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TMDB Movie Scraper not working
3.8.2 is also not working completely for me:
Here I have placed a new Movie in my Anime Folder, named as seen on
But there are more Anime Movies, which have been scraped successfully before Version 3.8.2

Thanks for the help Blush
Hi everyone !
I have 3.8.2 version also, and everything works fine except for the language (fr in my case).
All Scrapers appears in English !
Any idea ?
Something is wrong with TMDB 3.8.2 some Posters and Fanarts are missing.

JESSABELLE --> No Poster only Fanart
AT THE DEVIL'S DOOR --> No Poster only Fanart

And more........
Hi again, everything is okay, I've made a mistake in parameters !
(2015-05-31, 16:58)Misanthrop Wrote: I've still got some movies which have been correctly scraped a week ago but cannot be scraped with the current version of tmdb.
I'd guess, this happens if (at least) the field "overview" returns null.


Doesn't work:

{"page":1,"results":[{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/cUCyPzdNZuRtKCtWHbqtZ0sghm6.jpg","genre_ids":[99],"id":36124,"original_language":"en","original_title":"Until the Light Takes Us","overview":null,"release_date":"2008-01-01","poster_path":"/k4xeoQnG6bTe4LZNm9fgZMOVUBG.jpg","popularity":1.000766,"title":"Until the Light Takes Us","video":false,"vote_average":6.2,"vote_count":6}],"total_pages":1,"total_results":1}

Doesn't work:

{"page":1,"results":[{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/yanQNUnIvSFbDOiXfEYEyfs377W.jpg","genre_ids":[10749,35,80,18],"id":32689,"original_language":"fr","original_title":"Prénom Carmen","overview":null,"release_date":"1983-09-04","poster_path":"/dWtwyMi5o2bXholFiS4sYPOJX9Z.jpg","popularity":1.007808,"title":"Vorname Carmen","video":false,"vote_average":6.7,"vote_count":3}],"total_pages":1,"total_results":1}

Doesn't work:

{"page":1,"results":[{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/w64FhAACPQiG6pIopUiKmp0Dv0j.jpg","genre_ids":[14,18],"id":58129,"original_language":"sv","original_title":"Körkarlen","overview":null,"release_date":"1921-01-01","poster_path":"/ryip0VsBq6g9fodMKTvJChRLeGY.jpg","popularity":1.090562,"title":"Der Fuhrmann des Todes","video":false,"vote_average":6.7,"vote_count":11}],"total_pages":1,"total_results":1}

I could imagine that the problem is caused by missing quotes if a "null" field is returned.

Kind regards,

NICE catch!!! Fixed in v3.8.3.
I recommend to wait for the new version auto-updating itself instead of trying to hack around with downloading and applying the zip file directly.
Dear Olympia

Sorry but still facing same issue with TMDB 3.8.3, some posters are missing

JESSABELLE --> No Poster only Fanart
AT THE DEVIL'S DOOR --> No Poster only Fanart
...this is not due to an issue with the scraper and absolutley nothing to do with the current API changes.

Please also note that I am not providing support here, so better to address your personal issue to the public instead of me...
I think this is affecting the concerts scraperhttp://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=112150

What would be the change I have to make? I could implement it and upload a new zip.
It would be awesome if someone could update and upload the tmdbconcerts plugin accordingly.
(2015-05-31, 17:02)Bl00dShed Wrote: 3.8.2 is also not working completely for me:
Here I have placed a new Movie in my Anime Folder, named as seen on
But there are more Anime Movies, which have been scraped successfully before Version 3.8.2

Thanks for the help Blush

Version 3.8.3 is working fine for me. Thanks!
Please confirm whether TMDB 3.8.3 still working?
Glad to have found this post, I've been wondering why my recent movie additions were not getting scraped.

I'm on a Xios XS, which uses the TOFU Media Center. It still uses TMDB scraper v3.7.5 and won't let me update it (the option is greyed out). I tried installing 3.8.2 from a zip file, but I get the error message "Dependancies Not Met. Please contact Add-on author."

Any advice? (Other than to buy a new media box, which I'm getting close to doing...)
(2015-06-06, 19:40)Renns Wrote: Glad to have found this post, I've been wondering why my recent movie additions were not getting scraped.

I'm on a Xios XS, which uses the TOFU Media Center. It still uses TMDB scraper v3.7.5 and won't let me update it (the option is greyed out). I tried installing 3.8.2 from a zip file, but I get the error message "Dependancies Not Met. Please contact Add-on author."

Any advice? (Other than to buy a new media box, which I'm getting close to doing...)

Please ask in the pivos forums.
Always read the online manual (wiki), FAQ (wiki) and search the forum before posting.
Do not PM or e-mail Team-Kodi members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules (wiki).
Please read the pages on troubleshooting (wiki) and bug reporting (wiki) before reporting issues.
(2015-06-06, 19:41)mkortstiege Wrote: Please ask in the pivos forums.

I've searched there for related topics, but found nothing. Generally, I find that forum to be pretty useless. But I'll try there again...

(I think I'll be ordering a Chrome Box this week,,,)
Just to inform you that Tmdb 3.8.3 stopped working on Prismcube box
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TMDB Movie Scraper not working5