once you do that, the file is created and all the issues go away. No need to manually change the pvr or google settings.

I guess it is a bug that the default values the script uses when there is no settings.xml are different than the settings.xml defaults.
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Aeon MQ 6 - Moded version for I, J, K, L, ....16