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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)
@ArieS: Looks like you're suffering from old settings. Have a look at MediaElch -> Settings -> Movies. There are the filenames, just double click on "clearart.png" and change it to "logo.png" and the inverse for the Logo.
The same goes for the nfo files. In the settings you can setup more than one nfo file. In your case there should be a "movie.nfo" and an entry "<baseFileName>.nfo" just right click on the "movie.nfo" and choose delete.
Komet, thanks a lot for the quick response Smile
Can't believe it was all in the settings lol
What sucks is now I have all my movie collection with the movie.nfos that I need to remove one by one.... Or is there a known way to get rid of them at once?
Box 1: ODroid N2+ 4GB
Box 2: Intel NUC D34010WYK (Windows afedchin's Krypton MVC Build)
Box 3: Vero 4K
RIP schimi2k | I miss you buddy :(
I just started using MEdiaElch and I really like it.

A few questions...

1) Can you add the option to use standard Frodo file naming when using separate folder? The app I was using before used Frodo naming from the FAQ: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBM...odo%29_FAQ ... and now your app added a ton more files to each folder. Also, a 'clean up' routine would be nice too Smile

2) Can you add a feature to do mass updates of specific items, like subtitles, actors, posters, etc? This way we can keep the items we want and update only the items we need.

I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
The latest release (1.6) crashes here while clicking on a new episode (all mp4 files).

Process: MediaElch [40138]
Path: /Applications/MediaElch.app/Contents/MacOS/MediaElch
Identifier: com.kvibes.MediaElch
Version: 1.6 (1.6)
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [159]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2013-04-28 09:47:56.889 +0300
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
Report Version: 10

Interval Since Last Report: 52109 sec
Crashes Since Last Report: 2
Per-App Interval Since Last Report: 107 sec
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report: 2
Anonymous UUID: 2D5E0DFE-4BF2-8EC1-671A-5CF44B063F52

Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001002bd12d MediaInfoLib::MediaInfo_Config:TonguearseSpeed_Get() + 29
1 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001002c9a6b MediaInfoLib::MediaInfo_Config_MediaInfo::MediaInfo_Config_MediaInfo() + 919
2 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001002e332b MediaInfoLib::MediaInfo_Internal::MediaInfo_Internal() + 133
3 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001002b8411 MediaInfoLib::MediaInfo::MediaInfo() + 31
4 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001001cca92 StreamDetails::loadStreamDetails() + 3338
5 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001000edc1e TvShowEpisode::loadStreamDetailsFromFile() + 24
6 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001000fc7f8 TvShowWidgetEpisode:ConfusedetEpisode(TvShowEpisode*) + 560
7 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001000f340d TvShowWidget::onEpisodeSelected(TvShowEpisode*) + 537
8 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x000000010025a822 TvShowWidget::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 466
9 QtCore 0x0000000100d361ee QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 1566
10 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001002591dc TvShowFilesWidget:ConfusedigEpisodeSelected(TvShowEpisode*) + 46
11 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x00000001000e613e TvShowFilesWidget::onItemActivated(QModelIndex, QModelIndex) + 1114
12 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x000000010025900f TvShowFilesWidget::qt_static_metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 319
13 QtCore 0x0000000100d361ee QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) + 1566
14 QtGui 0x000000010150e82d QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged(QModelIndex const&, QModelIndex const&) + 45
15 QtGui 0x000000010150e95e QItemSelectionModel:ConfusedetCurrentIndex(QModelIndex const&, QFlags<QItemSelectionModel::SelectionFlag>) + 142
16 QtGui 0x00000001014b3f16 QAbstractItemView::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent*) + 1158
17 QtGui 0x000000010100d4e0 QWidget::event(QEvent*) + 2816
18 QtGui 0x000000010139c8ec QFrame::event(QEvent*) + 44
19 QtGui 0x0000000101428bc7 QAbstractScrollArea::viewportEvent(QEvent*) + 23
20 QtGui 0x00000001014bdccb QAbstractItemView::viewportEvent(QEvent*) + 427
21 QtGui 0x00000001014fcc0b QTreeView::viewportEvent(QEvent*) + 299
22 QtGui 0x000000010142af50 QAbstractScrollArea::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) + 336
23 QtCore 0x0000000100d1dcb7 QCoreApplicationPrivate:ConfusedendThroughObjectEventFilters(QObject*, QEvent*) + 151
24 QtGui 0x0000000100fb09be QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 142
25 QtGui 0x0000000100fb7590 QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 2384
26 QtCore 0x0000000100d1e20c QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) + 124
27 QtGui 0x0000000100fb4fdd QApplicationPrivate:ConfusedendMouseEvent(QWidget*, QMouseEvent*, QWidget*, QWidget*, QWidget**, QPointer<QWidget>&, bool) + 333
28 QtGui 0x0000000100f64acb QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool::~QMacCocoaAutoReleasePool() + 18779
29 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff94def53e -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 6853
30 QtGui 0x0000000100f59bb7 QMacInputContext::reset() + 24823
31 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff94deb674 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 5761
32 QtGui 0x0000000100f5ebf4 QMacInputContext::reset() + 45364
33 com.apple.AppKit 0x00007fff94d0124a -[NSApplication run] + 636
34 QtGui 0x0000000100f69a80 QDesktopWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent*) + 13040
35 QtCore 0x0000000100d1d114 QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop:TonguerocessEventsFlag>) + 68
36 QtCore 0x0000000100d1d4c4 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop:TonguerocessEventsFlag>) + 324
37 QtCore 0x0000000100d1fbac QCoreApplication::exec() + 188
38 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x0000000100005a3a main + 3018
39 com.kvibes.MediaElch 0x0000000100004ca4 start + 52
(2013-04-27, 23:19)Livin Wrote: @Komet,
I just started using MEdiaElch and I really like it.

