Cheapest HTPC with 23.976fps and HD bitstream
So I've been searching through these forums for a while now and I've started to have some ideas of what I need, but I still have a few questions:
  • Is there no ARM platform (like Raspberry PI) that can run OpenELEC & co. and bitstreams DTS-HD with proper 23.976 output?
  • Can HD bitstreaming and 23.976 output only be achieved with Windows or is it possible with Linux (Ubuntu, OpenELEC, etc.)?
  • What is the minimum hardware for achieving my needs above:
    • i3-3220 with it's IGP + mITX
    • Celeron G550 + mITX + NVIDIA GT 610
    • Celeron G550 + mITX + NVIDIA GT 620/630 (see bellow)
  • I've been reading that NVIDIA has really set the bar with video decoding capabilities but the 610 still has some issue with deinterlacing and it's recommended to use at least the GT 620 (if not 630 to be sure). Is this true?
  • Is ATI still relevant as a HTPC solution? Should I consider the Vision APU's or stick with one of the configs above?
  • Which variant will be the least power hungry?
Research into the AMD trinity CPU's.
I've done some reading into that and it's my understanding that if I try to run OpenELEC or any linux build I'll loose the ability to bitstream HD Audio. Is this correct?
(2013-04-10, 11:43)snapilica2003 Wrote: I've done some reading into that and it's my understanding that if I try to run OpenELEC or any linux build I'll loose the ability to bitstream HD Audio. Is this correct?

No. Be careful, because there are many guides out there that are outdated, which point to development builds, changing binaries and so on. That's not longer necessary, as HD audio bistreaming is now standard and works in both windows and linux.
So you're saying I will have no problem bitstreaming HD audio with OpenELEC (or Ubuntu + XBMC) and a AMD Trinity setup?

If yes how up should I go? A6 is enough? or do I need A8 or A10?
(2013-04-10, 12:19)snapilica2003 Wrote: So you're saying I will have no problem bitstreaming HD audio with OpenELEC (or Ubuntu + XBMC) and a AMD Trinity setup?

If yes how up should I go? A6 is enough? or do I need A8 or A10?

Go with Nvidia mate. ATI is useless in OpenElec, its full of bugs and limitations. Cant even do scaling of mod8 videos properly.

Read the OpenElec 3.0 news page and release notes if you want to see if ATI complaints are 'outdated' and only apply to old builds.
Not sure about OpenElec with AMD. But in my amd system with linux + xbmc, it is still has issues. Nvidia system give a better result & better experience in Linux.

AMD is giving good experirience in Windows though. So if you really want AMD I'd stick with Windows system. But if you want OpenELEC or Linux.. Nvidia is recommended over AMD.
(2013-04-10, 12:19)snapilica2003 Wrote: So you're saying I will have no problem bitstreaming HD audio with OpenELEC (or Ubuntu + XBMC) and a AMD Trinity setup?

If yes how up should I go? A6 is enough? or do I need A8 or A10?

Oh sorry, with AMD you are right, absolutely. AMD doesn't support HD audio bistream under Openelec/Linux.

However, HD audio bistream works with Nvidia and, I think, under Intel too.
Yeah, that was my understanding also. I did see that a few days ago AMD gave some sources away to the open source driver... maybe in time we will get proper decoding.

So I guess I'm left with using IvyBridge i3 with it's IGP or IvyBridge Celeron with Nvidia discrete card.

I've been seeing that the HD4000 pretty good at playback it's just that can't output 23Hz properly. NVIDIA it seems will give me best result, it's just a question if it's worth the extra space and power it takes in a case.

Might as well get a Intel NUC and be over with it... but I do like to tinker with my builds, the NUC is as is.
As per another thread on here, there is not one chipset that can produce HD audio bitstreaming and guarantee a video output of a constant 23.973 at the same time.

Not Nvidia, Intel or AMD. It is the chipsets that are at fault.
(2013-04-10, 17:12)churchwa Wrote: As per another thread on here, there is not one chipset that can produce HD audio bitstreaming and guarantee a video output of a constant 23.973 at the same time.

Not Nvidia, Intel or AMD. It is the chipsets that are at fault.
Yeah, that what I initially figured but reading this review HERE I can see Nvidia offers the option to build custom timings and it does appear that you can achieve proper 23,976Hz AND bitstreaming. Though I don't know if the custom timings feature is available on the linux driver.

Can someone with an NVIDIA card and a linux build confirm this?
Unless you use MadVR ... which I may try once I build my HTPC. I have read many success stories so we shall see.
LAV Filters + madVR does seem to be the perfect way to watch video, unfortunately I don't know of a way to force XBMC to use those, unless you set it to always use an external player, but then you loose control options.
You can get proper 23.976 fps playback with Linux + Nvidia binary drivers. I have no experience with Openelec since Ubuntu minimal floats my boat.

Uni's post here and the associated threads should point you in the right direction.

PS: Looking up and building the custom modelines for instance I'm getting excellent 59.94 fps (3:2 pulldown of 23.976 source material) on an older 720p panel...just need to expend some effort sorting out the proper xorg.conf.
If I helped out pls give me a +

A bunch of XBMC instances, big-ass screen in the basement + a 20TB FreeBSD, ZFS server.
I have been following this thread closely. do you have any recommendation for the rest of the build? mobo? memory? case? power supply? etc.

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Cheapest HTPC with 23.976fps and HD bitstream1