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[RELEASE] cdART Manager Script
I use TagScanner. Open an mp3 and drag the cover in.
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Well the issue arises for me because I have some media devices that won't read "folder.jpg" files but instead have their own preference for what file name they read for in-folder album art. However, those same devices WILL read an mp3 with embedded album art. So that's why I asked the question.

I assumed that MediaMonkey's art view was reporting the files "as-is", and since the cdart.png files as well as folder.jpg files also show up in the art list, I assumed these had been linked by the cdART plugin. I made the same assumption about MBID's. Both in error.

There is a MusicBrainz tagger script made by a MediaMonkey community member, which is called MusicBrainz Tagger NGS, and this is a far easier alternative to Picard (in my view). It also embeds MBID's / AcoustID's into the files too if i'm not mistaken. BUT, it doesn't get over the issue of mismatched art. And another issue is, in previous versions of MediaMonkey, when tagging a file, the folder.jpg would be directly overwritten if you chose to create those files. Now it attempts to create a new file called <albumname>.thm in the folder if ANY art exists at all, be it JPG or PNG format. A step backwards. And there's no option to change this behaviour globally. You can edit the file name on a per-tagging basis, but it won't "stick" for subesquent runs.

What I was looking at, going forwards, was the the possibility of using Tag&Rename to remove all embedded art from all files and use it's tools -> copy folder.jpg to tag function for all albums where cdART has downloaded a superior copy. But this will also be time consuming n 14,900 tracks lol.

I will check out Martijn's suggestion too. I may just leave it as is. Less than desirable, but also a lot less time spent faffing around. I've already spent more time trying to standardize my naming conventions and tagging than is healthy.

(2012-08-22, 21:41)gibxxi Wrote: I will check out Martijn's suggestion too. I may just leave it as is. Less than desirable, but also a lot less time spent faffing around. I've already spent more time trying to standardize my naming conventions and tagging than is healthy.


After I have done the ID3 info I use Tagscanner to embed the covers and also to rename the files to 'my' standard. Just set up the way you want it. Drag all your files in and hit rename Smile
Well you already did this so no point in doing that anymore however i did this in one go for my ~25000 MP3 and worked great Big Grin
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One thing I did do, which I think is a wise decision if your in a similar situation to me, is categorize my audio-media by subfolder. So i've now got a main "audio" folder, and subfolders for each type of music/audio i have. e.g: "Game Soundtracks", "Internet Artists", "Radio Shows", Film Soundtracks", "Regular Albums", etc, etc. It won't affect how cdART functions atm, because if i'm not mistaken, cdART attempts to process anything added to the library. But it does help when using 3rd party programs and tagging apps, so that said program isn't attempting to load EVERYTHING from the start, a lot of which you may not want it to process anyway.

If cdART was able to skip / exclude folders that it will never find matches for, this would reduce the processing time considerably. i.e: Trying to find MBID's for artists that will never be on MusicBrainz in a thousand years. But this is a wish on my part, not a gripe.

You can add artists by yourself on MusicBrainz because it is an open community. It's not that straight forward but I will make a guide someday to help others contribute there as well.

Besides that when XBMC12.0 Frodo will be released everything will be way way more easy for cdArt Manager
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(2012-08-22, 22:04)Martijn Wrote: You can add artists by yourself on MusicBrainz because it is an open community. It's not that straight forward but I will make a guide someday to help others contribute there as well.

Besides that when XBMC12.0 Frodo will be released everything will be way way more easy for cdArt Manager

Yep. And I would probably be totally up for doing such a thing once time permits. Smile

I said to my best mate I thought i had a "large" music collection at 14,000 tracks. He just laughed at me. lol. Wink

although some of my questions have been probably been covered in one or another way, I'd still like to ask them for the current cdart-Manager-version.

