Arch Linux or Ubuntu, thoughts please
Hi! Will it be possible to run it only from USB pen (save configs on USB pen, ssh into it,.., just like having internal disk)? I'm asking this because my cable for HDD is broken and i'll use onla usb with no internal hard drive.

Second: will component video out work?
Third: Will stereo and optical audio be supported?

If you want i can do some beta test from usb if you need.

illiac4 Wrote:Hi! Will it be possible to run it only from USB pen (save configs on USB pen, ssh into it,.., just like having internal disk)? I'm asking this because my cable for HDD is broken and i'll use onla usb with no internal hard drive.

Second: will component video out work?
Third: Will stereo and optical audio be supported?

If you want i can do some beta test from usb if you need.


Check out Crystalbuntu, will do exactly what you want. Ubuntu + XBMC which will run from a USB stick and will allow SSH, store all settings etc etc.

I recommend the Minimalised Disk Image, been running it for a few weeks and it runs like a dream, especially if you have a CrystalHD card then MKVs play perfectly!

This thread seems to be about a distro which is currently a work in progress, but Crystalbuntu is stable and perfect for day to day use.

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Arch Linux or Ubuntu, thoughts please0