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[MX3-M] 2.4GHz Fly Air Mouse Remote Control [FIX]

You need to press and hold the key down for 2 seconds, then it will remember after sleep. At least that's what I read.
I just bought this remote and I'm trying to properly map the mute and volume up/down buttons. When I look at .kodi/temp/kodi.log I don't see any output when I press these buttons. All the other buttons leave messages in the log file but these three buttons don't. How do I enable them on Kodi? Any ideas? Thanks!
Wim, that actually just keeps the remote awake for longer (about 5 minutes i think), but once it goes to sleep and wakes up again, the mouse cursor starts moving again.

necbot, unless you are on windows, i have no ideea.
(2015-04-01, 17:35)calinutz Wrote: Yes, that's how it works. The only issue is that everytime the remote wakes up, the airmouse moves again.

Take for example this scenario:
You block the cursor (air mouse), and put the remote away. After a couple of minutes, you want to get the volume up. After you press volume up key, the cursor (airmouse) starts moving again, without pressing the actual block/unblock cursor key.

At least that's how all of this kind of remotes i've tryed behaved like. Maybe the manufacturers fixed this in the meanwhile.
If you buy it, please confirm if the block cursor feature works as it should or not.


Hi Calinutz,

The remote remembers the setting of the "block cursor" key after sleep.

The onyl issue is that sometimes I'm not sure why I get an airmouse or I don't get an airmouse, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong sometimes (and I'm not sure when this seems to happen, but not after sleep).

I think it's a great remote. I can use it's infrared to control the tv, I can use it's rf to control my androidbox, it has an airmouse and mic and keyboard. Before I had a keyboard (and mouse) and 2 remotes and had no mic. Unbelievable. Very happy with it.
I'm very happy that only the rf goes to sleep, the ir part keeps functioning (good for WAF).

The only disadvantage is that you have to press "TV" button to switch between rf and ir. There are keys I only use for tv (for example: vol +/- and pr +/-). Just like I programmed the typical android IR buttons (home, back, menu) to do the same as the rf ones. So for some functions I need to switch and for some I don't. It's a bit confusing.
And the coloured buttons at the buttom are ir only.
Would be even better when ir and rf are mixed and you don't have to choose either rf functions or ir functions. I understand that would make it far more difficult to build, but it would be even greater than the remote already is.


Hi Wim

My remote also forgets the cursor state. Mine is without the mic. Which is yours?
(2015-04-04, 20:30)bluenote Wrote: Hi Wim

My remote also forgets the cursor state. Mine is without the mic. Which is yours?
I have the one with working mic and all buttons on the front programmable for ir.
Why do you people keep nagging about the cursor problem when I already posted the solution back in post #52? Isengard alpha 2 gets rid of the cursor problem once and for all.
(2015-04-04, 21:37)Soli Wrote: Why do you people keep nagging about the cursor problem when I already posted the solution back in post #52? Isengard alpha 2 gets rid of the cursor problem once and for all.

I read your post #52 and the ticket. I don't understand what that has to do with the problem that Calinutz seems to have, that the state of the "block cursor" key is not remembered through the sleep of the remote in android, not Kodi. Or did I misinterpret it?

2 things
1. You use the block cursor key to block the "air mouse" function.
2. When right/left clicking while dragging the mouse, Kodi does not register the keypresses properly. That's why you use the block cursor key in the first place.

In Helix, you can hide the mouse cursor, but #2 is still a problem.
This commit fixes that. That means you can hide the cursor, and you can right/left click properly while moving the cursor (even if it invincible). When launching, say Chrome, from Kodi it still behaves like a normal Iar mouse. Best of both worlds, and you can just ignore the cursor lock key.
First of all guys, please don't start arguing.

After reading my own posts again, i see some of you might have gotten a little bit confused, about what i am referring to when i say cursor. I meant the actual mouse arrow, which is moved by the air mouse, and NOT the selection (highlight of menus/items) with the arrow keys. I'm not a native English speaker, and am very sorry for the confusion.

wim, if the air mouse stays blocked after the remote goes to sleep and wakes up again, it's great news. it means they fixed it, and all in all it's a great remote. Just one little ting if you could check for me: is the exclamation mark key [!] (below clapperboard key, and on top of the four squares key) send any code in RF ? Or is it a dead key?

Soli, i sometimes use the air mouse in kodi, so for me it is not the best solution to hide it (block it in kodi settings). When i need to use the airmouse, i need a quick way of enabling and disabling it.
By default, the remote always enables the airmouse after wakeup, and the air mouse cursor selects whatever it hovers upon. Which is pretty annoying. That's why I use the block airmouse cursor in the first place.
I've never come across that bug you are referring to, that's why i didn't comment anything about your post (#52).
(2015-04-04, 22:42)Soli Wrote: In Helix, you can hide the mouse cursor, but #2 is still a problem.
This commit fixes that. That means you can hide the cursor, and you can right/left click properly while moving the cursor (even if it invincible). When launching, say Chrome, from Kodi it still behaves like a normal Iar mouse. Best of both worlds, and you can just ignore the cursor lock key.


Thanks for your answer. I didn't know that. Glad it's solved in Helix.
And, we weren't argueing, wright? Thanks again.

To calinutz: I have easter family obligations today. I'll let you know as soon as possible.

Happy Easter,


The led blinks when I press the ! so it seems it does sent a ir command. No reason to think it would't sent a rf command too.


Got a moment between the easter eggs and the visits:
Keycode_unknown, scancode 240.

Thankyou Kim,

That is just brilliant !!! I want one !

Happy Easter.
No argueing hereWink (btw it's not fixed in Helix, but in Isengard)
Calinutz, ok i see your point. (And I think did understand you perfectly regarding the cursor and not only the highlighting of menu items) But I think most people would just prefer to not ever see the mouse pointer in Kodi at all, and that is possible in Isengard). You can't just disable the mouse in the normal settings because then the enter key/right click on the remote won't work since they are mapped to the mouse. (That is if I remember it correctly)

Reading this thread it seems that the cursor lock button behaves differently from version (of the remote) to version. I'd recommend mapping another button to just turn the cursor off/on inside Kodi itself and not deal with the assigned hardware cursor lock button.
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[MX3-M] 2.4GHz Fly Air Mouse Remote Control [FIX]7