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The complete SABnzbd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato and Headphones setup guide for newbies
I've recently noticed an inconsistency in that sometimes a search may fail to find anything but seaching imdb on the same criteria produces results!?
(2012-06-16, 03:46)cpnewbie Wrote: I've recently noticed an inconsistency in that sometimes a search may fail to find anything but seaching imdb on the same criteria produces results!?

You'll probably get better help by asking about such things on the Couchpotato forum. I do not know each program well enough to give good answers on much more than questions regarding this guide.
If your using the CP in this guide (CP v1) i suggest moving to CPv2 since there will be no more fixes for v1

If my replies help you, please click on my reputation Image below :) thanks :)
Thanks for a great tutorial!. Very helpful; I have everything working except how do you automatically get the tv shows in SB to move from my main PC to my Media PC folder? I have couch potato moving my movies over no problem once they are downloaded on my main pc then move automatically. I have the tv episodes downloading on my main PC and being renamed post processed with sickbeardtosab just fine but is there a way to then have the TV shows move over to my MediaPC automatically? I don't see anything on the tutorials that made it clear on how to accomplish this. Hope I was clear enough. I have SB, CP, Sab installed on my main PC.

Thanks for any assistance.
(2012-06-19, 09:32)cujo74 Wrote: Thanks for a great tutorial!. Very helpful; I have everything working except how do you automatically get the tv shows in SB to move from my main PC to my Media PC folder? I have couch potato moving my movies over no problem once they are downloaded on my main pc then move automatically. I have the tv episodes downloading on my main PC and being renamed post processed with sickbeardtosab just fine but is there a way to then have the TV shows move over to my MediaPC automatically? I don't see anything on the tutorials that made it clear on how to accomplish this. Hope I was clear enough. I have SB, CP, Sab installed on my main PC.

Thanks for any assistance.

You'll have to set the path directly to the location where you want the episodes. The final destination. In case you want it to another computer than the one Sickbeard is installed on, you'll probably have to use a Mapped Drive (UNC paths don't work well on all of these apps) and enter the full path to the destination. I don't have access to my servers now, so I can't say for sure. But I think that the path have to be set either under Sickbeard config somewhere, or under SABnzbd's folder settings for the "TV" category. I can check it out later on if you can't find it.
[EDIT]: Just as I submitted it this I went and checked the config file to make sure I had it setup correctly. I had the wrong port number (it should be the Sickbeard port not the SABNZB port). Keeping this post here in case anyone has a similar problem.

First of all, great tutorial - was invaluable in getting my system setup. Everything worked perfectly until today...

For whatever reason the SABtosickbeard.exe script has stopped working. Once a file has downloaded it verifies and unpacks just fine, but then that's it.

The status then just says "(more)" and when clicked (for the script log) I get...

Loading config from C:\Program Files\Sickbeard\autoProcessTV\autoProcessTV.cfg
Opening URL: http://localhost:8080/home/postprocess/p...de?nzbName=[nameofNZB] .nzb&quiet=1&dir=C%3A%5CUsers%5CDan%5CDownloads%5CCompleteUsenet%5C[nameofNZB]

<script type="text/javascript">
location.href = "http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd"

I can do Manual Post-Processing in Sickbeard and it does the rest but I'd rather it was automated.

Any help would be much appreciated.

P.S. replaced actual NZB details above with [nameofNZB]
wondering if anyone knows how to do this...

i have my movies in separate folders based on genres i decide (action, comedy, drama, family, sci-fi, war, horror). when i download a movie, i just move it to the folder i think it would belong. i have my xbmc homescreen link to J:\Movies as a favorite, so when you go into "Movies" on the homescreen, you see these 7 genre categories in folder view. this eliminates a ton of confusion for my wife and kids so they don't have to go through 40 genres just to find the movie they're looking for.

i have always just moved things around manually, but, i am now trying to automate my entire HTPC process so that my wife can operate it with as minimal tweaking on her part.

so is there a way that when you add a movie in couchpotato, to have the movie moved to my designated folder when complete? ie somehow tag it "action" when you add it to wanted list, then it's moved to J:\Movies\Action when the download is complete in sabnzbd
(2012-08-01, 18:57)svtfmook Wrote: wondering if anyone knows how to do this...

i have my movies in separate folders based on genres i decide (action, comedy, drama, family, sci-fi, war, horror). when i download a movie, i just move it to the folder i think it would belong. i have my xbmc homescreen link to J:\Movies as a favorite, so when you go into "Movies" on the homescreen, you see these 7 genre categories in folder view. this eliminates a ton of confusion for my wife and kids so they don't have to go through 40 genres just to find the movie they're looking for.

i have always just moved things around manually, but, i am now trying to automate my entire HTPC process so that my wife can operate it with as minimal tweaking on her part.

so is there a way that when you add a movie in couchpotato, to have the movie moved to my designated folder when complete? ie somehow tag it "action" when you add it to wanted list, then it's moved to J:\Movies\Action when the download is complete in sabnzbd


I have a similiar problem. The CouchPotato works great for movies, but what do I do if I want to download Live Concert Movies and move them to another folder?
In XBMC I use a filter for the library to not show movies in Live Concerts and vice versa for movies.

