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[RELEASE] ORF TVthek Video Addon

i missed the description and image scraping in the mediathek plugin so i decided to create something a little more sophisticated for all the austrian xbmc users. i also implemented a rtmp streaming option , but couldn't get it to work everytime. there seems to be either a problem with the orf stream or the librtmp/rtmpdump. same thing happens if rtmpdump from commandline and try to play the video. but as i mentioned this happens every 10 items you play or something. For now i would recommend you use the shitty low quality mms streams. maybe someone with rtmpdump knowlegde could have a look at it Wink.




- using parsedom now
- optimized UI/Views
- optimzed images/description scraping

- added sort methods
- fixed error on "themen" items

- fixed parser errors
- "Sendung verpasst?"

- fixed video link parser

- adjusted the addon to the new orf tvthek website
- mp4 streaming is now stable on all platforms!!!
- faster loading times

- added Search function
- fixed the low resolution preview image problem
- added History for Search function

- fixed bad view mode on aeon nox
- added force view option
- Fixed "Missed a Show?" Feature
- A few optimizations for RPI

- Fixed a few Banner/Backdrop Fetching Issues
- Fixed Livestream Exception
- Decreased Loading Time
- Experimental H264 MP4 Stream seams to work on Raspi[omxplayer] (Looks like the XBMC DVDPlayer is the issue)

- Streaming Video from http://tvthek.orf.at (mms)
- Experimental High Quality MP4 Streaming from http://tvthek.orf.at (rtmp)
- Livestream
- Missed Shows
Works fine, thx!
bzw. Auf österreichisch: "Super Arbeit, danke!"
UPDATE 0.1.1

- Fixed a few Banner/Backdrop Fetching Issues
- Fixed Livestream Exception
- Decreased Loading Time
- Experimental H264 MP4 Stream seams to work on Raspi[omxplayer] (Looks like the XBMC DVDPlayer is the issue)
The H264-Stream works fine on Raspberry, raspbmc/xbmc 12.1

Now in the official repo. Enjoy
very cool addon...vielen dank!
[tvthek 0.1.1 / raspberry pi 256mb / raspbmc running xbmc12.0]

thanks a lot, i've been waiting for that a long time! especially your support of H264 is very cool.

however, there's a few issues on my side: menu navigation is painfully slow (sometimes minutes from one to the next), sometimes a python error ('script failed') is thrown and i'm unable to enter a menu, sometimes the menu loads forever, sometimes raspbmc is also rebooting.

all in all, the menu issues make the plugin totally unusable for me.

is it possible that this is due to the lower amount of memory on the 'older' raspberry pi (256mb vs 512mb)?

habe die ehre, H.

i'm aware of those problems on the raspberry pi. the 512MB version performs a little better. maybe i will start working on a setting to minimize the number of shows to load. the problem is the tvthek website. the whole structure is pretty shitty and not the best to scrape infos and videolinks. can you pleeze turn on debugging in the plugin settings and the system settings and send me a log with the errors to have a look into it.

Grias eich

Are there any news about that speed-issue?

Thanks a lot


i pushed an update yesterday hopefully this will fix the 403s on the RPI. please report back to me here or my mail if you still have this problem(logs might be useful). you can also check out my github for a slightly newer version with tvthek search enabled.

for the record

- added Search function
- fixed the low resolution preview image problem
- added History for Search function

- fixed bad view mode on aeon nox
- added force view option
- Fixed "Missed a Show?" Feature
- A few optimizations for RPI

updated to 0.1.3 in the official repo

Thank you very much! Especially for high quality stream support.

I have some issues with splitted contents though (e.g. the "Report"). "[Alle abspielen]" ("Play all") does not work, but instead crashes XBMC or leads to an (seemingly) endless loop with these alternating messages: "Wiedergabe nicht möglich - Ein/mehrere Inhalt(e) konnte(n) nicht wiedergegeben werden - Für Details bitte Logdatei einsehen" and "Video queue empty - The XBMC video queue is empty. - Add more links to video queue."

It works fine when one chooses "Ab hier abspielen" ("Play from here") from the right click menu.
hm sounds weird. just tried it on my linux htpc and it seems to work. could you send me the log file? the problem with the high quality streaming is that xbmc crashes sometimes when loading the rtmp stream. The problem seems to be the Media Player in the XBMC Core. It doesn't occur on the Raspberry Pi cause another player (omxplayer) is used on the RPI builds.
I am also running Linux (Archlinux, x64). The problem occurs with both high and low quality streams. I produced some logs with all possible settings (with todays ZIB 9). When I select "[Alle abspielen]", it seems that nothing happens. I can still navigate up and down through the list. When I select "Back" ("<-"/".."), or one of the splitted items the problems occur (it freeces or produces the stated messages). I usually kill xbmc through terminal then.

After producing the logs I tried it once without killing XBMC and after a few minutes i got a message like this "Öffne Stream", XBMC froze then. Once I even saw each of the splitted elements for a glimpse.

Full log with high quality (and "Force views"): http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=55538
Full log with low quality (and "Force views"): http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=55539
Full log with high quality and without "Force views": http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=55540
Full log with low quality and without "Force views" (led to strange behavior with endless loops this time): http://xbmclogs.com/show.php?id=55541
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[RELEASE] ORF TVthek Video Addon3