Separate Music and Video Audio Settings (Analog for one and Digital output on other)?
XBox can only output 48kHz/16bit PCM stereo. It has a crap resampler in hardware. Thus we use the superior SSRC resampler and feed the hardware 48kHz so it doesn't have to do anything. The entire pathway up until conversion to 16bit/48kHz is in 32bit floats.

If you are using digital output, and have a 16bit/48kHz input sample, then what you'll get at your receiver is what is in the sample.
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Thanks Jmarshall. When I recently got a monster optical out to my Harman receiver, I was expecting a huge jump in audio quality -or maybe to relieve me of the quality that I thought were crap converters. However there is a choked aspect to the sound that still bothers me, which is why we are going back and forth. When I A-B, I have been using the digital output of my itunes and VLC to compare

Anyway, you have helped bring me closer to narrowing down some possibilities. 2 thoughts...

1. Does DAAP/itunes change the quality to suit the bandwidth or anything to that effect?

2. I brushed over some discussion about thelling SSRC to impement dither when converting. So I was curious about the possibility of other comands within SSRC that may help with the audio fidelity.

-Thanks for your patience
I am not entirely sure wheather fixed vs floating point would be an issue sonically bit here is a good article

my guess is that floating point is necessary to use the replay gaining, right?
Sorry, I just saw that flouting vs fixed is a wrong way to go

-too late here....need sleep
I found this sample conveter that has free dll's but I am not sure if it will be of any use to XBMC. r8brain is recomended by one of the top mastering engineers.
Jmarshall, are you around? What do you think about the last idea?
There's nothing there that indicates to me that it's any better than the resampler that we use. Furthermore, their resampler only works on an entire file at once (ie is useless for us).
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Is it possible to have the music library output to analog and the video library output to digital. I am not sure if you can get analog and digital off the M$ Hd adaptor at the same time or if you choose digital in setup does it shut off the analog outputs.

The reason I am asking is so I could run my music which is all lossless out to a DAC and then to a tube pre-amp and amp set-up. and then just run the video portions to my RCVR for DD DTS decoding and home theater playback.


Surely if you are running them to a DAC then you WANT digital output?
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*rolf* - gotta love those audiophiles. let me guess. the story goes somehow like this.

'i got this cool thing, its acronym is DAC. i have no clue what it is, but the guy at the shop told me you could hear a shitload of a difference. i didnt hear anything personally, but ofc i could not admit that so i bought it anyway'
jmarshall Wrote:Surely if you are running them to a DAC then you WANT digital output?

Sorry I guess my question is MUTE, yes I want to run them to a dac, I was wanting separate outputs from Music and Video that is all. I should have left the dac part out of the equation for fear of flamers.

Yes! I also know what a digital to analog convertor is and what it does. been designing and installing multi-room audio for over 15 years with crestron, ada, lutron, vantage etc...


rodercot Wrote:Sorry I guess my question is MUTE, yes I want to run them to a dac, I was wanting separate outputs from Music and Video that is all. I should have left the dac part out of the equation for fear of flamers.

Yes! I also know what a digital to analog convertor is and what it does. been designing and installing multi-room audio for over 15 years with crestron, ada, lutron, vantage etc...




I used the wrong acronym as well, I wanted the analogs on the music side for an external A to D (analog to digital) that does upsampling and jitter control then I can output to 24/192 d to a (digital to analog) and then the output stage.


then why do you make it sound like you have no clue at all? if you grab analog audio out of the xbox the whole benefit of using a (supposedly) higher quality dac is moot.

i see, you meant an adc then stuff makes sense
Moving to existing topic-thread, ...but if you are a true audiophile then you would go for a hardware solution instead, see:

That topic-thread I linked to above explains how to external hifi DAC for digital to analogue convertion in hardware.
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I still don't understand why you want analog out of the xbox just to do ADC/processing/DAC. Bypassing the DACs on the xbox is surely going to give a higher quality product to begin with.

In either case, it doesn't really matter as it appears no developer is interested in such a feature. A patch will be considered, however, as all patches are.
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Separate Music and Video Audio Settings (Analog for one and Digital output on other)?0