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OS X ViMediaManager - Media Manager for Mac OS X!
ViMM still downloads actors to a folder called 'actors', but as long as there isn't already a .actors file or folder, it should create a symlink (Somewhat like an alias) from '.actors' to 'actors'.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
(2013-04-02, 10:50)MariusTh86 Wrote: ViMM still downloads actors to a folder called 'actors', but as long as there isn't already a .actors file or folder, it should create a symlink (Somewhat like an alias) from '.actors' to 'actors'.

Is it possible to have an option to let the user decide? All my media is on a NAS so symlink etc. do not really give me what I am looking for, I use other media managers to for some tasks and the fact that the actors folder is different in ViMM stops me using it which is a shame because it is such a good product and as I mentioned previously in this thread only that fact it is not multi platform stops me from being able to just use one media manager for everything
Maybe i'll try 'actors' as symlink and '.actors' as the real thing.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
weird little bug:

If I click "edit metadata" from the toolbar the metadata window opens with it's own toolbar (as expected) with the "summary" toolbar active (as expected)

If I click on any toolbar title EXCEPT "Information" that tab will load properly, if I then click on "Information" that tab will load correctly.


If I click on "Information" while "Summary" is the current tab the whole app hangs until I force quit (I've let it run for 15 minutes to see if it'll load


Summary->Recommendations->Information (OK)
Summary->Information (Hang!)

here's the crash info:

Thanks, I think I found out the reason for the hang, should be fixed in the next nightly build.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
I've just started using ViMediaManager and am having a blast. I've moved on to Television shows but am stumped. I have two sets of Doctor Who serials: the original in a folder titled Doctor Who and the recent ones starting in 2005 with a folder DoctorThe Muppet Show. Any suggestions?

Thanks, Rich
"DoctorThe Muppet show"? i'm stumped too, did you call it that?
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
Sorry, fat finger. Doctor Who (1963), and another series The Muppet Show; also Black Adder. It can't find those three. Doctor who is known over the world and Black Adder shows up in IMDb.

ViMM gets it's search results from The TVDB, anything that can be found on there should be findable in ViMM, tough there seem to be some curiosities going on.

If worst comes to worst, you can always use the imdb ID in the 'manual search' window, but here seems to be some working search strings:

"The Black Adder" can be found with "BlackAdder"
"Doctor Who (1963)" is just "Doctor Who"
The Muppet Show seems to show up fine.
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
I have again a problem with my two part / two cd movies. They are correctly found and visualized in ViMM, but when i scrape the according folders, the posters are not shown in XBMC. I tried different skins, still not working. I think it could be something with the naming of the files, but it's not different from the other movies (<movie>-poster.jpg) and the according fanarts are visualized normally.

Any idea?
Troubles with movie posters not showing in ViMM? or with them not showing in XBMC? because I wouldn't know about XBMC, for as far as I know the following should work:


Check the XBMC wiki to find out more about XBMC filenames:
http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Fro...cal_images (XBMC Frodo)
ViMediaManager - The Best Media Manager for macOS
In XBMC, yes. It seems, that the problem isn't on your end, but nevertheless perhaps someone knows whats happening here?

The XBMC log points the following out:

21:55:43 T:4615979008 WARNING: CreateLoader - Unsupported protocol(stack) in stack:///Users/Blub/Movies/DVD/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)-CD1.avi , /Users/Blub/Movies/DVD/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)-CD1-poster.jpg
21:55:43 T:4615979008   DEBUG: GetImageHash - unable to stat url stack:///Users/Blub/Movies/DVD/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)-CD1.avi , /Users/Blub/Movies/DVD/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)/23 - Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint (1998 - Hans-Christian Schmid)-CD1-poster.jpg
theo, you may need to designate artwork for the set in XBMC if that is what you are talking about. It will show the art for each component of the set properly, but for the overall set you need to tell it what art to use in the contextual menu, as I recall. Or maybe I misunderstand what the problem is.
LibreELEC 10.0.4 * ViMediaManager or TinyMediaManager | Raspberry pi 4b
Sharing media from NAS via NFS (optical out to receiver, HDMI to TV) | TV remote with CEC / Bluetooth keyboard
Great to see so much progress!

I was wondering if you already working on the scheduled "watch-download-folder" feature? Any words?
Not yet, those bug reports have been keeping me busy, and i've been experimenting with some new things that i've come across that'll make ViMM even more fun to use and develop.
I've always got big plans for ViMM. ^^
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