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Ember Media Manager - Revisited (Open Source VB.NET Project)
Hi all,

I just tried "Emm-tr 2420" and I can't seem to get any ratings in my movies. I am scannig German movies, I'm using the native scraper, checked the boxes for rating but neither do I find the full rating e.g. "Germany:18" nor just the number (tried with and without this option).

Could anyone please give me some heads-up on how to fix this?

Hmm after the update no Metadata appear anymore. Help! Please.

daniello Wrote:Hi all,

I just tried "Emm-tr 2420" and I can't seem to get any ratings in my movies. I am scannig German movies, I'm using the native scraper, checked the boxes for rating but neither do I find the full rating e.g. "Germany:18" nor just the number (tried with and without this option).

Could anyone please give me some heads-up on how to fix this?

Hmm after the update no Metadata appear anymore. Help! Please.



Sorry if it does not work as it shuld, I just followd the way to do it on page 73.
Try the other from toddy, if that works, then it is something wrong with my compile. And I will remove the file.
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
pettergulbra Wrote:Hi

Sorry if it does not work as it shuld, I just followd the way to do it on page 73.
Try the other from toddy, if that works, then it is something wrong with my compile. And I will remove the file.

Originally I tried Toddy's file - now I tried yours and things seem to work well (as far as I could tell so far).

The rating issue I mentioned above is a general thing it seems. No version I tried has extracted the german rating info for me.

Ok, thats good. Thanks
Petter :-)
Many thanks for all the effort YOU all do! THANKS! :-)
nVidia Shield TV (2015), Samsung QE75Q70R and Yamaha RX-V767
Hi all! I've just signed up because I am sick of EMM-R crashing on me and so I thought I would try and do something about it! Never done any VB programming tho!

The first bug I found was in the web server module. Visiting some web sites in IE would cause EMM to crash (substring function being passed in a negative index) and/or stop a website from loading (such as http://thetvdb.com/). So in short, if people are having issues, try switching off the web server which seems to be enabled by default!
Caustic Wrote:Hi all! I've just signed up because I am sick of EMM-R crashing on me and so I thought I would try and do something about it! Never done any VB programming tho!

The first bug I found was in the web server module. Visiting some web sites in IE would cause EMM to crash (substring function being passed in a negative index) and/or stop a website from loading (such as http://thetvdb.com/). So in short, if people are having issues, try switching off the web server which seems to be enabled by default!

You should registered here and report there.

However I think that bug has been reported http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/emm-r/ticket/14
KiSUAN Wrote:You should registered here and report there.

However I think that bug has been reported http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/emm-r/ticket/14

Yup, that looks like it! When I figure out how to do it, I'll check my fix in. I've just stumbled accross another crash and trying to figure that one out. So, hopefully, I can nail that one as well. I'll have to dig through the bug DB.

Cheers for the heads up.
wow .. I really have a neat library now .. all archived with ember .. each folder has


nice .. BUT .. xbmc doesn't see anythig of those files.

When I am in directory mode only the cover bitmap is displayed .. I don't know which of this files is used but one is used for sure. Nothing else is displayed .. "film information" doesn't show anything.

When I set to database mode I expect XBMC to take what it get's from those files and try to scape what it doesn't find from the internet. I'd even live with xbmc just using the information from the aformentioned file but if it wants to scape more I can live with it. BUT XBMC doen't use my files anyway - it scrapes from scratch .. which I notice because a) it takes a while 'til a movie is scraped and b) XBMC doesn't show the plot even though there is a plot in ember's movie.nfo file.

I assume that the file names are not what XBMC wants. I looked for instructions on the net but got varying information. My tests - manually to rename the files and see if XBMC uses them - failed.

BTW I renamed all folder with ember to reflect the scraped movie names - the movie files themselves have differing names.

Please help!
Everytime I try to run the program from within Visual Basic I now get "The type initializer for 'EmberAPI.Master' threw an exception." Nothing I do seems to get rid of this and I haven't changed anything since it was working?!?

