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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
(2012-11-20, 04:53)nitsuj Wrote: Hey everyone, I have just made the switch from xbmcflicks (constantly breaking) to Netflix through playon. Does anyone have a good filter for netflix through playon? I just want to get everything from my instant queue. Thanks in advance!

In XBMC, go to videos-->files and add a source named "NetflixPlayOn" that points to Netflix in your playon upnp.

Then this searchfilter will get all Movies and TV Shows from your instant queue.

<NetflixPlayOn prefix="[N] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">                        
    <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set and tagged. TV Episodes will has a prefix added to their title -->
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" movie_tags="Netflix|Streaming" recursive="true" /><!--gets both episodes and movies-->                
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration

The new update works great with my naming convention.

Thanks for adding the feature!
(2012-11-20, 16:19)bradvido88 Wrote:
(2012-11-20, 04:53)nitsuj Wrote: Hey everyone, I have just made the switch from xbmcflicks (constantly breaking) to Netflix through playon. Does anyone have a good filter for netflix through playon? I just want to get everything from my instant queue. Thanks in advance!

In XBMC, go to videos-->files and add a source named "NetflixPlayOn" that points to Netflix in your playon upnp.

Then this searchfilter will get all Movies and TV Shows from your instant queue.

<NetflixPlayOn prefix="[N] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">                        
    <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set and tagged. TV Episodes will has a prefix added to their title -->
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" movie_tags="Netflix|Streaming" recursive="true" /><!--gets both episodes and movies-->                

I gave this a try with some luck. MyLibrary finds the source, but does not archive anything. Here is the first section of my log...http://pastebin.com/BDqAYBqh Any ideas what i am doing wrong?
(2012-11-21, 16:41)nitsuj Wrote:
(2012-11-20, 16:19)bradvido88 Wrote:
(2012-11-20, 04:53)nitsuj Wrote: Hey everyone, I have just made the switch from xbmcflicks (constantly breaking) to Netflix through playon. Does anyone have a good filter for netflix through playon? I just want to get everything from my instant queue. Thanks in advance!

In XBMC, go to videos-->files and add a source named "NetflixPlayOn" that points to Netflix in your playon upnp.

Then this searchfilter will get all Movies and TV Shows from your instant queue.

<NetflixPlayOn prefix="[N] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">                        
    <!-- Get all TV and Movies from your instant queue. Movies will be put in a movie set and tagged. TV Episodes will has a prefix added to their title -->
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue" movie_set=" Netflix Instant Queue" movie_tags="Netflix|Streaming" recursive="true" /><!--gets both episodes and movies-->                

I gave this a try with some luck. MyLibrary finds the source, but does not archive anything. Here is the first section of my log...http://pastebin.com/BDqAYBqh Any ideas what i am doing wrong?
Are you sure you have the custom_parser="PlayOn"?
Also, you should upgrade from 1.3.3 to the latest version because I fixed PlayOn parsing in that one. That's likely your problem.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration

Anyway to fire off your script to update the database like the built in update when XBMC starts? So instead of running a script to execute your .cmd file to look for new content could there be a way in XBMC to click the update library but use your update?

So I'm running Raspbmc on my RaspberryPi and figured I would try to get the XBMC My Library plugin working. Well it started off good but I'm having problems getting it to scan all of my TV Shows. In the debug.log I'm getting this when it stops.

DEBUG Arvhiving SQL = SELECT id, source_name, original_path, missing_since, missing_count, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE dropbox_location = ?

pi@raspbmc:~$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_07"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.2) (7u7-2.3.2a-1+rpi1)
OpenJDK Zero VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)

I notice that the RPi takes incredibly longer than my desktop running XBMC, guessing its CPU intensive?

