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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)
Poster/Banner problems will be solved with Frodo... you may have to rescan your library but everything should work fine then, no more worries about poster/banner. Smile

I removed the rss bar in the new version and went be back to the "old" home panel without rss. I'll add a global rss feed for those who want to use it.
looking ace. Even without PVR it is my skin of choice, I simply switch skin if i want to watch TV
the only thing I'm not overly keen on is in the wall view. I'd like the info pane to stay static (ability to choose left or right handed maybe) and just the poster move. Also a vertical scroll would be a cool feature. And, the ability to have a delay in the info panel to enable faster scrolling/searching before the info pops up.
be kind, rewind
I've just discovered and i must say..... WOW
interesting that you always reinvent your skin.

from Germany to Germany
I was worried about the support on Frodo.
I was even thinking about to stick with Eden because of this skin.

I'm happy to know that you're building a new version for Frodo.

Thanks for all the support Black !
The Hardware must go to the limit!

This black version looks really pleased can't wait to try it out.
Nvidia Shield 2019 Pro, Nvidia Shield 2015
Hey, sorry if this has been asked before just spend about 20 minutes trying to find it and couldn't.

In the new version will there be support for a 3d content tag? I'm not sure if thats the correct terminology, but basically instead of saying SD or HD, for 3D movies it will say 3D. I know in other skins you have to add .3dbd or .3d before the extension or something similar, just wondering if you had any plans for this.

Thanks for the awesome skin, I've been using it exclusively for a long time now!
No plans for a 3D tag.
Just wanted to say thanks for a great skin, my favourite by far, and add my 2 cents worth while you are coding the new version. I'm using the git version and the only thing I don't like is the way selections work on a list. I find it much easier to use when the selection bar moves and the list is stationary. When the whole list jumps as I navigate its quite distracting.

Looking forward to the new skin, I fully expect it to be brilliant. Nod
looking good m8, keep up the good work. hoping for at pre release.
So you don't want a scroll animation (scrolltime = 0)? Or no fixed list?
(2012-11-09, 14:37)`Black Wrote: @bassic
So you don't want a scroll animation (scrolltime = 0)? Or no fixed list?

I don't really know what that means but I suspect it's scrolltime=0 I don't get along with. Forgive me for I am but a humble bass player.

I'm using the xperience1080(git) version. As an example when I open the list of tv shows the selection bar will be at the top. As I navigate down the list the selection bar moves down to the next lower item. This I like.

When I get about halfway down the first page of the list the selection bar will remain in a static postion on the screen and the list entries will start to move instead. If I navigate back up the list the selection bar will remain static and the list will continue to move. It's the movement of the list I find distracting, a moving selection bar with a static list seems much more natural.

I like the way the non-git version behaves, the list only moves when the selection bar reaches the top or bottom of the page, and the list becomes stationary again when you change direction.

Just my 2c opinion, thanks again for all your great work.
That's fixedlist... it was only a test and I won't keep that. You can edit Viewtypes_VideoLibrary.xml and change the control type from fixedlist to list for id 52 and 54.
Where can I get this xperience1080(git) version? using the repo are only 0.9.7 and also on git. Or do you want only a few ppl testing first?

Keep the good work, its looking realy good
Wish XBMC does this work with, tryed with EDEN and Frodo nightbuilds, but both says "broken" ?
Repo version should work fine with Eden. Frodo update isn't out yet.
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[RELEASE] Xperience1080 v0.9b (nightlies only)14
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