Any ideas?
daniello Wrote:wow .. I really have a neat library now .. all archived with ember .. each folder has


nice .. BUT .. xbmc doesn't see anythig of those files.

When I am in directory mode only the cover bitmap is displayed .. I don't know which of this files is used but one is used for sure. Nothing else is displayed .. "film information" doesn't show anything.

When I set to database mode I expect XBMC to take what it get's from those files and try to scape what it doesn't find from the internet. I'd even live with xbmc just using the information from the aformentioned file but if it wants to scape more I can live with it. BUT XBMC doen't use my files anyway - it scrapes from scratch .. which I notice because a) it takes a while 'til a movie is scraped and b) XBMC doesn't show the plot even though there is a plot in ember's movie.nfo file.

I assume that the file names are not what XBMC wants. I looked for instructions on the net but got varying information. My tests - manually to rename the files and see if XBMC uses them - failed.

BTW I renamed all folder with ember to reflect the scraped movie names - the movie files themselves have differing names.

Please help!

Directory mode? You mean Video or File mode? In Video mode there is no other information beside the cover and file name. You won't see plot or anything else.

In Library mode or Movies you can see all the info that's scraped. If you don't see it, just delete this files:

Go to X:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Database and delete MyVideos34.db & Textures.db.

Caustic Wrote:Everytime I try to run the program from within Visual Basic I now get "The type initializer for 'EmberAPI.Master' threw an exception." Nothing I do seems to get rid of this and I haven't changed anything since it was working?!?

Any ideas?

Sorry man, never had a problem with EMM or EMM-R that wasn't related to an external problem, being that me fucking up with file names or so or another config problem.
KiSUAN Wrote:Sorry man, never had a problem with EMM or EMM-R that wasn't related to an external problem, being that me fucking up with file names or so or another config problem.

Just sorted it! I have no idea what the issue is but I made a new folder for EMM and got everything from SVN again. That didn't quite work until I made a release build, ran the batch files and then tried a debug build. Finally got it working again. I have no idea why, but you MUST do a release build first!
Is it possible to configure emm to add episode and poster thumb id's within an nfo. I know it currently does this for actor thumbs but im using a media software that will only use the thumb id and not the tbn or jpg file.
KiSUAN Wrote:Directory mode? You mean Video or File mode? In Video mode there is no other information beside the cover and file name. You won't see plot or anything else.

In Library mode or Movies you can see all the info that's scraped. If you don't see it, just delete this files:

Go to X:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata\Database and delete MyVideos34.db & Textures.db.

Ok .. no plot in Video mode (I guess this is the mode where you see the directory structure on the hard disk) - thanks for this information.

I did delete MyVideos34.db but not Textures.db. Nevertheless I want the local files to be used as source pior to scraping missing information. Or I just want XBMC to use the local files (to fill it's db). It must be possible .. otherwise I don't understand why Ember should be "XBMC compatible".
daniello Wrote:Ok .. no plot in Video mode (I guess this is the mode where you see the directory structure on the hard disk) - thanks for this information.

I did delete MyVideos34.db but not Textures.db. Nevertheless I want the local files to be used as source pior to scraping missing information. Or I just want XBMC to use the local files (to fill it's db). It must be possible .. otherwise I don't understand why Ember should be "XBMC compatible".

Remove your source and re-add it. Also If your folder are setup like this:


etc.. you have to enable Scan Recursively otherwise the NFO is ignored. I don't know why it's like that but I read it on here.

Also if you have watched flags set or use playcount removing and adding the source should keep these intact. It did for me and I read on the forums somewhere that it should.
smiffy1989 Wrote:Remove your source and re-add it. Also If your folder are setup like this:


etc.. you have to enable Scan Recursively otherwise the NFO is ignored. I don't know why it's like that but I read it on here.

Also if you have watched flags set or use playcount removing and adding the source should keep these intact. It did for me and I read on the forums somewhere that it should.

Actually I did exactly as you say.
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Ember Media Manager - Revisited (Open Source VB.NET Project)13