I am using several music folders on different hard drives. Therefore, I'm using a meta-folder in cdart-manager placed on my local HTPC-SSD. The problem with this solution: It only stores the artist-specific files, like fanarts or thumbs, but the album-specific files, like cdart or album covers, aren't stored. On the other hand, even if I enter the actual music folder as the folder in cdart-manager, it still creates folders for artists like AC/DC besides the ACDC-folder, which already exists (the folders where the MP3s in the album folders are stored). This is of course no problem when using a local folder for fanarts, but within the actual music collection, this is quite confusing.
Is there some way to avoid this, which I have overlooked? Or would it be possible to select different sources for fanarts, thumbs and so on on the one hand and actual music-collection-folders, where the cdarts and album covers shall be stored?

// Edit: cdart-Manager-version:2.6.5, XBMC-Version: Eden
(2012-08-27, 13:38)MrShique Wrote: Hi,

although some of my questions have been probably been covered in one or another way, I'd still like to ask them for the current cdart-Manager-version.

I am using several music folders on different hard drives. Therefore, I'm using a meta-folder in cdart-manager placed on my local HTPC-SSD. The problem with this solution: It only stores the artist-specific files, like fanarts or thumbs, but the album-specific files, like cdart or album covers, aren't stored. On the other hand, even if I enter the actual music folder as the folder in cdart-manager, it still creates folders for artists like AC/DC besides the ACDC-folder, which already exists (the folders where the MP3s in the album folders are stored). This is of course no problem when using a local folder for fanarts, but within the actual music collection, this is quite confusing.
Is there some way to avoid this, which I have overlooked? Or would it be possible to select different sources for fanarts, thumbs and so on on the one hand and actual music-collection-folders, where the cdarts and album covers shall be stored?

// Edit: cdart-Manager-version:2.6.5, XBMC-Version: Eden

The 'path to Music Library' setting path is only used for Fanarts(extrafanarts) and Artist Thumbs. This is because XBMC does not have a path for these items directly. For cdARTs and Covers, the path is easily calculated.

The reason the script creates an AC/DC folder(actually two, AC then DC inside) is because how the forward slash '/' is handled. When a skin looks for the artist AC/DC(and it looks by name, not ACDC) it supplies XBMC the path 'path to music library'/AC/DC/fanart.jpg. I made the script follow how skins worked. This won't be necessary in the next Release of XBMC(Frodo) as they will provide a method for 'Non-Official' Artwork for addons to store in the library.

Hi giftie,

I don't believe the question in the quote below from gbxxi has been answered. I'm seeing the same behaviour, is there a fix other than the obvious one to remove any commas from album names? Thanks.

(2012-03-08, 12:25)gibxxi Wrote: Don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but it seems that during database building, cdART chokes on any album names containing commas. I see the popup dialog appear with text up to the place where the comma exists (all subsequent text missing) and the standard cdART logo is replaced with an exclamation mark sign, telling me it's not happy with those album names.

cdart manager 2.7.1 reports that the xbmc music database is missing when using the latest nightly...