Any ideas?

Thanks for great guide Big Grin

(2012-08-01, 18:57)svtfmook Wrote: wondering if anyone knows how to do this...

i have my movies in separate folders based on genres i decide (action, comedy, drama, family, sci-fi, war, horror). when i download a movie, i just move it to the folder i think it would belong. i have my xbmc homescreen link to J:\Movies as a favorite, so when you go into "Movies" on the homescreen, you see these 7 genre categories in folder view. this eliminates a ton of confusion for my wife and kids so they don't have to go through 40 genres just to find the movie they're looking for.

i have always just moved things around manually, but, i am now trying to automate my entire HTPC process so that my wife can operate it with as minimal tweaking on her part.

so is there a way that when you add a movie in couchpotato, to have the movie moved to my designated folder when complete? ie somehow tag it "action" when you add it to wanted list, then it's moved to J:\Movies\Action when the download is complete in sabnzbd

If you're looking to automate using SABnzbd and Couchpotato then why not remove the manual genre sorting altogether? While you may be used to getting to things in a certain way (basically manual file browsing it sounds like), why not let XBMC do its thing and scan all your media? In the movie nodes section you can start your search by a number of methods (including genre) and if you know what you're looking for you can even do a search.

I've seen an number of posts similar to yours over the years "I need to be able to manually sort xyz into these special folders...."; most of the time, no you don't. You're just used to doing it that way. Programs like Couchpotato and XBMC are built on the idea that it can categorize and display your media better than you can - and automatically too.

In order to get closer to what you're asking (since Couchpotato doesn't have these capabilities and the idea here is to automate) - why not create some smart playlists and link those on the home screen? These can be based on genre and will automatically display what you need. A more comprehensive option, if you are running a pre-Frodo build, would be to use the new library reorganization structure to create new nodes based on conditions you want. Here you can go to town and create some nodes based on conditions you want, and still not have to worry about the manual sorting. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=130437

I have had CPS, SB and SABNZB+ set up for a while and I want to give headphones a go, I have it all set up and can access it fine..


It is not doing a very good job at adding my library of music.. It will add a couple of artists, then get stuck, or add a couple of artists then fails etc ect.
I have a 50gb music folder organised Music > Artist > Albums By artist an it just isnt working.

Any suggestions on ow to get it working?
(2012-08-20, 11:46)Jetpac Wrote: I have had CPS, SB and SABNZB+ set up for a while and I want to give headphones a go, I have it all set up and can access it fine..


It is not doing a very good job at adding my library of music.. It will add a couple of artists, then get stuck, or add a couple of artists then fails etc ect.
I have a 50gb music folder organised Music > Artist > Albums By artist an it just isnt working.

Any suggestions on ow to get it working?

I had the same problem. The issue is with the filenames and the tagging.

You need to download some type of ID3 tagger, and re-tag all your music. Most likely you either ripped the mp3's yourself and didn't tag them right, or you downloaded them from wherever and they have bad tagging info.

What I did was download Picard from MusicBrainz and started the task of retagging all my music.

I had 100gigs, I started on it about a month ago, and am still not done. It's a big pain in the ass, but it pays off.

Also, I'd only do so many at a time, then let headphones add them, to make sure it was doing it right.

Good luck!
Does anyone know how to set up couchpotato to not snatch movies that consist on CD1 and CD2 (mulitpart). Im finding one SAB has downloaded the movie, couchpotato sometimes moves and renames cd1, sometimes it even leaves cd1 and cd2 and moves and renames the SAMPLE file. Its very annoying.
Hi guys!

I installed and I'm running headphones for he first tme.

Headphones is fetching my library information at the moment, but I'm getting lots of "Fetch failed, try refreshing". I've made a search and I see references to a Premium Account, as also sme others referring changing the MusicBrainz mirror, but nothing concrete. Can someone help me here?

(2012-10-15, 17:33)mmascosta Wrote: Hi guys!

I installed and I'm running headphones for he first tme.

Headphones is fetching my library information at the moment, but I'm getting lots of "Fetch failed, try refreshing". I've made a search and I see references to a Premium Account, as also sme others referring changing the MusicBrainz mirror, but nothing concrete. Can someone help me here?


Donate and get a mirror from rembo10
Image Image
(2012-10-15, 17:52)redglory Wrote:
(2012-10-15, 17:33)mmascosta Wrote: Hi guys!

I installed and I'm running headphones for he first tme.

Headphones is fetching my library information at the moment, but I'm getting lots of "Fetch failed, try refreshing". I've made a search and I see references to a Premium Account, as also sme others referring changing the MusicBrainz mirror, but nothing concrete. Can someone help me here?


Donate and get a mirror from rembo10

Thank you!! SLB rules Wink
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The complete SABnzbd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato and Headphones setup guide for newbies5