nate1280, I did a manual sync today and I noticed that this always happens: a message telling me it will remove 722 movies from,
I only have 79 movies on XBMC (today) and yes, I've watched all this 722 movies in the past (not necessary in XBMC) but I do not have them anymore.
Every time I do manual sync trakt says it. Why Trakt keep telling me this?
Auto-sync does not show this message so I never bothered to see the full log.
22:52:35 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] movie collection is up to date.
22:52:36 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] movie playcount is up to date
22:52:36 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] XBMC movie playcount is up to date.
22:52:37 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] 722 movie(s) will be removed from collection.
22:52:37 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Movies removed:
22:52:39 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Request data: '{"movies": [{"plays": 1, "tmdb_id": .....................
(LIST OF ALL 722 MOVIES - removed the code
continue here:
22:52:40 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Starting retry loop, maximum 10 retries.
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData():
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): Response Code: 200
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): Response Time: 8503.08 ms
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] __getData(): Response Headers: {'content-length': '64', 'x-powered-by': 'PHP/5.3.18-1~dotdeb.0', 'vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'server': 'nginx/1.2.7', 'connection': 'Close', 'date': 'Sat, 06 Apr 2013 01:52:38 GMT', 'content-type': 'application/json'}
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) JSON response: '{u'status': u'success', u'message': u'722 movies removed from library'}'
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): JSON request was successful.
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Movies on (801), movies in XBMC (79).
22:52:49 T:2789209152 NOTICE: [trakt] [Movies Sync] Complete.
My settings:
<setting id="xbmc_movie_playcount" value="true" />
<setting id="trakt_movie_playcount" value="true" />
<setting id="add_movies_to_trakt" value="true" />
<setting id="clean_trakt_movies" value="true" />
UPDATE: it took 8.5 seconds to update......