Any ideas on what to look for on why this may be erroring out? The Error.log just shows its unable to get a directories list of files because there are no video files in that directory.
(2012-11-30, 22:10)nutt318 Wrote: So I'm running Raspbmc on my RaspberryPi and figured I would try to get the XBMC My Library plugin working. Well it started off good but I'm having problems getting it to scan all of my TV Shows. In the debug.log I'm getting this when it stops.

DEBUG Arvhiving SQL = SELECT id, source_name, original_path, missing_since, missing_count, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE dropbox_location = ?

pi@raspbmc:~$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_07"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.2) (7u7-2.3.2a-1+rpi1)
OpenJDK Zero VM (build 22.0-b10, mixed mode)

I notice that the RPi takes incredibly longer than my desktop running XBMC, guessing its CPU intensive?

Any ideas on what to look for on why this may be erroring out? The Error.log just shows its unable to get a directories list of files because there are no video files in that directory.

For speed, you don't need to run this on your RPi. Run on on a computer/server and access the RPi over the network.
Or better yet, set up a shared MySQL video db and then you only need to run it on one XBMC, the rest will automatically be updated.

XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I guess that would work but this RPi will be located off of my local network, so I wouldnt be able to map to the mysql db file.

I'm guessing its a limitation of the RPi's memory or CPU, I've tested it from a Windows machine running xbmc not connected to my local network and its able to update the video db just fine.

I wish it would throw an error for me to tell why its just completely stopping but the logs do not seem to show anything relevant.

Any other ideas?

EDIT: This just happened in the windows that I had running the script:

./UpdateLibrary.sh: line 2: 18755 Killed java -jar "/home/pi/XBMCMyLibrary/XBMCMyLibrary.jar"

Line 2 in that file:
java -jar "/home/pi/XBMCMyLibrary/XBMCMyLibrary.jar"

Does your plugin not like Java7? I know im using java6 on my windows machine.
Java7 works just fine with this. It's what i'm using anyway.

Not sure what's happening. What are the last few lines in the _DEBUG.log?
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I had the same problem with the newest java too. I had to find java 6 to get it to work again. Doesn't the xml code point to a java 6 folder(1.3.3)
I guess I can't speak for v 1.3.3. It may have issues with Java7. I'm not set up to test that right now.
1.4.1 is working for me and Java7.
XBMC.MyLibrary (add anything to the library)
ForTheLibrary (Argus TV & XBMC Library PVR Integration)
SageTV & XBMC PVR Integration
I'm using 1.4.2 of your plugin and tested now with java 7 and 6 and for some reason it just stops running the update script. This is also running it on a raspberry pi, I'm leaning towards its something with a cpu/memory limitation. However the script running on windows works just fine. Any specific log file that would give a good idea on whats happening?



Tailing the DEBUG.log file and running another update, I'll post results on when it dies.

