2012-03-23, 15:44
Moderator update 16-05-2013
After this project received little update in the last few months, user styxit has been working on further additions and fixes to it. His website for the project can be found here: http://htpc.io and github sources to his modifications are here https://github.com/styxit/HTPC-Manager
Original post follows:
HTPC-Manager is a management tool that SyphOn and me are working on.
It's goal is to combine XBMC, Sabnzbd, Sickbeard and soon Couchpotato in one interface!
- Dashboard with quick overview of what is recently added
- Add, remove nzb's to sabnzbd
- View XBMC library
- Now playing info with remote controls
- Add TV Shows to sickbeard
- View upcoming shows from sickbeard
- Search NZB's and add them to sabnzbd queue
- More to come...
Check out our site for more information: http://www.htpcmanager.org
Source now available on Github: HTPC-Manager
For the user interface we used Bootstrap by Twitter.
After this project received little update in the last few months, user styxit has been working on further additions and fixes to it. His website for the project can be found here: http://htpc.io and github sources to his modifications are here https://github.com/styxit/HTPC-Manager
Original post follows:
HTPC-Manager is a management tool that SyphOn and me are working on.
It's goal is to combine XBMC, Sabnzbd, Sickbeard and soon Couchpotato in one interface!
- Dashboard with quick overview of what is recently added
- Add, remove nzb's to sabnzbd
- View XBMC library
- Now playing info with remote controls
- Add TV Shows to sickbeard
- View upcoming shows from sickbeard
- Search NZB's and add them to sabnzbd queue
- More to come...
Check out our site for more information: http://www.htpcmanager.org
Source now available on Github: HTPC-Manager
For the user interface we used Bootstrap by Twitter.