DVD2XBOX intergration into XBMC?
this is great! good luck! i'll be happy to make the norwegian translations once you've finished Wink
I'm the one currently maintaning the Norwegian translation. Please drop me a message if you find errors or room for improvement.
i still have the opinion to leave both apps seperated but since it's open source it's ok for me.
as most of the features already in xbmc i would also recommend to build the missing features into the file manager. i believe you could also do it in python for most of the functions Cool

so what do you really want from dvd2xbox? i would say the ability of parsing acls. what else?

however i wish weis all the best !


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(wiso @ feb. 01 2006,10:36 Wrote:i still have the opinion to leave both apps seperated but since it's open source it's ok for me.
as most of the features already in xbmc i would also recommend to build the missing features into the file manager. i believe you could also do it in python for most of the functions Cool

so what do you really want from dvd2xbox? i would say the ability of parsing acls. what else?

however i wish weis all the best !

acl parsing is very important. ripping a dvd movie/game in a friendly user environment is also another goal. then the game save manager is important as well.

wiso, i agree. i'm sort of on the fence. i am in the middle of reviewing all of xbmc's code to make heads and tails of it, and i can't decide whether to make 2 or 3 seperate libraries or just do the entire thing in python. which would be easier (i'm somewhat proficient in c++ and have never touched python in my life. i do know delphi/pascal, vb, and some java)?

any suggestions from the devs?
(weis @ feb. 02 2006,05:47 Wrote:acl parsing is very important. ripping a dvd movie/game in a friendly user environment is also another goal. then the game save manager is important as well.
acl parsing can be done in one source file. no need to produce a library.
dvd ripping could work straight out of the box. i assume this has legally aspects that this isn't activated.
the gamesave manager is also really simple just another button in my programs.
all things beside the dvd ripper could be implemented in python (dunno if there's an interface from python to libdvdcss but i guess not).
your knowledge in c++ and pascal should be easy adaptable to python.
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there´s always a gamesavemanager written in python, but i think no1 knows Wink
the name is gamma-x, here:

it has a build-in feature to download trainers from maxconsole and savegames from "xbox-savegame-manager".
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(solo0815 @ feb. 02 2006,17:14 Wrote:there´s always a gamesavemanager written in python, but i think no1 knows Wink
the name is gamma-x, here:

it has a build-in feature to download trainers from maxconsole and savegames from "xbox-savegame-manager".
i knew this already. however, it really is not a very good one...

i still haven't decided yet, so we shall see. anywho, thanks for the help!
(solo0815 @ feb. 02 2006,17:14 Wrote:there´s always a gamesavemanager written in python, but i think no1 knows Wink
the name is gamma-x, here:

it has a build-in feature to download trainers from maxconsole and savegames from "xbox-savegame-manager".

i absolutely agree. i think xbmc desperately needs a feature freeze as it's becoming a behemoth of an app. soon it'll be impossible to mantain, and that poses a risk to xbmc's med-term future. features like this can be implemented via python scripting. gamma-x, as the quicktime trailers browser are great examples of this. they can be mantained without the need of new builds of xbmc itself.

you're right weis, dvd2xbox is open source, as xbmc. maybe you should create wxbmc or something and include this ripping functionality. i wish you the best on this. if all goes well, then somebody (maybe yourself) will integrate it into 'official' xbmc. in the meantime, great care shoul be taken to what should be included or left out.

just my opinion.

wiso,feb. 01 2006,10:36 Wrote:so what do you really want from dvd2xbox? i would say the ability of parsing acls. what else?

game ripping and acl parsing are tops on my list, followed by a game manager

Quote:acl parsing is very important.  ripping a dvd movie/game in a friendly user environment is also another goal.

while i am very much in favor of the game ripping, i personally dont care about the dvd and it has been brought up that dvd ripping integration into xbmc is questionable as there maybe legal issues

Quote:or just do the entire thing in python

as an end user i would much prefer actual integraion as aposed to python scripts. after all, their should be a button in the my programs menu to click on and rip a new game to your hd. they python scripts would limit the options in the way the features could be used.

check out the best dvd editing software available: dvd remake pro
Best CD Ripper Available (better then EAC): dbpoweramp R12 reference
can xbmc play encrypted dvds straight off the harddrive/network? i dunno - i've never tried, but i don't think libdvdcss is fussy about where the files are.

if so, decss won't be an issue - just copy the files.
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well the other issue with dvd ripping is keeping up with the new across (sp?) protections, though these are only found on a small number of movies.
check out the best dvd editing software available: dvd remake pro
Best CD Ripper Available (better then EAC): dbpoweramp R12 reference
i wish you guys the best of luck as well. i believe it makes complete sense to have a proper ripping app in xbmc.

hope you guys don't mind a little constructive criticism, as i have a couple of things i'd like to point out.

the only downside i can think of for this project is the fact that if these are direct rips of a dvd, then you would require a large hdd to make real use of dvd2xbox. for dvd5 moives you would require anywhere from 2.5gb to 4.5gb of hdd space for each movie. so for a 120gb hdd, you could only fit approximately 26-27 dvd's on your hdd.

for dvd9, you would require anywhere from 4.8gb to 9gb each to store an original movie. so at approximately 6.5gb per disc, you would be able to fit about 18 dvd's on your hdd.

so either way, this setup would require you to have a decent sized hdd to make the most of this project.

to really make this project useful for all, i was hoping i could convince you to take a look at this open source project as a possible addition to your project.


