2019-12-27, 13:56
(2019-12-26, 21:52)shedrock Wrote:(2019-12-26, 20:59)hoschilo Wrote: running pkscouts latest artisitlideshow on Silvio's latest GitHub version - so far so good running well but I noticed that in musicvisualisation two slide shows are running at the same time. One is pkscouts artistsslideshow and the other seems to be be random fanart. Any idea on this?I am also using the skin with AS Beta 7 and I confirm that it is indeed an issue.
I have deleted the lines 87-94 and ghost fanart has disappeard. Sorry I'm not a programmer so please make sure to backup the file when you try and I have no idea what else will be not working ;-).
I'm sure experienced programer or skinner will find the real issue
<control type="multiimage" id="90300">
<include condition="Skin.HasSetting(Enable.AnimatedBackgrounds)">AnimatedBackgroundAnimation</include>
<imagepath background="true">$VAR[VizBackgroundVar]</imagepath>
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="20" time="0" condition="![String.IsEqual(Visualisation.Name,waveform) | String.Contains(Visualisation.Name,spectrum) | String.IsEmpty(Visualisation.Name)] + !Skin.HasSetting(HideVisualizationFanart)">Conditional</animation>