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v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork
@rmrector could you PM me the TheAudioDB api key you are using so I can re-enable it?
somebode knows how to fix this?
2020-07-18 08:42:40.348 T:30945   ERROR: SQL: Missing result set!
2020-07-18 08:42:40.349 T:30945   ERROR: GetSeasonsByWhere failed
2020-07-18 08:42:40.376 T:30945   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <class 'lib.libs.quickjson.JSONException'>
                                            Error Contents: There was an error with a JSON-RPC request.
                                            Request: {
                                              "params": {
                                                "properties": [
                                              "jsonrpc": "2.0",
                                              "method": "VideoLibrary.GetSeasons",
                                              "id": 1
                                            Result: {
                                              "jsonrpc": "2.0",
                                              "id": 1,
                                              "error": {
                                                "message": "Internal error.",
                                                "code": -32603
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/default.py", line 313, in <module>
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/default.py", line 96, in main
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/default.py", line 172, in make_local
                                                downloaded = runon_medialist(downloadforitem, L(M.MAKE_LOCAL), fg=True)
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/default.py", line 296, in runon_medialist
                                                fixcount += update_art_for_items(list_fn(), start)
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/lib/libs/quickjson.py", line 159, in get_seasons
                                                return _inner_get_seasons(tvshow_id)
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/lib/libs/quickjson.py", line 169, in _inner_get_seasons
                                                if check_json_result(json_result, 'seasons', json_request):
                                              File "/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/script.artwork.beef/lib/libs/quickjson.py", line 236, in check_json_result
                                                raise JSONException(json_request, json_result)
                                            JSONException: There was an error with a JSON-RPC request.
                                            Request: {
                                              "params": {
                                                "properties": [
                                              "jsonrpc": "2.0",
                                              "method": "VideoLibrary.GetSeasons",
                                              "id": 1
                                            Result: {
                                              "jsonrpc": "2.0",
                                              "id": 1,
                                              "error": {
                                                "message": "Internal error.",
                                                "code": -32603
                                            -->End of Python script error report<--
(2020-07-18, 18:43)m2k1980 Wrote: Spam

Pastebin please, as it says in bold red letters near the reply button
Anyone? Can anyone answer whether or not I want/need this if I use a Jellyfin or Emby to grab metadata?
(2020-07-21, 03:38)ratzofftoya Wrote: Anyone? Can anyone answer whether or not I want/need this if I use a Jellyfin or Emby to grab metadata?

U only need this for Artwork graphics like fanart, poster, discart, clearlogo etc.
For metadata like movie and tv show infos you have to use a scraper.
System: Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 | Kodi Version: v21 Omega | Skin: Aeon MQ7 Mod
I got a question.
Some days ago i switched from Krypton to Leia and because of that from Artwork Downloader to Artwork Beef.

When i change something (e.g. a poster or a discart) within my movie library he always shows me "updated 1 file" but he dont applies the new graphic file. There is still the old poster, fanart or discart. I have to leave the movie library, go back to main menu and then re-enter the movie library.  Then he shows the new graphic. Thats really annoying. Artwork Downloader was applying this immediately.

Is there something i can do (maybe in the settings) so he applies the new graphics immediately?
System: Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 | Kodi Version: v21 Omega | Skin: Aeon MQ7 Mod
(2020-07-16, 11:59)docwra Wrote: @rmrector could you PM me the TheAudioDB api key you are using so I can re-enable it?

Thanks, but the latest version, 0.28.1, is working so I think it's good. I did get a new Patreon api key earlier.
(2020-07-21, 20:47)OrbS82User Wrote:
(2020-07-21, 03:38)ratzofftoya Wrote: Anyone? Can anyone answer whether or not I want/need this if I use a Jellyfin or Emby to grab metadata?

U only need this for Artwork graphics like fanart, poster, discart, clearlogo etc.
For metadata like movie and tv show infos you have to use a scraper.
Emby pulls its own fanart, poster, etc., but not discart and clearlogo. Would Artworkbeef overwrite what emby pulled?
(2020-07-22, 10:42)ratzofftoya Wrote: Emby pulls its own fanart, poster, etc., but not discart and clearlogo. Would Artworkbeef overwrite what emby pulled?

Yes, he will do so. But you can setup it the right way so he only downloads what you still miss. e.g. Discart and Clearlogo.
System: Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 | Kodi Version: v21 Omega | Skin: Aeon MQ7 Mod
Hi all.

When I add a new season in a TV Show, AB doesn't find any artwork for the episodes of this season.
I does find and download the poster for the season but no thumbs for the episodes...

Going to an episode of the newly added season and selecting Manage > AB: Add missing artwork no thumb is downloaded for any episode, in the season's folder.

This is happening only in TV Shows and only for the new seasons.
In Movies everything works OK.

I must be missing something obvious. Can you please help?
(2020-07-22, 06:03)rmrector Wrote:
(2020-07-16, 11:59)docwra Wrote: @rmrector could you PM me the TheAudioDB api key you are using so I can re-enable it?

Thanks, but the latest version, 0.28.1, is working so I think it's good. I did get a new Patreon api key earlier.
Awesome, no need to keep up Patreon as the kodi official covers all Add-ons as well.

The sites capacity has been massively bumped up as well, so feel free to add any of the new artwork such as 3D covers Wink
Is there any way to set AB to prefer hd logos over sd logos - seems like it only downloads the most popular logo which can sometimes be only 400x155 pixels whereas hd logos are 800x310 pixels. Any thoughts?
Check out my Fanart.tv stuff!
...........I also accept disc requests if image not on fanart.tv database !!!!
Heelo, I'm using artwork beef since I discover the utility and the xtended artwork integration in many skins.
But sometimes ago i have a problem and I thinks this is due to artwork beef.
When i check the fanart on my movie library, I discover that ll fanart1 to fanart5 (I configure artwork beef to donwload 5 more fanarts) are the same.
The orinigal fanart is good and is related to the designated movie, but all other fanarts (fanart1, fanart2, fanart3.....) are the same for all the movie.
Do I made a mistake in my settings or is it an other problem, and hkw can I fix it?
All other extended artwork work fine, my problem is only with extended fanarts.....
(2020-08-05, 18:37)MrPatate Wrote: When i check the fanart on my movie library, I discover that ll fanart1 to fanart5 (I configure artwork beef to donwload 5 more fanarts) are the same.
Start by providing the link to TheMovieDB for the movie that has this problem.
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(2020-08-05, 22:27)Karellen Wrote: Start by providing the link to TheMovieDB for the movie that has this problem.

All the duplicated fanart (fanart1 to fanart 5) are fanart from GreenBook movie.
for every movie I have fanarr1 to 5 with a green book fanart, not related from the dedicated movie.So my fanart library have many time the same fanart1 (fanart2 ... 5)
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Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork5