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AutoMovies - (Fully) Automatic movie downloader
Strange. Mine is


so it shouldn't be that causing the error.
Can you search directly from "add movie" or do you need to enter the IMDB id for it to work?
Ignore me Smile
Lunatixz Wrote:Pretty cool, but I was wondering if there is a command to keep the console and webpage from loading on start...

Not yet, but will be adding that option soon...

indy5 Wrote:Can you search directly from "add movie" or do you need to enter the IMDB id for it to work?

For now, you have to enter the IMDB id, although adding a search there wouldn't be much work (it's already in the 'library import' feature).
When will this program be able to run on MAC OS X? I have been having issues with CouchPotato lately and I would love to have an app that does what this does Smile
I love my Mac Mini :;):
UnisonRuss Wrote:When will this program be able to run on MAC OS X? I have been having issues with CouchPotato lately and I would love to have an app that does what this does Smile

Go ahead and give it a shot! You'll just need to make Mac-specific scripts similar to AutoMovies.bat and Renamer.bat. Also, you won't be able to use the NFO generation or multi-video combining features until I make a couple changes, but everything else should work (assuming you have Java 1.6+). Take a look at page 7 for some 'release notes' Wink
turok Wrote:The slashes are added in the saving process and are completely normal. The config works with or without a slash there. Here's what mine looks like:

@getafix, j1nx is right -- this is an early release and although I'm planning on getting some detailed setup instructions together soon, the most details you'll find right now are on pages 1 and 7.

Thanks guys, I will peruse through the pages. Also my ISP throttles heavily on certain ports, so I am sure this wouldn't work for me in any case.
Some first impressions:
For every movie in my folder it duplicates when it has a trailer in the same folder. Could you ignore files with trailer in the name?

It also doubles for cd1 cd2 movies. (so in worst case a movie is listed three times).
Never mind, it only doubles in the importscreen, not when it's imported to the home-screen.

I have to choose an quality when importing a folder, so all files imported from that folder get the same quality. This could be guessed by filenames or filesize (i do not rename, so r5, dvdrip, brrip, is still available). Could you make this optional?

3. Are you planning on nfo-editing? When in a different language, like dutch for example, it would be great, especially for childrens movies, to edit nfo's by hand, as dutch titles mismatch a lot on imdb.

4. Multiple scraper support? Scraping in once own language would be nice. Could save a lot of work if we could import xbmc-scrapers into this app.
Mar2zz Wrote:2.
I have to choose an quality when importing a folder, so all files imported from that folder get the same quality. This could be guessed by filenames or filesize (i do not rename, so r5, dvdrip, brrip, is still available). Could you make this optional?

You can also use ffmpeg to analyse the file quickly. Based on resolution and bitrate, you can classify the quality.
lost my movies... Sad

found this in log: deleting [F:\Movies] because it's an older version of this movie

did i have the directory wrong for my movie folder?
derekft Wrote:lost my movies... Sad

found this in log: deleting [F:\Movies] because it's an older version of this movie

did i have the directory wrong for my movie folder?

@derekft, that's terrible... what do you have your movie directory+filename set to? It needs to have the directory and the filename, like this:
S:\Movies\Movies (New)\$namethe ($year) - [$quality]\$thename ($year).$ext
I just added a check (in the post-processor) to make sure it's not a directory, but we probably need to add some checks in the web application as well so we don't allow invalid settings to be saved.

By the way, for the curious, here's the deletion logic:
1) If the "replace worse qualities" option is checked, we construct a "movie filename" for each quality in this movie's quality profile. If this download's quality is "better" (as defined by the profile) than the quality being compared, we delete the "movie filename" that was constructed. This is why the "movie directory/filename" setting should be the *entire* renaming string of your movies (not just the library folder -- otherwise, how would we know what to call the file?).
2) If you import your library (for upgrades), we make note of the original filename for the movie. Then, when a download for this movie completes, we remove the original file, along with any files in the same directory that have the *exact same* file name (excluding extensions), or equals "movie", "movie-trailer", "movie-fanart", "thumbs", or is the original filename + "-trailer" or "-fanart".

As some advice to others, I would definitely use a separate movie folder to start with (if your setup allows it), until you're comfortable with the way things are working.
Support for Newznab providers has been added and tested. You can add any number of Newznab providers, and order them any way you want. I'll probably be putting an updated version out in a couple days.

In case anyone is having trouble re-arranging rows in grids, see this example:

... the only difference is that my grids don't have the checkboxes on the left (just a blank area), but the same concept applies.

Hello, nice app!

Is there a way to 'downgrade' a movie?

Once I have watched a 1080p movie, XBMC flags it as 'watched', can AutoMovie see that and download a lower res version of the movie?
hey there, looks great but is there anyway to select movies from imdb from within xbmc, im trying to make this as easy as i can for my wife, is there and add ons that i can access it with maybe? Im still kinda new to the whole scene but im learning quick lol. Also does anyone know of a tvshow downloader like sickbeard that i can use through xbmc, would be kinda nice to be able to pick a show, season or episode you want and have it download it for you from your prefered site. Anyway ill definatly play with this for now
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AutoMovies - (Fully) Automatic movie downloader3