11:25:10 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - Addon Work Folder Found, Checking For Database
11:25:10 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - Addon Db not found, Must Be First Run
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: ascii
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - ############################################################
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    cdART Manager                                         #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #        gui.py module                                     #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    script.cdartmanager                                   #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    Giftie                                                #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    2.7.1                                                 #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    Ppic, Reaven, Imaginos, redje, Jair,                  #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    Chaos_666, Magnatism, Kode                            #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - #    Thanks for the help...                                #
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - ############################################################
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - # Setting up Script
11:25:11 T:5744  NOTICE: [script.cdartmanager] - Addon Db Not Found - Building New Addon Db
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:   File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\json_utils.py", line 26, in retrieve_json_dict
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:     result = response['result']
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: KeyError: 'result'
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - JSONRPC -
                                            {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'error': {'message': 'Invalid params.', 'code': -32602, 'data': {'message': 'Too many parameters', 'method': 'AudioLibrary.GetSongs', 'stack': {'property': {'type': 'string', 'name': 'order'}, 'type': 'object', 'name': 'sort'}}}}
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - Error trying to get json response
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:   File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\json_utils.py", line 26, in retrieve_json_dict
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:     result = response['result']
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: KeyError: 'result'
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - JSONRPC -
                                            {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'error': {'message': 'Invalid params.', 'code': -32602, 'data': {'message': 'Too many parameters', 'method': 'AudioLibrary.GetSongs', 'stack': {'property': {'type': 'string', 'name': 'order'}, 'type': 'object', 'name': 'sort'}}}}
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - Error trying to get json response
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:   File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\json_utils.py", line 26, in retrieve_json_dict
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:     result = response['result']
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: KeyError: 'result'
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - JSONRPC -
                                            {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'error': {'message': 'Invalid params.', 'code': -32602, 'data': {'message': 'Too many parameters', 'method': 'AudioLibrary.GetSongs', 'stack': {'property': {'type': 'string', 'name': 'order'}, 'type': 'object', 'name': 'sort'}}}}
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - Error trying to get json response
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:   File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\json_utils.py", line 26, in retrieve_json_dict
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:     result = response['result']
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: KeyError: 'result'
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - JSONRPC -
                                            {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': 1, 'error': {'message': 'Invalid params.', 'code': -32602, 'data': {'message': 'Too many parameters', 'method': 'AudioLibrary.GetSongs', 'stack': {'property': {'type': 'string', 'name': 'order'}, 'type': 'object', 'name': 'sort'}}}}
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - Error trying to get json response
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:   File "C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.cdartmanager\resources\lib\json_utils.py", line 26, in retrieve_json_dict
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR:     result = response['result']
11:25:12 T:5744   ERROR: KeyError: 'result'
11:25:12 T:5744  NOTICE: [json_utils.py] - retrieve_json_dict - JSONRPC -

where the last part repeats quite a lot (perhaps the times artists are in the database?)

the musicdb is build as i'm using xbmc only in db mode and can see everything fine...
Please follow the instructions for reporting problems found in the second message of this thread.

(2012-08-29, 10:39)DutchTaurus Wrote: Hi giftie,

I don't believe the question in the quote below from gbxxi has been answered. I'm seeing the same behaviour, is there a fix other than the obvious one to remove any commas from album names? Thanks.

(2012-03-08, 12:25)gibxxi Wrote: Don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but it seems that during database building, cdART chokes on any album names containing commas. I see the popup dialog appear with text up to the place where the comma exists (all subsequent text missing) and the standard cdART logo is replaced with an exclamation mark sign, telling me it's not happy with those album names.

(2012-08-29, 11:37)vanMiez Wrote: cdart manager 2.7.1 reports that the xbmc music database is missing when using the latest nightly...

where the last part repeats quite a lot (perhaps the times artists are in the database?)

the musicdb is build as i'm using xbmc only in db mode and can see everything fine...

The problem is that you are using a Nightly version of XBMC. I do have a version that runs on the latest development version of XBMC but I haven't tested it yet on Eden(I'm not yet ready to make two different versions, I will once there is a repo for pre-frodo). I'll test it soon on Eden and post it up once it tests file.
(2012-08-21, 08:20)Ghostdivision Wrote:
(2012-08-16, 14:32)giftie Wrote:
(2012-08-16, 12:55)Ghostdivision Wrote: I just have a question as well, recently I added an artist, it has cdart as per fanart.tv, the name of the artist is correct in xbmc as well as well as my folder, it is exactly the same on musicbrainz, and fanart.tv as well, but the artist is not showing up in cdart, i cannot locate this artist in cdart, it wont find any cdart or artist art either, doing a search in cdart manually shows the artist not listed either. Im not sure why, i know those details are grim but I am unsure what is wrong.

I refreshed the database as well as checked for missing mbid, refreshing the database as i watch the progress notices the artist, when I select check for missing mbids it skips right over it. And then the artist is also not accessible in cdart if i search artists.