this app rips dvd's to svcd, vcd, and avi formats, which in most cases each movie ranges from approximately 750mb-1.4gb depending on the quality and length of the movie. the reason i suggest looking into this app is that it really performs well on my old p3 500mhz 128mb ram pc, normally finishing a rip in about 3 hours or so, even with such a low-end pc. i'm also aware of the fact that the xbox is extrememly limited with regards to ram. dvdx has some nice options that can help with this problem. it allows you to allocate the amount of ram it uses for the rip, i generally set it to 30mb, which in turn allows you to keep your ram usage down for stability purposes. as well, you also have the option to use hdd space instead of ram. now, i'm not too familiar with what is, and what is not, possible with the xbox but if it would be possible to use your xbox hdd space instead of ram, this can help solve the xbox's low mem problem. again, i could be way off about this aspect though.

being able to convert the dvd's to a smaller format like avi files would allow you to make the most of your hdd space, and it would really allow you to grow a nice collection of movies on your xbox. at approximately 800mb per movie, you would be able to store about 150 movies, which is almost 6 times what you would get out of dvd5 rips.

just some food for thought, i'll be making some good usage out of the dvd2xbox integration so i'm happy either way!

also, if you guys need a hand with skinning your project, feel free to drop me a line in #xbmc, i'd be more then happy to help out.

good luck!
(no1cantel @ feb. 10 2006,20:06 Wrote:i wish you guys the best of luck as well. i believe it makes complete sense to have a proper ripping app in xbmc.

hope you guys don't mind a little constructive criticism, as i have a couple of things i'd like to point out.

the only downside i can think of for this project is the fact that if these are direct rips of a dvd, then you would require a large hdd to make real use of dvd2xbox. for dvd5 moives you would require anywhere from 2.5gb to 4.5gb of hdd space for each movie. so for a 120gb hdd, you could only fit approximately 26-27 dvd's on your hdd.

for dvd9, you would require anywhere from 4.8gb to 9gb each to store an original movie. so at approximately 6.5gb per disc, you would be able to fit about 18 dvd's on your hdd.

so either way, this setup would require you to have a decent sized hdd to make the most of this project.

to really make this project useful for all, i was hoping i could convince you to take a look at this open source project as a possible addition to your project.


this app rips dvd's to svcd, vcd, and avi formats, which in most cases each movie ranges from approximately 750mb-1.4gb depending on the quality and length of the movie. the reason i suggest looking into this app is that it really performs well on my old p3 500mhz 128mb ram pc, normally finishing a rip in about 3 hours or so, even with such a low-end pc. i'm also aware of the fact that the xbox is extrememly limited with regards to ram. dvdx has some nice options that can help with this problem. it allows you to allocate the amount of ram it uses for the rip, i generally set it to 30mb, which in turn allows you to keep your ram usage down for stability purposes. as well, you also have the option to use hdd space instead of ram. now, i'm not too familiar with what is, and what is not, possible with the xbox but if it would be possible to use your xbox hdd space instead of ram, this can help solve the xbox's low mem problem. again, i could be way off about this aspect though.

being able to convert the dvd's to a smaller format like avi files would allow you to make the most of your hdd space, and it would really allow you to grow a nice collection of movies on your xbox. at approximately 800mb per movie, you would be able to store about 150 movies, which is almost 6 times what you would get out of dvd5 rips.

just some food for thought, i'll be making some good usage out of the dvd2xbox integration so i'm happy either way!

also, if you guys need a hand with skinning your project, feel free to drop me a line in #xbmc, i'd be more then happy to help out.

good luck!
eh... not many use dvd2xbox for its dvd ripping capability. most use it for the ability to create game backups. therefore, that is my first aspiration. then i want to make the gui function with ripping files off of cds or dvds (very simple) instead of having to use the file manager. it just makes things prettier. after that, acl support, then dvds.

as of now, i have not started. i am in the midst of a game save manager. after that, i will get my ass on this.

in terms of your suggestion for the other app, i appreciate it, but it is not really feasable. i don't think anyone can get a rip and transcode to avi format to take less than 5/5.5 hours (and that is on crappy settings!Wink. that just is not acceptable, nor sensible. most people have more powerful pcs, and there are many ways to get the file on the xbox. therefore, just get it done on the pc and it would be more efficient.

dvdx's option to allocate ram is nice, but because the xbox can only run a single executable, i am unsure as to whether this can be implemented.

in terms of the use of hd space, that entices me. i will look into that (though the processing power to manage all the info stored and where it is stored during a transcode may outweigh any of the benefits and time efficiency gains...).

thanks for the support!
@No1CaNTeL, please respect that your suggestion/request is off-topic for this specific thread.
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weis, just wondering if this is still on the drawing board. i know that for myself and many others this is very high on the wish list and its great to see someone willing to step up and do it.
check out the best dvd editing software available: dvd remake pro
Best CD Ripper Available (better then EAC): dbpoweramp R12 reference
(crunc}{er @ feb. 24 2006,22:00 Wrote:weis, just wondering if this is still on the drawing board. i know that for myself and many others this is very high on the wish list and its great to see someone willing to step up and do it.
it's second on my coding list. i've been bogged down with so much work and lack of internet/ability to transfer stuff to the xbox. then my mce died, and i had to reinstall everything. so yeah.

basically, as of now, i am working on the game save manager. after that, i can start the dvd2xbox integ. i'm not promising anything, because i have a lot of stuff going on, but i have basic gui support for the gsm.

anywho, i appreciate the interest, and i am trying my best.



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