Which version of Ubuntu to use for XBMC HTPC ?

I was hoping to setup a Linux / Ubuntu XBMC HTPC client. But I am unsure what is the best approach. All my media is on a Windows Home Server, so XBMC will be client only no locally stored data.

It appears there are several versions of Ubuntu, Unbuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Minimal etc.

I installed the desktop version and got XBMC installed OK.

I then decided to install the Ubuntu Server version expecting there to be a desktop UI and there is not.

I am new to Linux coming from Windows Media Center.

My experienced friend recommended using Ubuntu Server and XBMC as the best option, however not sure I can cope with no desktop and having to configure everything via command line?

What have other Linux newbies done to get XBMC up and running?

What do the experts recommend ?

I would like to learn some Linux stuff and prefer not to use OpenElec / XBMCbuntu but installing Ubuntu Server has thrown me in at the deep end!

XBMCbuntu is probably your best option to be honest.

It has XBMC but also a GUI so you can configure stuff via that if needs be.

If you want / need a GUI then even with starting with Ubuntu minimal once you start installing all that GUI stuff you are going to end up with something pretty similar to XBMCbuntu in the end anyway.
If not a predefined solution like XBMCbuntu I'd suggest Ubuntu 12.04 LTS...the Long Term Support is the important part since it'll be supported for patches, packages, security, etc for 5 years until 2017.


The typical every 6 months releases; 12.10, 13.04, etc only get 18 months of support. Next LTS is April 2014; 14.04.

Here's an Ubuntu minimal based approach - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=141369 - I used Ubuntu minimal 12.04 x64 as the base for it.

If I helped out pls give me a +

A bunch of XBMC instances, big-ass screen in the basement + a 20TB FreeBSD, ZFS server.
(2013-01-09, 17:13)thethirdnut Wrote: If not a predefined solution like XBMCbuntu I'd suggest Ubuntu 12.04 LTS...the Long Term Support is the important part since it'll be supported for patches, packages, security, etc for 5 years until 2017.


The typical every 6 months releases; 12.10, 13.04, etc only get 18 months of support. Next LTS is April 2014; 14.04.

Here's an Ubuntu minimal based approach - http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=141369 - I used Ubuntu minimal 12.04 x64 as the base for it.

Yes I did notice there are different versions of Ubuntu Server 12.10 and 12.04.1 LTS. I did initially install 12.10 but might switch to the LTS one instead.


(2013-01-09, 16:57)Saner Wrote: XBMCbuntu is probably your best option to be honest.

It has XBMC but also a GUI so you can configure stuff via that if needs be.

If you want / need a GUI then even with starting with Ubuntu minimal once you start installing all that GUI stuff you are going to end up with something pretty similar to XBMCbuntu in the end anyway.

Is XBMCLive something different to XBMCbuntu ? EDIT: "A pre-made installation of XBMC on Ubuntu can be found with XBMCbuntu (aka XBMC Live)."

I have been thinking about trying OpenElec

I can highly recommend OpenElec. Installed in a couple of seconds on my HTPC. It does have an SSD,but still.. The install is very small and everything works right out of the box. Also it's very easy to upgrade. Copy 4 files over to an SMB share and reboot Smile Once you've tried it you'll never go back Cool
Any reason to go with Ubuntu Server over Ubuntu Minimal ?

I will have a read of the minimal approach you linked to.

(2013-01-09, 17:52)cejstrup Wrote: I can highly recommend OpenElec. Installed in a couple of seconds on my HTPC. It does have an SSD,but still.. The install is very small and everything works right out of the box. Also it's very easy to upgrade. Copy 4 files over to an SMB share and reboot Smile Once you've tried it you'll never go back Cool

OpenElec does sound good, especially for Linux newbies and for a quicker easier setup.

What is the disadvantage of using OpenElec when compared to using Ubuntu Minimal or Server ?

I don't have anything against OpenElec - just a lot of time, effort and know-how already invested in Debian-based Linux so stick with Ubuntu.

Ubuntu minimal without any window manager should give you very similar performance and appliance feel like OE.

If you're just starting fresh with Linux perhaps OE would be best to try out first.
If I helped out pls give me a +

A bunch of XBMC instances, big-ass screen in the basement + a 20TB FreeBSD, ZFS server.
Which Linux distro is OpenElec based on?
If you *just* want XBMC, Openelec is the answer. It does XBMC and nothing else, but it does it exceedingly well. It's very fast to boot, stable, easy to upgrade, and needs no maintenance: it aims to be an appliance, like a DVD player.

The advantage of a full 'buntu installation is that your system can do more - it can run other server-ey things, or be a usable desktop with a browser and graphics progrmmes, that sort of thing. It really depends on what you want.

And to answer an earlier question you posed - XBMCbuntu replace XBMCLive.
(2013-01-09, 18:10)Prof Yaffle Wrote: If you *just* want XBMC, Openelec is the answer. It does XBMC and nothing else, but it does it exceedingly well. It's very fast to boot, stable, easy to upgrade, and needs no maintenance: it aims to be an appliance, like a DVD player.

The advantage of a full 'buntu installation is that your system can do more - it can run other server-ey things, or be a usable desktop with a browser and graphics progrmmes, that sort of thing. It really depends on what you want.

And to answer an earlier question you posed - XBMCbuntu replace XBMCLive.

One thing I need to add at some point is Crestron / XBMC integration. I've not really looked in to it yet, but I believe there is an add-in for Crestron. My only concern with OpenElec is if that integration couldn't be added. Will use a Creston programmer to handle the Crestron system side but need some hook in to XBMC.

When using Windows Media Center I used the TCP VMCController and Crestron on the iPad would send commands to the TCP Controller software on the MCE PC to navigate around MCE etc.
This looks like the type of setup guide I need to follow:


Its written for Hardy / Intrepid / Jaunty however so presumably I can't follow this using Ubuntu 12.10

But I think if I can find the correct guide to follow this is the type of installation I would like to attempt.
Well I just setup Putty on my Windows laptop to SSH in to the Ubuntu Server, followed this:


So just need to know which commands to use to install XBMC now.

Is that ''Automated Ubuntu preparation and XBMC installation" about the best current setup guide to follow ?

This guide http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=141369 gives you a script to dload and run AFTER you have Ubuntu minimal installed.

The min install is pretty straight-forward, boot into the unit and follow the prompts. Main tricky part is partitioning, but just let it use one whole disk if you can allow it.

If I helped out pls give me a +

A bunch of XBMC instances, big-ass screen in the basement + a 20TB FreeBSD, ZFS server.
(2013-01-09, 19:00)thethirdnut Wrote: This guide http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=141369 gives you a script to dload and run AFTER you have Ubuntu minimal installed.

The min install is pretty straight-forward, boot into the unit and follow the prompts. Main tricky part is partitioning, but just let it use one whole disk if you can allow it.

OK thanks, sounds like I need to ditch Ubuntu Server and reinstall it again with the Minimal version.

I did ask a question about partitioning on the Ubuntu forums here. Plan to use a 60GB SSD the advice was to just use one partition.
if you use ubuntu server or minimal doesn't really matter.

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Which version of Ubuntu to use for XBMC HTPC ?0