2011-12-08, 11:27
ok, great. thanks. I'm gonna try that! I will let you know
mad-max Wrote:That is what I meant...xbmc checks the ifo file from video_ts
As xbmc is not able to use foldernames for lookup in music videos, I would recommend to throw the dvd structure into makmkv and name the mkv like the concert...that's how I did it...
Martijn Wrote:Some good news. themoviedb.org reverted it's decission to only allow adding movies that have a valid IMDB ID.
Ballistic Wrote:Is it a good idea to get a team together to work on this project? Perhaps even create a new site for musicvideos and concert data?
Im a network/server man so i'm absolutely useless on coding or anything like that but i can take care of the networking/server equipment needed and fill the content...
knarf231 Wrote:Some of my concerts aren't showing up in the "Concerts" section; basically they were h264 downloads of TV performances by bands. Is this because there is not an entry into theconcertdb? If so; how does one add a performance into the concertdb?
Thanks again for the help.