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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server
moin mandark !
first: thanks for that really helpful plugin !

i´m using it on openelec_pvr to wakeup my tvheadend server.
works fine. "wol on startup" and "wol on demand" works stable.

i´m using "suspend to ram" for my xbmc/openelec so i have a feature request:
"wol on resume" would be really nice.

(2012-03-28, 21:45)ich4711 Wrote: i´m using it on openelec_pvr to wakeup my tvheadend server.
works fine. "wol on startup" and "wol on demand" works stable.

i´m using "suspend to ram" for my xbmc/openelec so i have a feature request:
"wol on resume" would be really nice.

i'm sorry, but i don't really know how to find out, if the PC has returned from sleep from within a XBMC-script. i'm not sure, if it's even possible.

i'd suggest to acomplish this on the OS-level and not in XBMC. this thread should help you in achieving this.
moin mandark !
thanks for the hint.

a wonder happend after update to the latest openelec_pvr release (march 28) based on final eden.
WOL packet is send to my server on xbmc resume Big Grin

dunnow how Huh , but it works like a charm Laugh

again, thanks for your plugin !

I'm having som trouble with this program.

When i press AWOL in XBMC, my server is Awake within 15 seconds. But after that, none of my SMB shares are working.
The file "hangs" and after 1 - 3 mins, a box will tell me that the file doesnt exist and want to delete it.
Then the server "jumps" of the network, and i will have to restart my server to get acces.

This ONLY happens when i use WOL, not when i power on my server on the chasis.

Can anyone tell me, what can be wrong?
is there any chance of getting this to run on a keypress "h" i have tried key mapping to get it to run script but im just to thick it seems. i just want to be able to run this from xbmc commander as my router wont support WOL and my apple tv is always on
Would there be a way to send the packet when I exit the screen saver? I don't see why ppl would want to send the packet when XBMC boots, since I am always running XBMC. I really just need to send the packet when i wake up xbmc/ATV2

BTW, this is an amazing add-on. Thank you!
I Need an Help....Blush
How can start wol when I enter a specific section ... for example "movie/video section" from Home without select the operation from favourite menu?TongueTongue
Thanks! Luca
I use this on the latest version of openelec (eden based) beta 4 and it works well. However although I can get it to wake my server when I power up the openelec box, when the openelec box resumes from sleep it doesn't send a WOL packet to the server. Is there a way to do this?
(2012-06-13, 13:31)yunti Wrote: I use this on the latest version of openelec (eden based) beta 4 and it works well. However although I can get it to wake my server when I power up the openelec box, when the openelec box resumes from sleep it doesn't send a WOL packet to the server. Is there a way to do this?

Any idea how to do this - this would help a lot?
I cant seem to get this to work.

I took my MAC address from my unraid server and entered it but any time I start xbmc I get the Error on hostup-check error saying
it cannot find tower:8080.

I have started xbmc normally and got the message about admin rights so I ran xbmc as admin to see if the error would go away, which it did but I still got the hostup-check error

edit: I was adding my server name AND port. Silly
So I hear I can run xbmc off my old commodore 64.

Pretty cool......pretty really cool
I need some clarification please.

I have a shared mysql library and media files on a separate computer. Can this addon be used to wake the separate computer up before xbmc tries to connect to the shared library?
(2012-08-14, 11:07)bilbonvidia Wrote: I need some clarification please.

I have a shared mysql library and media files on a separate computer. Can this addon be used to wake the separate computer up before xbmc tries to connect to the shared library?

I was looking for a way to wake up my homeserver only when xbmc starts and had it going with eventghost.
Then I found your awesome plugin which is everything I need, so thank you for your work!

Is it possible (maybe with parameters) to wake the server up when xbmc starts ("this is possible"), wait until it's awake and then start searching for new files in the libraries?

Would be a great thing!
Many thanks for this addon, it works great with my newly built file server.

But as an aside, I found out this morning not only does it wake the server from sleep mode, It also switchs the server on when it's shutdown.

The server wasn't `on' this morning as it wouldn't be needed, but i wanted to check something on XBMC. As it (xbmc) started, it sent the wake-on-lan packet, i got the `waking up the server' message and timer countdown & after 30sec's got the `server is not awake' message (as i expected) then later i went into the room where the server is and found it up and running. So to test this, i switched the server off and sent a wakeup packet from XBMC and watched the server switch on from shutdown.

As the server takes more than 30sec's to boot up, it was still booting up when the wake-on-lan timer ran out, so after about another 30/40seconds i found i could access the media files.

The m/b in the server is an AsusE35M1-I mITX.

As far as I know that's standard for "Wake-on-Lan" (your m/b has to support this).
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[RELEASE] Advanced Wake On Lan (WOL) Addon - Wake up a remote computer/server1
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