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Req Kodi on LG Web OS
thank you for your answer, it says i have 128MB free, is it enough?
(2023-12-11, 17:31)aimedbook Wrote: thank you for your answer, it says i have 128MB free, is it enough?

Unfortunately, this is not enough to install and run Kodi properly.
how can i install kodi on a USB stick?
(2023-12-11, 17:56)aimedbook Wrote: how can i install kodi on a USB stick?

You have to make a little effort/find out how to mount directories on external storage media under Linux. You first need a fast USB stick that is recognized by your TV. The folder/directories under /tmp/usb/sda/sda1/ must already be created on the USB stick. After the preparation of the USB stick is completed, you can execute the following script in Terminal/SSH:


jailer -S -t native_devmode -p /media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi -i org.xbmc.kodi
mount -o bind /tmp/usb/sda/sda1/.kodi /var/palm/jail/org.xbmc.kodi/media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi/.kodi
mount -o bind /tmp/usb/sda/sda1/addons /var/palm/jail/org.xbmc.kodi/media/developer/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.xbmc.kodi/addons

After successful mounting, you can now install Kodi.
To make this permanent, you need to save the script in /var/lib/webosbrew/init.d/ and make it executable, with chmod +x filename. (For example, chmod 777 kodi) if the file name is kodi.
This must be saved as files and must not have any extension in the name like .sh/.bash .txt etc.
To create the script, you can use a Linux-compatible editor such as Notepad++ under Windows.
Hi about 2 weeks ago i installed kodi on my LG CX. Everything worked mostly fine... There was some crashes and problems with audio described by others.... Today i wanted to update kodi thrue webos dev manager. But got error -3 there is no available space to install app i can see in bottom right corner in dev manager that i have 4kb of free space. Before i had about 350mb of free space. Is it possible that since installation kodi was eating all space in TV?
Yesterday native youtube app crashed and that never happend.
How can i fix it? Clear cache? Uninstall kodi? Factory reset of TV?
Run web-os-dev manager, section "Files", go to directory where kodi is installed  and delete crash dump file ...
I've also successfully installed the Kodi app on LG TV (LG 32LM6380PLC model, webOS 4.9.xx, no rooted) and I have also I huge issues with memory lack. I have no way to improve/increase it. It's a pain to work with it that way. But thanks to developers for make it possible to run on LG.
(2023-12-16, 09:49)Tirri Wrote: Hi.
I've also successfully installed the Kodi app on LG TV (LG 32LM6380PLC model, webOS 4.9.xx, no rooted) and I have also I huge issues with memory lack. I have no way to improve/increase it. It's a pain to work with it that way. But thanks to developers for make it possible to run on LG.

Fromt what i've heard in the lg discord its not kodi that uses a lot of memory but its the webos.
Yes, correct. My TV has very low memory available for Kodi needs and thus it crashes sometimes.
I use one of the last builds and it is working fine on my OLED LG B9 Tv set except for 5.1 sound that stays stereo only.
my configuration is based on SONOS system linked in optical from the TV.
if I configure passtrough in kodi, I don’t have any sound. So I have to keep the proposed standard but this does not give 5.1 in my Sonos system

for information kodi inside a fire tv connected in the TV with passtrough works very well
is there any solution ?
I tried searching this thread and didnt find my issue, i hope im not asking repeated question

I was setting up with nightly in my tv (it failed to update sql database but i just did that in windows instead)
It looks like kodi in my tv wont wake up servers, in log i saw something like permission denied
so is there a fix for this? can i make kodi run as root? (i have rooted tv)

Thank you and sorry if im making a repeated question
@chercheursoft: Passthrough does not work on webOS 4 for an unknown reason. I don't have such a device and thus fixing it is almost impossible
@rooo: It would be interesting to see the exact log reason. As for running as root, that's not possible
If this is under my skill, I would be happy to help
i got the same error message (socked failed: permission denied (13)) in log but it is waking up my smb server o.O
Quick question.

If I do an 'Update' from the LG Homebrew Store from an existing Kodi from sunderrmann. Will it remove all my build/addons as a fresh start or it will keep my existing addons/setup with the update?

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