2012-04-16, 23:22
(2012-04-16, 20:21)pkscuot Wrote:(2012-04-16, 11:29)themarty Wrote: 2. with this configuration it has happened twice that the slideshow images get stuck on one artist. When i look in the logs it says the script is already running when i start a new song (which is probably why the images for the new artist are not shown). I haven't been able to create an exact set of steps to reproduce this though. So, i can't even be sure it is really related to this configuration (no visualisation, no screensaver)When you get some time, put XBMC in debug mode and post a log when that happens. It shouldn't be getting stuck on an artist, and if it is I'd like to track that down.
I've been analyzing the logs and what happens is the same as what happens when a song ends and a new song by the same artist is the next song.
This is what you see in the logs when the first song is about to be played:
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: script version 1.3.1 started
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: window id is set to 12006
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: artist field is set to
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: language = en
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: external call is set to
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: first song started
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: start download
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: cachedir = /storage/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/script.artistslideshow/ArtistSlideshow/d7bcd56b/
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: asking for images from: http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?autocorrect=1&api_key=fbd57a1baddb983d1848a939665310f6&method=artist.getImages&artist=Amon+Tobin
22:22:59 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: downloading artist images info lastfm
22:23:01 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: asking for images from: http://htbackdrops.com/api/96d681ea0dcb07ad9d27a347e64b652a/searchXML?default_operator=and&fields=title&aid=1&keywords=Amon+Tobin&dmin_w=0&dmin_h=0
22:23:01 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: downloading artist images info htbackdrops
22:23:09 T:140722621499136 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: downloading images
And this is what you see when a song by the same artist is played after that:
22:37:51 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: script version 1.3.1 started
22:37:51 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: window id is set to 12006
22:37:51 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: artist field is set to
22:37:51 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: language = en
22:37:52 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: external call is set to
22:37:52 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: script already running
22:37:52 T:140722613106432 DEBUG: script.artistslideshow: script stopped
And in those cases where it got stuck on the same artist i see the exact same thing happening in the logs (don't have an actual log of it at the moment, but will post it when i do).