A few questions...

1) Can you add the option to use standard Frodo file naming when using separate folder? The app I was using before used Frodo naming from the FAQ: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBM...odo%29_FAQ ... and now your app added a ton more files to each folder. Also, a 'clean up' routine would be nice too Smile

2) Can you add a feature to do mass updates of specific items, like subtitles, actors, posters, etc? This way we can keep the items we want and update only the items we need.


1) Frodo filenames are used as default. Just have a look at MediaElch -> Settings -> Movies/TV Shows/Concerts. And can you tell me what these "tons" of added files are?

2) It's already there Wink Select multiple movies, hit the Search button and select the items you wish to update.

(2013-04-27, 21:53)ArieS Wrote: Komet, thanks a lot for the quick response Smile
Can't believe it was all in the settings lol
What sucks is now I have all my movie collection with the movie.nfos that I need to remove one by one.... Or is there a known way to get rid of them at once?

If you are on Linux or Mac OS you can do something like
for nfo in `find . -name movie.nfo` ; do rm $nfo ; done
. (I haven't tested this and you should know what you're doing when using this Wink )

@ytime: There was a packaging error caused by a broken libmediainfo build. The download links have been updated and you can find the new version at http://www.mediaelch.de/download/
Indeed, it's much better now. Thanks!
wish list:

an option to create 4 extrathumbs (using in Aeon Nox or such for the little frames used in some types of view)
an option to download only actors with images from imdb
merge the scrapers (some fields from MovieDB and others fromd IMDB e.g.)
option to download from youtube trailers.
sorry about my dump question..

but how can i reload the episode info from the web? (overview, thumb etc... )
(2013-04-28, 23:41)solamnic Wrote: sorry about my dump question..

but how can i reload the episode info from the web? (overview, thumb etc... )

Select the tv show and hit the "Search" button Wink You can choose which information to load and for which parts of the show (only the show, show and all episodes, ...)

(2013-04-28, 23:35)orbtwin Wrote: wish list:

an option to create 4 extrathumbs (using in Aeon Nox or such for the little frames used in some types of view)
an option to download only actors with images from imdb
merge the scrapers (some fields from MovieDB and others fromd IMDB e.g.)
option to download from youtube trailers.