EDIT 2: End of DEBUG.log when process stopped.
12/03/2012 04:31:01 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Successfuly queued meta-data change for type=SUFFIX, value=, for file: /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E01 - Meth House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:01 PM INFO    Archive:New      /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E01 - Meth House.strm (SubSonic/TV Shows/Flip Men/Season 1/Flip Men - S01E01 - Meth House - HD TV)
12/03/2012 04:31:02 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        SQL = SELECT id, source_name, original_path, missing_since, missing_count, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE dropbox_location = ?
12/03/2012 04:31:02 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        SQL = INSERT INTO ArchivedFiles(source_name, dropbox_location, original_path, missing_since, missing_count, date_archived, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Successfully added file in ArchivedFiles tracking table from source SubSonic: SubSonic/TV Shows/Flip Men/Season 1/Flip Men - S01E01 - Meth House - HD TV: /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E01 - Meth House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Next: SubSonic/TV Shows/Flip Men/Season 1/Flip Men - S01E02 - Gang House - HD TV
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Attempting default parsing of TV Show...
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Found SxxExx pattern (S01E02), attempting to parse it.
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Splitting "Flip Men - S01E02 - Gang House - HD TV" with " - " = [Flip Men, S01E02, Gang House, HD TV], length of 4, looking for 3
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Successfully got TV informationg using default method. This show will be able to be archived if max limits have not been exceeded.
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        SxxExx DuplicateCheck for 0 .strm files in TV Shows directory for match on S01E02
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = SELECT id FROM QueuedChanges WHERE dropbox_location = ? AND meta_data_type = ?
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to PREFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Queueing new meta-data change: type=PREFIX, value=, file=/home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = INSERT INTO QueuedChanges(dropbox_location, video_type, meta_data_type, value, status) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to episodes
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 3 to PREFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 4 to
12/03/2012 04:31:07 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 5 to QUEUED
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Successfuly queued meta-data change for type=PREFIX, value=, for file: /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = SELECT id FROM QueuedChanges WHERE dropbox_location = ? AND meta_data_type = ?
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to SUFFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Queueing new meta-data change: type=SUFFIX, value=, file=/home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = INSERT INTO QueuedChanges(dropbox_location, video_type, meta_data_type, value, status) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to episodes
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 3 to SUFFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 4 to
12/03/2012 04:31:12 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 5 to QUEUED
12/03/2012 04:31:16 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Successfuly queued meta-data change for type=SUFFIX, value=, for file: /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:16 PM INFO    Archive:New      /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm (SubSonic/TV Shows/Flip Men/Season 1/Flip Men - S01E02 - Gang House - HD TV)
12/03/2012 04:31:16 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        SQL = SELECT id, source_name, original_path, missing_since, missing_count, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE dropbox_location = ?
12/03/2012 04:31:16 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        SQL = INSERT INTO ArchivedFiles(source_name, dropbox_location, original_path, missing_since, missing_count, date_archived, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Successfully added file in ArchivedFiles tracking table from source SubSonic: SubSonic/TV Shows/Flip Men/Season 1/Flip Men - S01E02 - Gang House - HD TV: /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E02 - Gang House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Next: SubSonic/TV Shows/Flip Men/Season 1/Flip Men - S01E03 - Flood House - HD TV
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Attempting default parsing of TV Show...
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Found SxxExx pattern (S01E03), attempting to parse it.
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Splitting "Flip Men - S01E03 - Flood House - HD TV" with " - " = [Flip Men, S01E03, Flood House, HD TV], length of 4, looking for 3
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        Successfully got TV informationg using default method. This show will be able to be archived if max limits have not been exceeded.
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   Arvhiving        SxxExx DuplicateCheck for 0 .strm files in TV Shows directory for match on S01E03
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = SELECT id FROM QueuedChanges WHERE dropbox_location = ? AND meta_data_type = ?
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to PREFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Queueing new meta-data change: type=PREFIX, value=, file=/home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = INSERT INTO QueuedChanges(dropbox_location, video_type, meta_data_type, value, status) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to episodes
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 3 to PREFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 4 to
12/03/2012 04:31:21 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 5 to QUEUED
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Successfuly queued meta-data change for type=PREFIX, value=, for file: /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = SELECT id FROM QueuedChanges WHERE dropbox_location = ? AND meta_data_type = ?
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to SUFFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Queueing new meta-data change: type=SUFFIX, value=, file=/home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         SQL = INSERT INTO QueuedChanges(dropbox_location, video_type, meta_data_type, value, status) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 1 to /home/pi/dropbox/TV Shows/Flip.Men/Season.1/S01E03 - Flood House.strm
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 2 to episodes
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 3 to SUFFIX
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 4 to
12/03/2012 04:31:26 PM DEBUG   MetaData         Set STRING param 5 to QUEUED
Hi there,

I'm trying to get this working with the subsonic plugin and it all seems fine, except that it lists the Series/Title as null, however i dont really want to be renaming all of my files to the Series - SXXEXX - Title format.

