2013-05-23, 18:16
(2013-05-23, 18:12)Marx1 Wrote: Would be nice to have optional message, that tvdbid is missing
I wouldn't show a notification that the id is missing, would just be a log entry if logging is enabled.
(2013-05-23, 18:12)Marx1 Wrote: Would be nice to have optional message, that tvdbid is missing
(2013-05-23, 19:21)tommymsw Wrote: Tanks guys. At least now I know what is an expected behavior. I thought maybe I did something wrong with the tv shows. I'll have to pay more attention to what get's scrobbled and why. Nothing I watched last night got scrobbled but I was watching from PseudoTV, although the first show I watched on PTV did? So maybe it only shows the first one? Great work as well, this is a fun thing to get to mess with
(2013-05-27, 16:02)jaykumar_2001 Wrote: Something changed in last week or so, XBMC Trakt "scrobble" works, I am even prompted for submitting the rating after a I finish Movie/TV Show, but on the Trakt website instead of showing watched Movie/TV Episode as "scrobbled from XBMC" it is showing up as "manually marked seen". The rating systems works fine.
Any idea what could be wrong?
(2013-05-28, 04:24)rectifyer Wrote: Please post a debug log file.
(2013-06-07, 23:12)rectifyer Wrote: Looks like its timing out trying to connect to the API. Can you load https://api.trakt.tv from that computer directly? I also didn't see anything in the log showing a rating that worked.
[trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): (0) Network error: _ssl.c:489: The handshake operation timed out
21:32:26 T:139712955598592 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] traktRequest(): Have JSON data, breaking retry.
21:32:26 T:139712955598592 NOTICE: [trakt] [Scrobbler] watching()
21:32:26 T:139712955598592 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] watching(url: https://api.trakt.tv/show/watching/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9, data: {'episode': 9, 'title': u"Grey's Anatomy", 'season': 8, 'tvdb_id': u'73762', 'episode_tvdb_id': u'4195040', 'year': 0, 'duration': 43.0, 'progress': 17.0})
21:32:26 T:139712955598592 NOTICE: [trakt] [Scrobbler] Watch response: {'status': 'success'}
21:42:26 T:139710154893056 NOTICE: [trakt] [Scrobbler] watching()
21:42:26 T:139710154893056 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] watching(url: https://api.trakt.tv/show/watching/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9, data: {'episode': 9, 'title': u"Grey's Anatomy", 'season': 8, 'tvdb_id': u'73762', 'episode_tvdb_id': u'4195040', 'year': 0, 'duration': 43.0, 'progress': 41.0})
21:42:26 T:139710154893056 NOTICE: [trakt] [Scrobbler] Watch response: {'status': 'success'}
21:52:26 T:139710261331712 NOTICE: [trakt] [Scrobbler] watching()
21:52:26 T:139710261331712 NOTICE: [trakt] [traktAPI] watching(url: https://api.trakt.tv/show/watching/b6135e0f7510a44021fac8c03c36c81a17be35d9, data: {'episode': 9, 'title': u"Grey's Anatomy", 'season': 8, 'tvdb_id': u'73762', 'episode_tvdb_id': u'4195040', 'year': 0, 'duration': 43.0, 'progress': 64.0})
21:52:26 T:139710261331712 NOTICE: [trakt] [Scrobbler] Watch response: {'status': 'success'}