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[RELEASE] Alaska Revisited
Hitcher Wrote:Clean Library in the Video Settings after you've had a tidy up.

thanks that worked!
Anyone else having troubles Updating Mine says downloading and is stuck at 0% ?
Hitcher Wrote:cdart.png or simply install the CDart Add-on.
I've put a load of cd images in their respective album folders named "cdart.png" but they aren't displaying??...
Panasonic 50V10 , 360 Elite, Astro A40s, Senn HD595s, Acer Revo R3610 (XBMC Alaska), Denon 1800BD, Denon 2309, Monitor Audio Bronze, SKY+HD (1TB), Harmony One, QED HDMI, Silver Anniversary XT, Soundstyle ST310, Sony AR51SU, Panasonic LX3, HTC Desire.
did you go into settings and enable the cdart to display?
hi can not seem to figure out how to get the tv logos to work do you put the logos into the same folder as the banner and landscape pics but naming it logo ?

also where is the best place to get the logos ?
Hitcher Wrote:logo.png


where do you get the logos from by the way as i can not find them on tvdb site
http://www.xbmcstuff.com/ but I just switch to Night or Shade and run the script so it's all automatic (I'll add that soon).
Hitcher Wrote:http://www.xbmcstuff.com/ but I just switch to Night or Shade and run the script so it's all automatic (I'll add that soon).

you're wrong, logo are there: http://www.lockstockmods.net/clearart/

don't hesitate to respond to my pm if you want something for the script Wink
Sorry, like I said I just switched skins but I will be adding a button to Revisited soon.
First of all this is the best skin I have ever seen.. Keep up the good work.

Then I would like to make a suggestion to this non supported skin Big Grin I love this skin but I thing all the icons makes it all messy in homescreen. I use the view horizontal and have deleted all the icons in that directory to make it lock clean and simple when using backdrops. Could you add an option to hide icons from homescreen?

By the way, you should rely consider making this skin official. Maybe the XBMC developers then could add it to the official repository like they did Original Alaska.
Hitcher Wrote:http://www.xbmcstuff.com/ but I just switch to Night or Shade and run the script so it's all automatic (I'll add that soon).

ah as the website you gave me has no just logos at all on there for tv shows is has pictures which will not work woth your panel view logo, i want to be able to download the logos and place them in each of my tv folders but can not find a site with them on at all
ppic Wrote:you're wrong, logo are there: http://www.lockstockmods.net/clearart/

don't hesitate to respond to my pm if you want something for the script Wink

cheers just what i was after
@ hitcher just found a bug in your skin

if you have the word Web in any of the episodes it brings up the HDTV logo when you select that episode


S03E09 The Tholian Web x264 will show the HDTV logo
S03E09 The Tholian x264 will show the H264 logo

this episode is in H264 for me but the word Web is bringing up the HDTV logo, Try putting Web in any episode naming and you will see it remove sthe H264 logo and puts the HDTV logo instead.

your older alaska skin works and so does others its only the revisited that does this.

can you please fix this as i have more than 1 episode named like this and all show HDTV and there not.

That's by design to indicate it's an HDTV episode (the same will happen if you have 'hdtv' in the file name). If you don't like the HDTV flag then simply rename your files.
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[RELEASE] Alaska Revisited8