I currently have my files as Show.Name.SXXEXX.Title.OtherBitsHere

However, when i run it, the series and title parts come up as null.
<SubSonic path="plugin://plugin.video.subsonic" recursive="true" prefix="(S)">

<subfolder name="TV" type="episodes" >
                    <regexp>^([a-zA-Z0-9.]*)\.S([0-9]{1,2})E([0-9]{1,2}).*$</regexp> <!-- ex: "ShowName.S(Season)E(Episode).Title.Other" -->

2/04/2012 03:34:43 PM INFO    Init...          Testing connectivity to JSON-RPC raw interface (listening for notifications)...
12/04/2012 03:34:43 PM INFO    Init...          Connecting to event listener on xbmc:9090
12/04/2012 03:34:43 PM NOTICE  Init...          Successfully connected to xbmc:9090. Listening for JSON-RPC messages.
12/04/2012 03:34:43 PM INFO    Init...          xbmc:9090 sent request: {"id":1,"result":"pong","jsonrpc":"2.0"}
12/04/2012 03:34:43 PM INFO    Init...          JSONRPC Ping Success = true for XBMC instance @ xbmc:9090
12/04/2012 03:34:44 PM NOTICE  Init...          Connected to XBMC JSON-RPC interfaces successfully.
12/04/2012 03:34:44 PM NOTICE  Init...          Starting source scan for 3 sources...
12/04/2012 03:34:44 PM INFO    Find:Subfolder   Searching for subfolder: SubSonic/TV
12/04/2012 03:34:45 PM NOTICE  Found!           SubSonic's subfolder "SubSonic/TV" maps to source: plugin://plugin.video.subsonic/?mode=list_indexes&folder_id=1 (SubSonic/TV)
12/04/2012 03:34:45 PM INFO    Search:SubSonic  Found 0 videos that are already archived in dropbox from source "SubSonic"
12/04/2012 03:34:45 PM NOTICE  Search:SubSonic  Finding all matching videos under subfolder: SubSonic/TV
12/04/2012 03:34:46 PM WARN    Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=1
                                   SubSonic/TV/Alcatraz/Season 01/Alcatraz.S01E01.Pilot
12/04/2012 03:34:46 PM WARN    Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=2
                                   SubSonic/TV/Alcatraz/Season 01/Alcatraz.S01E02.Ernest.Cobb
12/04/2012 03:34:46 PM WARN    Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=3
                                   SubSonic/TV/Alcatraz/Season 01/Alcatraz.S01E03.Kit.Nelson
12/04/2012 03:34:46 PM WARN    Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=4
                                   SubSonic/TV/Alcatraz/Season 01/Alcatraz.S01E04.Cal.Sweeney
12/04/2012 03:34:46 PM WARN    Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=5
                                   SubSonic/TV/Alcatraz/Season 01/Alcatraz.S01E05.Guy.Hastings

Am i using the regex bit of the subfolder correctly? As it doesnt seem to show any interest that ive added that bit. Any help would be much apreciated! Hoping to get it setup so i can put it in my parents house for christmas as a little present so they can access my movie collection

I'm using SubSonic as well, this works for me. I would take out the regexp and just use what i have below.

<SubSonic path="plugin://plugin.video.subsonic" recursive="true">
            <subfolder name="TV Shows" type="episodes" >
            <subfolder name="Movies" type="movies" >
(2012-12-04, 17:50)nutt318 Wrote: @Jeax

I'm using SubSonic as well, this works for me. I would take out the regexp and just use what i have below.

Hi nutt thanks for the reply,

This is basically what i have and for movies it works perfectly fine, however TV shows all return 'cannot be archived' series=null, title=null then the correct season and episode numbers, so it seems to be scraping the SXXEXX part fine, it just cant get the actual Show name part right, which is why i thought it needed some regex to help it,but it seems undocumented.

Movies works like a charm though, so thanks for that.

Edit: ocassionally a TV show will scrape, however the name of it is wrong.E.g CSI.Miami..MIA and CSI.Miami..F
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XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)10
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