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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
Any chance to create xbmc tags from trakt lists. pretty much like what the add-on below does for IMDB. Thanks for considering - ideally as part of this trakt add-on and not in a separate one.

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(2013-05-08, 23:28)fernandovg Wrote:
(2013-05-08, 22:27)therock003 Wrote: yes I have scrobble movies enabled. what does scrobble even mean;


Why do u use trakt addon? Just to sync collections?
Scrobble = publish on trakt what u are watching.

You mean so that you can create banners, and show other what you are watching now? No i dont care about that, i only want to mark stuff i watched, and the accurate time they i watched them. I dont care for others to now what i'm watching right now...
(2013-05-12, 05:09)steve1977 Wrote: Any chance to create xbmc tags from trakt lists. pretty much like what the add-on below does for IMDB. Thanks for considering - ideally as part of this trakt add-on and not in a separate one.


I would also love to be able synchronize Watchlist and Custom Lists by tags within the addon. It would be nice to have two-way tags/lists synchronization so you could add movie/episode/tvshow to Custom Lists just by tagging it within xbmc.

Another usage could be synchronization of your personal ratings from trakt.tv. For example all movies you rated 10 on trakt.tv, would automatically create "trakt.tv personal rating: 10" tags for these in xbmc collection, etc.Big Grin
EDIT: Just noticed that the episode down below is actually marked as watched although it did "hang".... bad example Sad But I swear it didn't work at all the last days. Even an episode of Breaking Bad which I watched some minutes earlier wasn't scrobbled but I haven't got a log for this one unfortunately


I'm having many problems with scrobbling tv shows (haven't tried movies yet) since last week or so. Often the scrobble progress just stops (in this case at 44%) although I'm watching the whole episode, so the episode doesn't get marked as watched whatsoever... Undecided

After watching an episode of HIMYM the rating dialog showed up but it took 1 minute or so to send the rating to trakt.tv

here is my logfile: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=18452

cheers, freem@n
HTPC LibreELEC 9.0 - Xperience1080+
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(2013-05-12, 23:00)freem@n Wrote: EDIT: Just noticed that the episode down below is actually marked as watched although it did "hang".... bad example Sad But I swear it didn't work at all the last days. Even an episode of Breaking Bad which I watched some minutes earlier wasn't scrobbled but I haven't got a log for this one unfortunately


I'm having many problems with scrobbling tv shows (haven't tried movies yet) since last week or so. Often the scrobble progress just stops (in this case at 44%) although I'm watching the whole episode, so the episode doesn't get marked as watched whatsoever... Undecided

After watching an episode of HIMYM the rating dialog showed up but it took 1 minute or so to send the rating to trakt.tv

here is my logfile: http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=18452

cheers, freem@n

Don't see what the problem is in your log file, the plugin is working fine.

Since this relies heavily on communications with trakt.tv itself, any sort of disruptions to this, can and will cause problems, this is beyond the control of the plugin.
(2013-05-12, 22:59)ezechiel1917 Wrote:
(2013-05-12, 05:09)steve1977 Wrote: Any chance to create xbmc tags from trakt lists. pretty much like what the add-on below does for IMDB. Thanks for considering - ideally as part of this trakt add-on and not in a separate one.


I would also love to be able synchronize Watchlist and Custom Lists by tags within the addon. It would be nice to have two-way tags/lists synchronization so you could add movie/episode/tvshow to Custom Lists just by tagging it within xbmc.

Another usage could be synchronization of your personal ratings from trakt.tv. For example all movies you rated 10 on trakt.tv, would automatically create "trakt.tv personal rating: 10" tags for these in xbmc collection, etc.Big Grin

Could probably look into this, as I don't use lists/watchlists atm, would need some sample data to work with.