If you go into Advanced -> Modify Database -> Edit Album -> Change MBID -> Select Artist, and artist list with MBIDs will show up. Then find your artist -> does the MBID match? If so, select the artist, now the album should show up -> does the Album MBID match? If so, verify that the MBID on fanart.tv matches the MBID on MusicBrainz. Sometimes MBID gets updated on MusicBrainz since the artist was added to fanart.tv, this causes the problem. For instance Beyoncé has been updated on MusicBrainz, but fanart.tv has the old MBID. The work around is to change the MBID in cdART Manager for the artist(done by Edit Artist -. Change MBID)

Sorry for the delay, i cant even find the artist, the artist is present in xbmc, and fanart.tv has an artist page, but its like cdart wont recognize the artist or cd, and she does have a fanart.tv page... Its quite odd. So going to the above suggested area to locate the mbid, there was no entry for the artist with a MBID.

Apologies for quoting my own post, but do you have any idea giftie what might be wrong since the artist just wont show up in cdart using the path you suggested, but the artist is picked up by xbmc and working fine and scrapped fine... and does have a fanart.tv page, spelling is all correct for the artist.. This is the artist page


Regarding the Commas in Filenames issue, this is not on a nightly for me. This is happening with Eden. But only seems to display the exclamation dialog during background database builds. No errors are displayed during normal database updating. Although I'm sure there are places in the add-on that are still messing up some special characters with what appears to be their HTML equivilant. Just can't remember WHICH areas at the moment, off the top of my head.
(2012-08-31, 10:34)Ghostdivision Wrote:
(2012-08-21, 08:20)Ghostdivision Wrote:
(2012-08-16, 14:32)giftie Wrote: If you go into Advanced -> Modify Database -> Edit Album -> Change MBID -> Select Artist, and artist list with MBIDs will show up. Then find your artist -> does the MBID match? If so, select the artist, now the album should show up -> does the Album MBID match? If so, verify that the MBID on fanart.tv matches the MBID on MusicBrainz. Sometimes MBID gets updated on MusicBrainz since the artist was added to fanart.tv, this causes the problem. For instance Beyoncé has been updated on MusicBrainz, but fanart.tv has the old MBID. The work around is to change the MBID in cdART Manager for the artist(done by Edit Artist -. Change MBID)

Sorry for the delay, i cant even find the artist, the artist is present in xbmc, and fanart.tv has an artist page, but its like cdart wont recognize the artist or cd, and she does have a fanart.tv page... Its quite odd. So going to the above suggested area to locate the mbid, there was no entry for the artist with a MBID.

Apologies for quoting my own post, but do you have any idea giftie what might be wrong since the artist just wont show up in cdart using the path you suggested, but the artist is picked up by xbmc and working fine and scrapped fine... and does have a fanart.tv page, spelling is all correct for the artist.. This is the artist page


I just added two albums by that artist to test. First had XBMC update it's library, then had cdART Manager Update it's database. cdART Manager found got the proper MBID, Artist shows up in all lists and I was able to download cdARTs, Covers, etc with out a problem.

Are you sure the XBMC Library is updated and your that you're not viewing from the file level?

(2012-08-31, 23:06)gibxxi Wrote: Regarding the Commas in Filenames issue, this is not on a nightly for me. This is happening with Eden. But only seems to display the exclamation dialog during background database builds. No errors are displayed during normal database updating. Although I'm sure there are places in the add-on that are still messing up some special characters with what appears to be their HTML equivilant. Just can't remember WHICH areas at the moment, off the top of my head.

The comment regarding the nightlies what meant for vanMiez. Sometimes the forum groups messages...

Regarding the 'exclamation' dialog, I am not sure what you mean. Are you using one of the Aeon skins?

If you are talking about the Dialogs sometimes showing characters like this
u'\u201cWeird Al\u201d Yankovic'
its that XBMC is having difficulty displaying the characters, so the script will send a printable version. It's not the best looking, but saves the script from failing due to the difficulty. The script usually will get the proper match when it is needed(there may be rare instances) Any time you see something different, please be sure to post debug logs, screenshots etc. as it is really difficult to solve problems I don't see.

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[RELEASE] cdART Manager Script6