My wish list:
- Support for images of actors by imdbapi.org
- An easy way to download videos from YouTube
(2013-04-29, 09:45)Komet Wrote:
(2013-04-28, 23:41)solamnic Wrote: sorry about my dump question..

but how can i reload the episode info from the web? (overview, thumb etc... )

Select the tv show and hit the "Search" button Wink You can choose which information to load and for which parts of the show (only the show, show and all episodes, ...)

(2013-04-28, 23:35)orbtwin Wrote: wish list:

an option to create 4 extrathumbs (using in Aeon Nox or such for the little frames used in some types of view)
an option to download only actors with images from imdb
merge the scrapers (some fields from MovieDB and others fromd IMDB e.g.)
option to download from youtube trailers.

My wish list:
- Support for images of actors by imdbapi.org
- An easy way to download videos from YouTube



the most desirable for me it's the option to download only actors with images from imdb (you said it) and the option to lock the edited details for language streamdetails not overwritten when you clikc refresh!. And what about the option to create 4 extrathumbs?..

Cheeeeeers! Big Grin
Request: Can you please add in Options Movie Section Set poster and fanart, file naming, preferences?

Thank you for your great work
(2013-04-28, 11:45)Komet Wrote:
(2013-04-27, 23:19)Livin Wrote: @Komet,
I just started using MEdiaElch and I really like it.

A few questions...

1) Can you add the option to use standard Frodo file naming when using separate folder? The app I was using before used Frodo naming from the FAQ: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=XBM...odo%29_FAQ ... and now your app added a ton more files to each folder. Also, a 'clean up' routine would be nice too Smile

2) Can you add a feature to do mass updates of specific items, like subtitles, actors, posters, etc? This way we can keep the items we want and update only the items we need.


1) Frodo filenames are used as default. Just have a look at MediaElch -> Settings -> Movies/TV Shows/Concerts. And can you tell me what these "tons" of added files are?

2) It's already there Wink Select multiple movies, hit the Search button and select the items you wish to update.

(2013-04-27, 21:53)ArieS Wrote: Komet, thanks a lot for the quick response Smile
Can't believe it was all in the settings lol
What sucks is now I have all my movie collection with the movie.nfos that I need to remove one by one.... Or is there a known way to get rid of them at once?

If you are on Linux or Mac OS you can do something like
for nfo in `find . -name movie.nfo` ; do rm $nfo ; done
. (I haven't tested this and you should know what you're doing when using this Wink )

@ytime: There was a packaging error caused by a broken libmediainfo build. The download links have been updated and you can find the new version at http://www.mediaelch.de/download/

To clarify... you are using the Frodo naming structure for a single folder with all movies in it... but you don't have an option for the Frodo standard where each movie is in a separate folder (which is what I think most people do). Thus, the Frodo standard for separate folders is 'movie.nfo' not <filename>-movie.nfo , etc

By tons of files, I mean that since do not have an option for Frodo separate folder, and the other media manager apps do, I now have 2x, or more, media files in each folder than I should... which creates a problem if we use more than one media manager... It would be nice to have your app, since I like it best, support both Frodo standards... and clean up unnecessary files in the process (e.g. the files not used for the standard the user chooses)
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
(2013-04-29, 23:27)solamnic Wrote: Request: Can you please add in Options Movie Section Set poster and fanart, file naming, preferences?

Thank you for your great work

These settings are already there? "Movie Set poster filename" and "Movie set fanart filename"...

@Livin: <filename>.nfo is used by default because it works with movies in separate folders and with multiple movies within a single folder. If all your movies are in separate folders then you can just change <baseFileName>.nfo to movie.nfo
(2013-04-30, 10:15)Komet Wrote:
(2013-04-29, 23:27)solamnic Wrote: Request: Can you please add in Options Movie Section Set poster and fanart, file naming, preferences?

Thank you for your great work

These settings are already there? "Movie Set poster filename" and "Movie set fanart filename"...

I mean if it is possible to add another naming for set posters and fanart (like the movie poster and fanart) (lets say for movie set poster folder.jpg AND Set_<set name>_1.jpg - as it is on movie posters and fanart))
fab library manager Smile

on windows does the xbmc sync work? mine just seems to sit there and do nothing?!?
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MediaElch - MediaManager for Mac/Linux/Win (with music library scraping)9