Thanks Big_Noid for the awesome skin, I love it.
I'm a brand new user to XBMC so I'm sure this has been discussed before but I can't seem to find it when searching. Either that or I'm searching for the wrong thing, I'm using xmbc eden rc2 on mac os x
The problem:
I want to be able to use both banners and posters for my TV shows, so under the skin options I set use poster.jpg for poster style viewtypes and banner.jpg for banner style viewtypes to on. I understand that by default the tvdb scraper uses banner style unless you specify poster
I'm using artwork downloader to download the banner and poster jpgs which places them in the TV show folder e.g. TV\Trailer Park Boys\poster.jpb
The issue I'm having is that for whatever reason this won't work for shows stored on network locations, the banner displays (being the default tvdb grabs) but the poster just shows the movie clapper. So I copied the same TV folder with a couple of test TV shows locally and it works
Do you know why it seems to be ignoring poster.jpg in network folders?
Nevermind, turned debug logging on to see what was going on. XBMC was getting permission denied to the smb location when trying to parse the artwork. Eventually google lead me to this so I created a passwords.xml file and works now