Yes, however understand a basic thing, Linux is one beast, xbmc is another beast.
The forums are XBMC though they contain a load of info on Linux's etc.
Upgrading xbmc in Linux is no different that upgrading any other specific package in Linux (xbmc is a package)
I appreciate your enthusiasm and applause your perseverance, and while everyone here wants to help, you have to realize that learning about Linux is not just about asking questions in a forum,
not if you really want to learn.
Now lets see if you can translate that and Ill give you a reply and apply it to xbmc this once.
Removing a repository in Linux that contains same package to avoid upgrade conflicts) if your changing one ppa for another again a google trick
so you probably want to remove wsnipex ppa and insert the unstable ppa? Sure ok. so according to script ppa is
sudo ppa-purge ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba
Bare in mind ppa-purge is a package and ou may need to install it....
(guess how to do this one)
Adding a repository in Linux
(I googled this exactly to answer your question)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:repositoryname
As you probably know already the official repository for team xbmc is
so you just adapt the add-atp-repository line to read
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable
How to upgrade a specific package in Linux.
(I googled this exactly to answer your question)
Says there not forgetting to use
Quote:# apt-get upgrade samba
However if you just wish to upgrade individual package then use apt-get command and it will take care of rest of your worries:
apt-get install {package-name}
So Its has to be because your using xbmc from ppa and you can see package names in there if you
expand the ppa view
xbmc XBMC Media Center (arch-independent data package)
xbmc-bin XBMC Media Center (binary data package)
sudo apt-get upgrade xbmc xbmc-bin
So your getting closer and know you know all the answers are really on the internet about Linux, that's how I learned when I started and perhpas how everyone taht knows Linux did some research
You cannot base your
research on asking forum question, otherwise your doomed to failure.
Now tat post is some serious Linux hand-holding, I think after a day of updateing the xbmc-wiki I deserve a break
In Hindsight I shouldn't have posted any specific help but lets see if you lerned anyhting from this...
* un1versal thinks not
(I googled 99% of this to answer your question)