Android SMB Issue - Windows works - Android/Linux doesn't
Hey guys well any ideas why i can connect to the mysql database from my android device via xbmc but can't connect to the SMB files? Es file explorer can connect to the SMB though and so can both my windows 8 pc's.

Will post a log asap, currently trying a fresh install of XBMC for android.
Its also not working on my other android device.
(2013-04-21, 00:48)fma965 Wrote: Its also not working on my other android device.

HELP! Please, LOG Shows nothing wrong that i can see but i will upload it as soon as my external sd card starts working

EDIT: ok so i can now see that i can infact connect to my NAS hosting mysql and samba, however i can only connect the mysql db on it i can't access the SMB Shares, IT does however show up in the "add network smb share" thing. but i can't browse it i can just see it but when i connect i get "connection timed out"

Heres the XBMC log - note i tried using 13.0 12.1 and others all the same issues

Here is my smb.conf from my NAS -
Hey guys well any ideas why i can connect to the mysql database from my android device via xbmc but can't connect to the SMB files? but both my windows 8 pc's running xbmc can.

ok so i can now see that i can infact connect to my NAS hosting mysql and samba, however i can only connect the mysql db on it i can't access the SMB Shares, IT does however show up in the "add network smb share" thing. but i can't browse it i can just see it but when i connect i get "connection timed out"

Heres the XBMC log - note i tried using 13.0 12.1 and others all the same issues

Here is my smb.conf from my NAS -
I'm not sure what the issue would be, but I don't think it's related to having MySQL set up, especially if it's doing it just from trying to add/browse an SMB source.
static ip code
su -c "ifconfig eth0 netmask up"
su -c "route add default gw dev eth0"
su -c "setprop net.dns1"
Can you try accessing the SMB share using it's IP address?

Is /NAS an actual file share? Or is the name of the SMB server? You have to specify a shared folder for the source.
Ok so perhaps that doesn't fix it.

I have 2 routers, 1 up and 1 downstairs. the 1 downstairs is turned off sometimes and thererfore i don't have internet connection upstairs any more. I CAN NOT CHANGE THIS. The router upstairs is connected to the 1 downstairs via powerline adapters (basically a ethernet cable) everything works fine.

my NAS ip is static and set to

DESCRIPTION='A basic static ethernet connection using iproute'
#ROUTES=(' via')

## For IPv6 autoconfiguration

## For IPv6 static address configuration
#ADDR6=('1234:5678:9abc:def::1/64' '1234:3456::123/96')
Even when the nas is DHCP it still doesn't work though

my PC ip is dynamic/static it doesn't matter
My gk802 android is dynamic/static it doesn't matter

My PC can connect and play back media from my NAS with and without a internet connection via XBMC on windows.
My GK802 can connect and playback media from my NAS with a internet connection but if i have no internet connection (even if i have my ip,gateway,dns all set) it will not work.

to clarify, if i have no internet connection but still have all the network set up and ip address, gateway, dns etc SAMBA won't connect, MySQL still will though. so WTF! is going on? only on Android, Windows if fine regardless of my internet state.

As soon as i turn the internet connection back on the GK802 works, it doesn't even need XBMC to reload or reboot the device, it just works. As soon as i turn off the internet connection it stops working, no reboot or xbmc restart is needed it just stops working.

However this bit confuses me, I can still connect from my GK802 to my PC shares when i have no internet connection... So surely its a issue with my nas? hence why i posted it in my NAS support forum.y PC shares when i have no internet connection... So surely its a issue with my nas? but wat?
Full Screen Image

heres a attempt at making it simpler to understand
Update, After testing more, i found that ES File explorer for android will copy and play files from my NAS SMB with and without a internetconnection, but only after updating my NAS SMB version... here is my SMB config file from my nas if this helps

workgroup = WORKGROUP
server string = ALARM
netbios name = ALARM
map to guest = Bad User
guest account = root
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
use sendfile = true

  path = /hdd/media/
  read only = no
  public = yes
  writable = yes
  force user = root
(2013-04-22, 05:48)jhhoffma Wrote: Can you try accessing the SMB share using it's IP address?

Is /NAS an actual file share? Or is the name of the SMB server? You have to specify a shared folder for the source.

Please check here for more info
I merged both threads. Information is scattered all over and it makes it hard to take a look.

It seems to be a DNS error in your android devices. That drawing is confusing me a lot though.

Could you please just draw physical connections only, one line per physical connection, and note down what ip addresses, gateways, netmasks and dns each machine has set up ?
Don't draw lines between things if there is no physical connection. Draw dotted lines for wireless connections from your wireless router to devices if you use those.
Also add both routers and their addresses etc

Try to cram as much information as you can into one post and I will have a look.
(2013-04-25, 23:22)Kibje Wrote: I merged both threads. Information is scattered all over and it makes it hard to take a look.

It seems to be a DNS error in your android devices. That drawing is confusing me a lot though.

Could you please just draw physical connections only, one line per physical connection, and note down what ip addresses, gateways, netmasks and dns each machine has set up ?
Don't draw lines between things if there is no physical connection. Draw dotted lines for wireless connections from your wireless router to devices if you use those.
Also add both routers and their addresses etc

Try to cram as much information as you can into one post and I will have a look.

the DNS error u mention how does that make sense? im not using any domain names im just using IP's


The facts are

SMB and MySQL (well mariaDB actually) runs on my NAS
all the above devices have as their netmasks
when i have internet access it works fine, when i have full network access but not internet access it doesn't work Sad . any more info u need let me know Smile
android XBMC connects to the mysql even without internet acesss
android XBMC doesn't connect to SMB on my NAS unless i have internet
android XBMC does connect to my pc shares with or without internet connection
android ES File Explorer connects to my NAS SMB and My pc fine with and without net
MY windows PC connects to everything with and without internet connection
My phone does the same as my GK802 (the android hdmi stick)
It's either a problem with XBMC for android, my NAS (although es file explorer works) or Android it self (again it works in ES File Explorer) so surely that means its xbmc?
DNS's make no difference to this issue, i have tried and and same for gateways... tried the ip of both routers but same thing happens.
I have tried many versions of XBMC aswell. nightlies, gotham, frodo stable etc.

i do also have a laptop and a xbox 360 and a wii connected but i didn't feel these were needed, but if they are then the 360 is wired with auto assigned ip from main router, wii is wireless auto assign and so is my laptop. my phone is not currently connected to wifi but is also auto assigned.

Thanks, for looking Smile
bump, again Sad

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SMB Issue - Windows works - Android/Linux doesn't0