Solved [XBMCBuntu] Frodo - Random playback hickups on Shuttle XS35GTV2
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1) Debug log:
2) No Screenshots possible to describe problem
3/4/7) Versions of softs used: XBMC (12.0-RC3 Git:7a6cb7f), Platform: Linux (Ubuntu 12.10 - XBMCbuntu, 3.5.0-21-generic i686). Built on Jan 3 2013
5) Shuttle XS35GTV2 (Atom D525; 2nd gen ION, 4GB RAM, XBMCBuntu on local hdd)
6) Install Method: Live ISO over USB stick Edit: As offered HERE
8) Problem occurence: Hickups every 30s-120s on video playback. *.mkv and *.mov Files have been used to test this in various resolutions. XBMC CPU Load is at 25% distributed over the 4(2) cores

Skin used is confluence.
I tried several settings (A/V Sync and refresh rate adjustment etc.)
I have been Using Dharma for several months now without any problems. However I want to switch to Frodo for the improved functionalities. Since Eden, I have this hickups.

These hickups are short stutters in the playback of content. First I thought it might be a problem with the refresh rates of the screen and input/output or A/V sync problems. However I can't find anything. The log doesn't seem to be conclusive to me except the errors that are shown in the logs.

First video test is @ 21:24:15 T:3007964992
Second test is @ 21:28:21 T:3007964992
Third test is @ 21:36:08 T:3007964992

I hope I don't step on anybody's feet with this. I just don't understand why it stutters with the new version of XBMC.

Thanks for any help
There are two frodo rc isos - one for amd one for nvidia. Which one did you install?
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The Intel one of course.

Have you turned deinterlace to auto on OSD?

Check the last link on my signature for optimal xbmc settings.

The XS35GTV2 is just paper weight running Linux. Due to NVidia Powermizer issue the GPU won't ever switch to max performance. I was working on this but Shuttle refused to investigate further.
This version make playback better:
In xbmcbuntu change the ppa to use xvba ppa intead of xbmc/unstable ppa.

Hi guys and thanks for the quick help.

How can I check which PPA is being used atm on my machine?

I used the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba-eden
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-bin
sudo reboot

Tried again to no avail however.
I don't think ins only video related since audio also has the hickup.


Although FernetMenta is right with regard to the PowerMizer issue on Shuttle XS35GT, your hickups may have some other reason. The PowerMizer issue is most noticable when watching HD content and can be seen as far too many frame drops.

If your hickups can also be seen when watching SD content of any kind, then you should take a look at the following thread:

Please have a look at point "11 - Fix video skip/freeze problem every few minutes" of the initial post in that thread.
Maybe that can solve your problems.


"Programming is like s*e*x, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life" - Mike Sinz
(2013-01-09, 08:19)HelixRX8 Wrote: Hi guys and thanks for the quick help.

How can I check which PPA is being used atm on my machine?

I used the following commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wsnipex/xbmc-xvba-eden
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xbmc xbmc-bin
sudo reboot

Tried again to no avail however.
I don't think ins only video related since audio also has the hickup.


Wrong ppa that IIRC is not based on Fermentas stuff it the top link == my signature.

Quote:Wrong ppa that IIRC is not based on Fermentas stuff it the top link

It is also based on my work but a rather old version. Better use the version Uni pointed you to.
Hi again!

In addition to my first answer, I would like to point you to another solution, which works perfectly for me.

Install the latest Dharma XBMCLive version and compile xbmc Frodo from git. Doing so, solved all off my hickup and frame drop issues with Eden and Frodo. It's because xbmclive Dharma is based on Ubuntu Lucid and uses the nvidia driver (195.x) which is known to work with ION on the Shuttle XS35GT. Unfortunately, you can't install this nvidia driver on the newer XBMCBuntu, because of the newer kernel of this release.

Compiling from git is an easy task, if for example you might want to follow one of the many how-to's like this one:

EDIT: To archive judder free playback with 1080p24 you should then also follow this guide:

"Programming is like s*e*x, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life" - Mike Sinz
Hello everyone.
Actually this "Fix video skip/freeze problem every few minutes" helped as described HERE

I'll still keep the new renderer close.
On another matter I can confirm, that Shuttle's product really are at the lower end of the food chain. I work in IT-distribution and the partnership on our end already weren't optimal. (some products were shipped with old BIOS versions etc.)

Regards & many thanks for the help

Good to here, that this workes for you.
Unfortunately, this does not cure the problem on the Shuttle XS35GT V1. That's why I've choosen the XBMCLive way and compiled Frodo on top of that.

"Programming is like s*e*x, one mistake and you have to support it for the rest of your life" - Mike Sinz
(2013-01-14, 15:09)zaphod42 Wrote: Hi!

Good to here, that this workes for you.
Unfortunately, this does not cure the problem on the Shuttle XS35GT V1. That's why I've choosen the XBMCLive way and compiled Frodo on top of that.


Zaphod, are you saying that your shuttle works on all ion cores using this method? If so so then you've proved it's the nvidia driver and not the shuttle. Would you agree FernetMenta?

I wonder has anyone tried this on an XS35GTV2. Or maybe I'll give it a go.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2013-02-25, 01:49)phunkyfish Wrote: I wonder has anyone tried this on an XS35GTV2. .

Well not exactly but I run the following:

- Shuttle XS35GTv2
- Ubuntu 12.10
- XBMC 2:12.0~git20130128.1315-frodo-0precise (from the team-xbmc/unstable PPA)
- Nvidia proprietary: DKMS: nvidia, 310.32, 3.2.0-35-generic-pae, i686

I have set up the following advancedsettings:
(I actually have a few more but they are not relevant to the Shuttle hardware)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
   <gputempcommand>echo &quot;$(nvidia-settings -tq GPUCoreTemp) C&quot;</gputempcommand>
   <cputempcommand>echo &quot;$(sensors -u | grep 'temp2_input' | awk '{printf(&quot;%d\n&quot;,$2+0.5);}') C&quot;</cputempcommand>

I have absolutely no dropped frames at all (framedrop = 0), unless I play something HD which the ION2 can't hardware-decode, which in essence never happens.
Getting the proprietary DKMS drivers working correctly is a $^^#% but as long as you manage to do that, everything works.

As far as I know the 310 Nvidia drivers have fixed the powermizer issue, but do correct me if I am wrong.
EDIT: I stand corrected, the powermizer issue still exists, I just never run into issues with buffering or stuttering. I believe believe those issues are largely network related.

My shuttle currently will play everything I throw at it (FullHD 24p /w 5.1 surround sound streamed is no issue at all) and runs all skins quite fast.

The most important bug I encountered with the XS35GTv2 has to deal withan issue where the gigabit networkcard is not working correctly, which can be solved as described here (only if needed in your setup).
The wifi driver is horrible as well, but blacklisting that worked fine for me.

@FernetMenta, @uNiversal : If you want more information / tests / output of commands from my setup just ask !

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[XBMCBuntu] Frodo - Random playback hickups on Shuttle XS35GTV20