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@ataraxis: That's correct, atleast to my understanding of the XBMC wiki, the extra files such as images and .nfo files need to be named the same as the first part of any multi-part movie.

@terrier2006: I've just added FanartTV support for movie logo's/clearart/discart, which does include a 'lang' attribute, if TMDB added something similar, it would be a snap to include it in ViMM. Wink
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
Quote:@terrier2006: I've just added FanartTV support for movie logo's/clearart/discart, which does include a 'lang' attribute, if TMDB added something similar, it would be a snap to include it in ViMM. Wink

According to the details about API 3 the movie images section indicates if a particular language is selected then the images downloaded will match that language.


Would this work?
It would, but I'm currently using API 2.1 in XML format, since that's been the most convenient for me, i'll have to take some time to see how the new one works.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
(2012-08-17, 19:24)MariusTh86 Wrote: It would, but I'm currently using API 2.1 in XML format, since that's been the most convenient for me, i'll have to take some time to see how the new one works.

I have some experience ( a few years ago now) but let me know if I can do anything to help.
If you know how to effectively work with it in my REALstudio IDE, I'd be happy to be educated. Wink

JSON is pretty straight forward, and I can fetch it from TMDB pretty successfully, I just have to find the most efficient way to work with it using the REALStudio BASIC language.
Luckely it seems like it's got a JSON parser build-in, so that's good, now i just need to understand how this parser works. ^^

The most annoying part seems to be that everything in the new TMDB API seems to be build up in multi-pages, so for search results i might have like 5 different JSON pages, if you know a way to put everything on a single page of JSON results, it would be much appreciated. Wink
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
Just a quick thanks for a fantastic media manager for OS X. Thank you for all the hard work you've put into it.

I have a few problems that I'd like to pass on (running ViMediaManager v0.6α3/

- When doing a manual search for metadata, if only one title is returned, I can not select it, and continue. The selection isn't clickable. So I have to be more generic when I search.

- When the movie has more then one part (<name>-Part1, <name>-Part2, etc) is it possible to invoke that naming system so files can "stack"? Smile

- Is it possible to select more then one selection at a time to download trailers? That'd be super Smile

Otherwise this alpha is pretty stable, just a few random RealStudio crashes now and then when dealing with metadata... Otherwise super happy and truely appreciate it. Big Grin
I got similar issues than others:

- existing .nfo files are simply ignored. I would guess this has something to do with line breaking in text files (Unix, Windows or Mac?)
- the handling of Realbasic Pathnames is stored in "Mac Syntax" i.e. homeConfusedubfolder, this causes problems with the path to my NAS mounted on /Volumes/NAS_Root/movies. I can enter this path but its noted in the prefs as NAS_Root:movies and cannot be found.

Even after correcting the path issue the SW only finds *one* movie in my folder. Actually there should be around 40....
Heyaloa Artiss, glad to have another enthusiastic ViMM user. ^^

- I've completely redone the manual search window for the next release, so let me know again by then if it's still giving you troubles. Wink

- I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "stack"?
Currently I believe it's leaving the 'part#' part alone, while still being able to rename the file name if you've set the rename string to something like 'title (year)'.

- For the next release, I'm also completley redoing the way ViMM downloads information, and while I'm at it, I'm probably going to add Automagic Trailer downloading while scraping for information, in the same fashion that it's currently autodownloading poster and fanart files, by then you may also be able to 'update metadata' through the File menu, which will update all the available information, downloading missing images, and trailers if you have the option selected, i believe this should make do for downloading trailers for all your movies at the same time, which is probably what you want. Wink

And @Haegar33:
- I believe I've made a little change that helped ViMM recognize valid XML file, as long as the first 10 characters contain "<?xml", but I'm not sure weather this is in the 0.6a3 release, or the one I'm currently working on, but I'm pretty sure that i released a 'nightly' a little earlier in the thread that should contain the fix, if you find it, let me know if it helped. Wink

- I'll take a closer look at the path names, I'm not sure about how you manage your movies, so in the mean time make sure that each movie is inside a folder inside the root folder if you want them to show up in ViMM.
So something like:

- Movies
- - Title
- - - MovieFile.ext
- - - MovieFile.nfo
- - - MovieFile.etc...
- - Title
- - - MovieFile.ext
- - - MovieFile.nfo
- - - MovieFile.etc...
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
For the Path issue that might be a special problem on my side. I got 2 mount points called "Video" which translates to /Volume/video-1 for the 2.mount. This cannot be separated on Finder level. Thus not a general problem.

For the movie section I was not aware that a flat structure is not supported. I all got my movies in one folder which is ok for XBMC.
Anyway even for this "wrong" flat structure I would assume that existing .nfo files should be detected..?

For the latest build 0.6alpha3 thinks are unfortunately even worser. Now no movie is recognized, the TV.Show section is grayed out even though there is a path defined..

This is on OSX 10.6.8 with a MacPro.

Good luck, nevertheless a promising start!
(2012-08-22, 21:59)MariusTh86 Wrote: - I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "stack"?
Currently I believe it's leaving the 'part#' part alone, while still being able to rename the file name if you've set the rename string to something like 'title (year)'.

Sorry if I wasn't making sense. When I wrote this morning I was doing a bunch of things at the same time Smile

Example. Lets say I have a movie that was set up like:

- Movies
- - Title of cool movie
- - - MovieFile-Part1.avi
- - - MovieFile-Part2.avi

I did the batch rename, fetch metadata and fingers crossed Smile and now have:

- Movies
- - Title_of_Cool_Movie_(2012)
- - - Title_of_Cool_Movie_(2012).avi
- - - MovieFile-Part2.avi
- - - poster.jpg
- - - fanart.jpg
- - - Title_of_Cool_Movie_(2012).nfo

Now when I scan / refresh my movie directory, the above title would become grey because the MovieFile-Part2.avi isn't known.

So when I say stack, I want the files to be Title_of_Cool_Movie_(2012)-Part1.avi, Title_of_Cool_Movie_(2012)-Part2.avi, etc... That way in folder view (xbmc) it lists one file, or in library view, it doesn't duplicate files?

Possibly I am screwed up with my setting then in xbmc?

Thanks for the update on the trailer downloads - cool!

Not fishing for a thx - but sent you some beer money or whatnot Smile Thanks for the time invested.

Looking forward to next alpha release too.

The TV section in the alpha is actually not build just yet, so that's why it's grayed out, I'm sorry it's been causing so much confusion for everyone. ^^;

The flat structure is allowed by XBMC, but when I build ViMM, i was afraid that the extra filenaming might go bad. (if the filename for posters was set to 'poster.jpg', it would be overwritten too easily, and ViMM has an easier time knowing which files belong to which movie if they're all in folders.

Ok, so obviously it should have left the 'part' alone, but I think I forgot to include a '-'part recognizer in my filter, just for information, it would have worked for ".part.."/"(part.."/"[part.." and " (1)" " (2)", and same with 'cd' & 'disc'.
I'll add "-" right away, and for security, i'll also add a "_" while I'm at it. Wink
You'll have to let me know if it works properly in the next release. ^^
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
You rock. Smile

So is it to my advantage to now manually edit the file names, or would a batch rename possibly fix that... Hmmmmm
Since it's currently broken your files, I'm afraid you'll have to manually fix it, and not touch the batch renamer until the next release, or unless you renamed your files to aforementioned possible formats. Wink
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
Thank you very much for the effort put into this app! Much appreciated!
You're very welcome! and stay tuned to what is yet to come! Wink
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