Posts: 16
Joined: May 2012
Junior Member
Posts: 16
Hi i know im asking to be taking by the hand here but i just cant seem to wrap my head around the search filters. All i really want is my hulu subscription and my netflix que to show up in my tv shows and maybe the top 25 movies from each to show up in my movies. I use the blucop hulu , and xbmcflixs plugings if someone could write my example search filters i would be forever in debt. Also does anyone have this working with the navi-x plugin if i could get this to work with my favorites from navi-x that would be the greatest thing ever. thanks again in advance
Posts: 815
Joined: Nov 2008
Nice work barney. I'll take a look at the diff
Posts: 292
Joined: Apr 2012
I have been trying to use this program with the Free Cable addon and it works perfectly for the majority of the content, but i have found a couple easily fixable problems and one not-so-easily fixable problem.
I don't know java or any real programming languages but from what i can tell in line 945...
skipFolders.add("(Full Episodes|Episodes|Clips|Seasons)");//literal skips
ignores folders with those names in the path when trying to find the series name and for a couple networks under Free Cable the videos are found under a /Videos/ folder and my.library tries to name all the shows Videos. And for whatever reason everything under The CW network is in a folder called "Full Episodes " (with a space at the end) and my.library doesn't catch that exception. So for these i believe you could just add "Videos" and "Full Episodes " to the skipFolders.add thing, right?
This would fix a lot of erroneous show names for Free Cable but not all of them, and the only all-around fix i could think of would be to add a series="" parameter for <subfolder> in the xml file and have people specify the show name. Would this be possible to implement and would you do it if so?
Posts: 67
Joined: Feb 2011
I've been using this script for a while now and absolutely love it! It's made my transition to XBMC and away from my cable company much easier to tolerate on the wife front.
I do have one minor, but annoying issue that I hope there is a fix for or it's just something I'm doing wrong. When the update runs some of the tv show episodes from Hulu+ and FreeCable end up marked as unwatched even though they've been watched and marked as such. Is there something that I can do to eliminate this?