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v21 fTV
Similar Movies = The MovieDB
Similar TV Shows = Trakt.tv
Actually give this a try and let me know the results -

    <variable name="SimilarVideos">
        <value condition="[Container.Content(tvshows) | Container.Content(episodes)] + !IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(TVShowID))">plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=similartvshows&amp;&amp;dbid=$INFO[Window(home).Property(TVShowID)]</value>
        <value condition="Container.Content(movies) + !IsEmpty(ListItem.DBID)">plugin://script.extendedinfo?info=similarmovies&amp;&amp;dbid=$INFO[ListItem.DBID]</value>

works fine for movies and tv shows. however, it takes quite long to load the similar movies. maybe try another provider if there is one? trakt seems quiet slow, or is it just me?
(2015-05-24, 19:04)dimaceti Wrote: works fine for movies and tv shows. however, it takes quite long to load the similar movies. maybe try another provider if there is one? trakt seems quiet slow, or is it just me?

(2015-05-24, 17:59)Hitcher Wrote: Similar Movies = The MovieDB
Similar TV Shows = Trakt.tv
Beta is working great for me! Thanks for the new additions.

Couple of suggestions/thoughts:

1. When viewing Season in poster view, it does not tell you the season number in text form anywhere. You have to rely on the poster image, which is not always easily readable if the text is blurry or small on the image. How about tweaking the label at the bottom next to the plot so it says "Show Title - Season Number", followed by the plot. Below is an example of how they do it in some places in the official AFTV ui.

I don't think this is needed for wide thumb view in the actual skin since we have extra text overlay on the thumb, but could do with it in poster view.


2. This one I think you will probably not be up for, which I totally appreciate, but thought I would suggest it. Some addons really are best used in standard list view. They can be difficult to navigate with horizontal icon/thumb views if they have really long item titles. What do you reckon about adapting the song list view, which is a nice and clean list form, so that it can also be used for addons? Can maybe have an option in View Option to toggle between the views. I might give this a crack myself if you feel beyond your plans for the skin, but as I say, I thought I would ask Big Grin

sorry my bad Blush

Anyways... Similar Titles for tv shows show up in an instant. But when I then switch to a movie it takes quite some time to update. Can you reproduce that, or should I be worried about my internet connection?
(2015-05-24, 19:38)eskay993 Wrote: 1. When viewing Season in poster view, it does not tell you the season number in text form anywhere. You have to rely on the poster image, which is not always easily readable if the text is blurry or small on the image. How about tweaking the label at the bottom next to the plot so it says "Show Title - Season Number", followed by the plot. Below is an example of how they do it in some places in the official AFTV ui.

Done -


Not sure how I missed that one actually. Tongue
Support 14.0 On Android? :S
@Hitcher: Many thanks for moving the strings into the language file. I prepared a first draft of a German language file (strings.po), which is generally based on the German translation of the confluence skin and was completed where necessary, but I tried to meet the length of the original strings, which - however - was not always possible. So some German strings are not fitting into the respective boxes just like expected in an earlier post. Since I do not know how to attach 'strings.po' to a post, send me a PM if someone is interested in testing the draft German translation.

However, it seems as if not yet all strings have been moved, e.g. "Watch Now" in the detailed view of a film or "TV Show Information" as well as the explanation/help entries of the Skin-Options on the right side of the menu
OK, all strings should be done now.


Could you post some screenshots of where the text doesn't fit please.
(2015-05-24, 23:51)Hitcher Wrote: OK, all strings should be done now.


Could you post some screenshots of where the text doesn't fit please.

There's no support for 14.0?
I just can't find a download link on the script tool page. That's the only reason I think the beta won't work. Sorted through this thread but didn't see an answer. Any help please?
In the mean time I'll keep looking...
(2015-05-25, 00:53)Route6 Wrote: I just can't find a download link on the script tool page. That's the only reason I think the beta won't work. Sorted through this thread but didn't see an answer. Any help please?
In the mean time I'll keep looking...

what are you looking for?
(2015-05-25, 01:03)Edworld Wrote:
(2015-05-25, 00:53)Route6 Wrote: I just can't find a download link on the script tool page. That's the only reason I think the beta won't work. Sorted through this thread but didn't see an answer. Any help please?
In the mean time I'll keep looking...

what are you looking for?

Never mind. I had a bout with idiocy but it's over. Hitcher posted the link. Guess I was a little too excited to get this running
No wait...yes. I'm having the same issue. The github page for scripttoolbox doesn't seem to have a download zip option. How do I get it? When I try to install beta it says the file doesn't have the correct structure. Is this error consistent with not having toolbox? I'm almost certain I had it before but removed my other skins when I started using ftv.
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