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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler
I don't see the scrobble call after you finished watching it. It would also trigger if you stopped the item as long as it meets the scrobble threshold set in the settings.
Trakt.tv - Track what you're watching. Discover new shows & movies.
forum thread - @trakt on twitter - support
thanks for this great add-on and service, syncs the watched status between 2 profilesSmile

(BUT: could you please encrypt the password, it is saved in PLAINTEXT in the settigs.xml !!!)

EDIT: Sorry, now I see, its not your fault, its like XBMC handles it...
I have another idea for the rating system: Since most scrapers on XBMC seem to rely on TMDb and TVDB for all info, including ratings, wouldn't it be nice if this add-on's ratings are also submitted to these 2 great sites? That way we could help improve rating accuracy without too much effort :-) I think most active Trakt users are also actively using the 2 sites mentioned above. But of course this should be optionally, since not everyone has an account on one or both sites. What do you think about this, is it feasible to implement? Thanks :-)
I updated tag-gen 0.3 to write Trakt tags for movies as I couldnt get it working with this addon. Feel free to plunder my logic if it will help.
(2013-06-16, 15:31)wellspokenman Wrote: I updated tag-gen 0.3 to write Trakt tags for movies as I couldnt get it working with this addon. Feel free to plunder my logic if it will help.

Tagging works fine for movies, and tv shows, it was thoroughly tested w/ the help of ezechiel1917 as I was writing it.

Without log files no one can really help resolve any problems, and/or details of whats happening, not happening, what your settings are, etc, etc.
Intel i3 NUC | Windows 8.1 | Kodi Helix | Arctic: Zephyr
I'm glad it works for you. It didn't for me so I fixed my own script instead asking someone else for help.
(2013-06-16, 16:12)wellspokenman Wrote: I'm glad it works for you. It didn't for me so I fixed my own script instead asking someone else for help.

The point of the github version being posted, is to help find bugs to get them fixed before it gets pushed out as a new release.
Intel i3 NUC | Windows 8.1 | Kodi Helix | Arctic: Zephyr
(2013-06-16, 10:59)jvandenbroek Wrote: I have another idea for the rating system: Since most scrapers on XBMC seem to rely on TMDb and TVDB for all info, including ratings, wouldn't it be nice if this add-on's ratings are also submitted to these 2 great sites? That way we could help improve rating accuracy without too much effort :-) I think most active Trakt users are also actively using the 2 sites mentioned above. But of course this should be optionally, since not everyone has an account on one or both sites. What do you think about this, is it feasible to implement? Thanks :-)

Interesting idea. Not sure we'd ever add this to the trakt plugin though since by nature it is for all things trakt related. Check out a plugin called Universal Scraper, you can have it use trakt ratings for movies which is very handy.

@wellspokenman it would be great if you forked on github and committed the fix, or post the details of what you did on here or hithub. As Nate said, the github version is in beta and fixing any bugs would greatly benefit everyone in the official release. Next version will be submitted very soon.
Trakt.tv - Track what you're watching. Discover new shows & movies.
forum thread - @trakt on twitter - support
I have idea which is only loosely connected with this plugin. I would love to browse epg enriched with information from other sources. So first movies I already saw should be grayed out. Movies I didn't watch but have in collection also should be marked. Maybe this plugin could delivery interface for it? In future I would like to have epg scraped, but this is out of scope of this plugin
Would be good if the up arrow worked the same as the right arrow when rating a tvshow after watch.

This caught my housemate out until I told her to click right instead of up.
Just merged in a fix to enable the up/down arrows. 2.3 will be out soon, otherwise you can grab from github directly.
Trakt.tv - Track what you're watching. Discover new shows & movies.
forum thread - @trakt on twitter - support
I'm going to release 2.3 soon unless there are any major outstanding issues.
Trakt.tv - Track what you're watching. Discover new shows & movies.
forum thread - @trakt on twitter - support
My merged pull request #129 is missing. PT-BR translations (9 days ago)

Trakt.tv desperately needs an official app for both Android and iOS. Yes, there are third party apps but they all seem to fall short in some way or another and usually they use half of the features the website offers. I'd buy it!

One other thing...
The website can be kinda confusing when navigating around. If you think about it, it's a lot more logical to view most things as a "list". I would like to see ALL the different kinds of "lists" to be managed from a hierarchy type-structure.
For example:

1) Discover
a) TV
b) Movies
2) Charts
3 Community
a) Lists
4) Downloads
5) VIP

1) My Full Library
a) History
b) Calendar
2) Collection
a) TV
b) Movies
3) Watchlist (haven't yet seen)
a) TV
b) Movies
4) Plays (you've seen)
a) TV
b) Movies
5) Custom Lists (I'm so glad you guys added this!)
6) Ratings & Reviews/Shouts (merged together in one view)
a) TV
b) Movies
7) Charts & Progress (merged together in one view)
8) Network
a) Profile
b) Comments
c) Recommendations

Instead we have a menu system that looks like this:
Calendar - TV - Movies - Charts - Community - Lists - Downloads - VIP
Profile - History - Library - Ratings - Charts - Progress - Network - Comments - Watchlist - Lists - Badges - Recommendations - Settings

What the heck? So confusing. And there doesn't seem to be a rhyme or reason why they're ordered like that.
I like the way it is today.
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[RELEASE] trakt.tv tv/movie scrobbler13