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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents
Wouldn't it be much better to talk to the developer/s of sick-beard and make it a branch?Would be much nicer to have 1 ultimate tool instead of all these individual web services.
yes i can always access the web page when the app is running.. but it is always stuck in Now Checking mode.
I figured it out.. i was running SAB with SSL... i turned off SSL in SAB and it queued up the movie.
RuudBurger Wrote:Latest update should fix the WindowsService and empty log file problem.
Do a "WindowsService.py stop", "WindowsService.py update", "WindowsService.py start" to update Wink

Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Smile

Edit: Yep, that worked. It wouldn't connect to SAB for some reason, had to change around the host settings. Thanks!
A few reasons for not branching sickbeard:
I tried that at first, but the coding style didn't fit my own style. (All files in 1 dir, no OOP, no MVC)
It's hard to build on someone else his code.
Although I love Sickbeard, the GUI and interface to some of its features is not what I wanted for MM.
I want to create a simple app, that everyone can use (installation aside).

Maybe, when my Python skills are a little bit better, I'll try to extend Sickbeard. But for now, MM fits my needs Wink

chalk4 Wrote:I figured it out.. i was running SAB with SSL... i turned off SSL in SAB and it queued up the movie.

Is there a difference in URL for when running SAB in ssl?
yes if you use ssl its on port 9090 and not 8080
And "https://" I assume? Ill make an checkbox for that or something. Thanks!
yes its also https. With the imdb script.. what does that do?
Add a button on an IMDB movie page, so you can add it in 2 clicks.


Do a git pull, it was hidden with the Config menu change.
It's under Settings > Userscript
Nice! i am digging your app man. Looking forward to all of the things you have planned!
I literally told my wife last night if only we had something like sickbeard for movies.

What would be nice is setting a movie that checks for better quality then you have and upgrades (P.M. if you need clarification on this) sorta like sickbeard gets the first available then will download the 720p if you've set it to "Best" quality.
A best options would be nice, but for movies it would download the movies three times.
dvdrip -> 720p -> 1080p.
So instead of a "best"-option. I'll try making an "or"-option.
Then you can say:
Download movieX in dvdrip or above (would look for 1080p, 720p, dvdrip)
Download movieY in dvdrip or 720p (would look at 720p, dvdrip)

Then add some kind of "default settings", so you don't have to do it with every movie you add.

Come to think of it. Its even more complicated. I usually download 720p movies, but sometimes 1080p for action movies or when the 720p isn't available.
But when I do have the 720p version I don't want to download the 1080p version, that would be useless.
So there should be an priority option. To put 720p on top, but don't exclude 1080p.
Would it be possible to have a section in the config file to set your default quality? Currently its set on 720p, but it would be nice to allow users to select what they want the default to be.

Also do you have plans to support Nzbmatrix or newzbin?
Is there a way to set up a "web_root" like in the Sickbeard configuration?

I would like to access MM externally using Apache: e.g. url.com/MovieManager but this breaks all the images, stylesheets and links (because the paths aren't relative?)
The problem with the or options is the fact that it will most likley always download the dvd rip first as this is generally the first one released.

Its a tricky issue, could maybe have a limit, so when it finds the dvd rip it says ill look for another week for a better version if none found then ill download the dvd rip.
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CouchPotato - Automatic Movie Downloader via NZB & Torrents11