The main question is, when will this tag sync occur? Manaully triggered? Automatic at set intervals? During a sync operation?
I'll gladly help you with the tags testing if you decide to start coding it Smile

I was thinking it would sync during normal manual/automatic synchronization, but automatic synchronization at set intervals sounds like pretty good addition for this, as it would improve sync when you rate/add something to watchlist/customlist on the website. for personal rating you could also tag an item directly when you submit rating dialog.
(2013-05-13, 07:08)ezechiel1917 Wrote: I'll gladly help you with the tags testing if you decide to start coding it Smile

I was thinking it would sync during normal manual/automatic synchronization, but automatic synchronization at set intervals sounds like pretty good addition for this, as it would improve sync when you rate/add something to watchlist/customlist on the website. for personal rating you could also tag an item directly when you submit rating dialog.

I've already started coding it, getting thoughts and ideas down.

One thing to note, trakt.tv lists can contain seasons and episodes, these will be ignored as they don't support tagging in XBMC. Just movies and tv shows.
A request to the trakt.tv admins

Could you look into the interaction between this service and the pseudotv addon?

Before, having both on would crash xbmc, and a lot of times, xbmc would crash while trying to exit

That seems to have been fixed. As long as scrobbling is turned off, they can coexist. However, when scrobbling is turned on, starting pseudotv crashes trakt.tv

Could you perhaps disable scrobbling while pseudotv is running or maybe work with the developer of pseudotv?

(2013-05-13, 15:57)nate1280 Wrote:
(2013-05-13, 07:08)ezechiel1917 Wrote: I'll gladly help you with the tags testing if you decide to start coding it Smile

I was thinking it would sync during normal manual/automatic synchronization, but automatic synchronization at set intervals sounds like pretty good addition for this, as it would improve sync when you rate/add something to watchlist/customlist on the website. for personal rating you could also tag an item directly when you submit rating dialog.

I've already started coding it, getting thoughts and ideas down.

One thing to note, trakt.tv lists can contain seasons and episodes, these will be ignored as they don't support tagging in XBMC. Just movies and tv shows.

That's a surprise, I use xbmc tagging only for movies, but I've always expected you can at least tag episodes too.
But synchronization of movies/tvshows tags is still much better than nothing Smile Tags in XBMC have huge potential, it's still relatively new feature, so I think there is some room for improvement and we can always try make a feature request for it (tags Infolabels for example would be nice) .

Anyway let me know if you need any help with testing.
(2013-05-13, 19:02)aptalca Wrote: A request to the trakt.tv admins

Could you look into the interaction between this service and the pseudotv addon?

Before, having both on would crash xbmc, and a lot of times, xbmc would crash while trying to exit

That seems to have been fixed. As long as scrobbling is turned off, they can coexist. However, when scrobbling is turned on, starting pseudotv crashes trakt.tv

Could you perhaps disable scrobbling while pseudotv is running or maybe work with the developer of pseudotv?


Please post a debug log file that shows the crash and error you are getting.
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I was getting a python error, with latest repository version, that caused the plugin to stop working a while after starting.
I'm sorry but I forgot to save the debug log.

After upgrading to git version all is working flawlessly for 2 days now.
Haven't experienced any errors at all.

Thanks for all the work.
This addon works great for me when watching films in my library that are stored on my local network.

But then it wont work when i watch a film that is in my library that is actually streaming from an online source.

I'm using xbmchub addons that i know im not allowed to mention by name.

was just wondering if this is expected behaviour or if it is worth me posting a log to see if anyone can help me?
(2013-05-14, 14:36)thebearnecessit Wrote: This addon works great for me when watching films in my library that are stored on my local network.

But then it wont work when i watch a film that is in my library that is actually streaming from an online source.

I'm using xbmchub addons that i know im not allowed to mention by name.

was just wondering if this is expected behaviour or if it is worth me posting a log to see if anyone can help me?

Not all streaming plugins may work, depends if they provide enough information. Can post a full log, and it may get looked at.

But if its not working, chances are the plugin you're using needs to be updated to provide the right information, or more information.

The plugin looks at info labels for non-library items to determine if there is enough information to send to trakt for scrobbling, if there isn't any information, or not enough, it doesn't do anything.
OK thanks for posting. I will post a log.

Just to clarify though that these movies ARE in my xbmc library, so have full metadata. It's just that instead of a video file, they have a .strm file that gets the film from online sources.
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13