Just an observation from
here, it appears that MSAA 0.1.8 is capable of creating slightly mangled artwork filenames depending on whether MSAA is run on Windows or Linux.
smb://SERVER2/video2/Movies Anime Sets/Blender Open Movies\poster.jpg
where the path (smb://SERVER2/video2/Movies Anime Sets/Blender Open Movies) has been joined with the artwork name (poster.jpg) using a backward slash (\) rather than a forward slash.
Looking at the code, it's because MSAA is using os.path.join() which is normally correct, but of course with a share (smb, nfs, etc.) you want to use a forward slash - which is what you'll get on Linux - but in Windows you'll get a backward slash, which isn't what you want. Conversely, when processing a local drive (E:\something) you would want to join paths using a backward slash, but if such a path were processed by MSAA running on a Linux machine it would create a mixture of backward slashes and forward slashes, which may cause problems for the Windows PC (not that it's likely you'd be using local drives where a Linux machine is concerned, but you get the idea).
Anyway, I'd suggest all the os.path.join() calls are replaced by a function that joins the paths using either a forward or backward slash as appropriate for the path and not the current OS. The simplest option would be to inspect the path and if it's a share (matches regex "^.*:.*") always use a forward slash, and if not a share then count the number of forward and backward slashes using the slash that occurs the most often to join the paths (if there's a tie, use the first slash - forward or backward - found in the path). Or maybe always use the first slash occurrence for non-shares. There may be simpler/better solutions too.
Enhancement request: Would it be possible to add an option - perhaps a one-shot setting which is reset (disabled) after each run - to "Overwrite existing database artwork"? This would be handy if you have existing (but incorrect) artwork defined for your sets, and just want everything reloaded.