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FanArt for Movie Sets now Movie Set Collection Grouping support has been implemented?
Same over here.
The first fanart is not being grabed from the movie-sets.
ubuntuf4n Wrote:Same over here.
The first fanart is not being grabed from the movie-sets.
While I can live with the first movie fanart being used for the set (historically it sounds about right, after all), no fanart at all pretty much "kills" the Transparency! experience I seek.

Spiff, is there something special we need to do? Do the movies need to be in the same folder, as opposed to one folder per movie?

Edit: it could be this (I do have a masterlock):

For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
With a collection of movies that grows weekly I have come to a point where grouping movies together in sets is becoming more and more important. It is one heck of a bunch easier to navigate past 1 Star Trek entry rather than 11. I have set a rule for myself that whenever a movie saga gets to three movies or more I put them in a Movie Set. I love the fact that I can have a different thumbnail for the set, but what I really want to know is: Is there a way to have a specific piece of fan art for the set rather than the stark blank background? Secondly, does xbmc actually provide a field in the db for a Movie Set description and can it be accessed from a skin?

Thanks in advance.
okay, than it might be the same problem for me.
I am also using the master-lock-feature.
Thanks for investigating.
I kinda moved away from moviesets after skins started to add playlists-on-homemenu options. i'd rather have to edit smartplaylists. kinda OT, but thought i'd mention it. i do see the value moviesets have for star trek, austin powers etc in the main movie listing, but if you are looking for a way to divide "standup", "anime" etc i'd recommend smartplaylists if the skin of choice supports adding it somewhere you'd be willing to venture to get into those playlists Smile
www.emuxtras.net | EFnet #EmuXtras
Is it possible to set a different fanart image on the top level library view than what is shown for each individual movie? I am able to set a different movieset thumb but I dont see a way to do this with the fanart. Currently XBMC is using the fanart from one of the movies. I am not sure why it is choosing that particular one over the other movie.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
wimpy Wrote:I kinda moved away from moviesets after skins started to add playlists-on-homemenu options. i'd rather have to edit smartplaylists. kinda OT, but thought i'd mention it. i do see the value moviesets have for star trek, austin powers etc in the main movie listing, but if you are looking for a way to divide "standup", "anime" etc i'd recommend smartplaylists if the skin of choice supports adding it somewhere you'd be willing to venture to get into those playlists Smile

Thank you Wimpy. I am actually trying to do exactly as you mentioned...have a movieset for the Bourne series. I do agree on your idea for smartplaylists though.
Anything new about fanarts for moviesets? Huh
Rygrath Wrote:Sorry Sho, I kinda lost track of my question here

Currently I'm running RC2 of XBMC. Though the problem has been with me since the betas and RC1. I'm pretty sure I could completely uninstall XBMC and delete the user settings and do everything from scratch and it'd display the fanart properly. As it does work on new installs I do. It'll show the fanart for the first movie in the Set as it's supposed to.

Somewhere along the way it changed on me and seems to be permanently stuck with the single fanart for every movie set. I'd rather not have to reinstall everything as that's hours worth of work setting it all back up.

I figure there has to be a database entry or some setting config file that it pulls the image from.

This little snippet of the debug log is me having focus on the movie set in Transparency (happens in any skin) moving left and moving back to it to record it. I can post a full debug log to pastebin if you require.

Thanks for any help

16:48:18 T:82512 M:1852977152   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
16:48:18 T:82512 M:1853001728   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow gained focus
16:48:19 T:82512 M:1853071360   DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 75, sym: 276, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
16:48:19 T:82512 M:1853071360   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61477 pressed, screen saver/dpms woken up
16:48:20 T:82512 M:1851940864   DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 75, sym: 276, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
16:48:20 T:82512 M:1851940864   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61477 pressed, action is Left
16:48:20 T:83304 M:1851875328   DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 1
16:48:20 T:82512 M:1848696832   DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/ImageLib.dll)
16:48:22 T:82512 M:1842634752   DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 77, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
16:48:22 T:82512 M:1842634752   DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
16:48:25 T:82512 M:1842704384   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
16:48:25 T:82512 M:1842704384   DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow lost focus

Edit: Here's a link to the full debug log. Navigated to the first movie collection in the list, then closed XBMC.

Did you ever figure this out? I'm running into the same issue now... Dharma, Aeon MQ2... movie sets are pulling a tv show fanart as the backdrop; all movie sets pulling the same fanart. No idea where this setting is stuck... they used to pull the first movie fanart as expected.

Not sure when this started, either. But very annoying.
Anything new about fanarts for moviesets?
Aint there a possibility to change it manually Huh

In fact xbmc is choosing a movie-set addicted fanart, but it seems to happen randomlyHuh

e.g. Harry Potter Movie-Set... 7 Movies including 7 Fanarts and always shown is the Fanart of part 2. Another Movie-Set always shows the Fanart of part 6 and so on.

Where´s to find the syntax that tells xbmc to show a fanart for movie-sets?
There has to be one because for every movie-set a fanart is shown.

So there should be a possibility to modify, or am I wrong?

(Please forgive my wrotten english)


I was in the process of making some movie sets just now when I stumbled upon this thread, but if fanart is still not selectable and unpredictable, then I'll pass atm. I suppose few people use sets if this issue exists a year later?
It would be great if info/fanart/extrathumbs, etc would be displayed about the movie set.
For example, I used Aeon MQ /Multiplex view/ 4 extrathumb layout
I've set the movie set thumb, but it seems a bit naked without the info about the trilogy and extrathumbs (which would be fanart from each of the films in the set)

Without putting the movie folders inside the set folder, it works good as a standard movieset. Just doesn't have set info and thumbs.

Here's how I tried getting the set info and thumbs, but it doesn't work. Probably bad .NFO file data. Can anyone offer a better structure and NFO file data?

D:\Movies\X-Men Collection
_________\X-Men Collection.nfo



_________\X-men The Last Stand
_______________\X-men The Last Stand.nfo
_______________\X-men The Last Stand.mkv
Does anyone know when the code is to switch the fanart that comes up when looking at movie sets? Every movieset shows Glee fanart....Fast & Furious Collection with Glee...drives me crazy!Eek I would like to go in and change it to a more appropriate fanart.

Thanks in advance for any help on this.
Salem Wrote:I suppose few people use sets if this issue exists a year later?
I suppose few use it because it's not properly integrated in the GUI. If it was just a matter of selecting the relevant files, hitting a "create movie set from selected" and then giving the set a name... I bet it would get a lot more use. And yeah, properly selectable fanart would help too.
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FanArt for Movie Sets now Movie Set Collection Grouping support has been implemented?2