Option to fetch complete Television show season episode lists
angrycamel's idea is awesome this would be the best thing ever. It would be awesome to go to the library and select a show and u see a new episode aired you click on it and it could download it or stream it. And to get the list of eps you don't have would be great too then you can know if a new ep aired or episodes your missing or how many eps are left on the season etc.
+1, to me.. this is one of the best ideas since cheesecake! Oh, what a beauty it would be to be able to see which episodes I'm missing and when the next one airs... Big Grin
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to everyone with the delusion that you will get to know when the next episode airs; check when eps are added at thetvdb. usually at most a day before they air
i use http://tvrename.com/ to manage the data .. so i know what is missing and when the next episode air ... a very cool application ...
I've always been a fan of the feed you can get setup from myepisodes.com - It's an oldie but a goody!

Edit: And thanks for the hint on tvrename.com - just had a quick look and it seems that I'm sold on it!
spiff Wrote:to everyone with the delusion that you will get to know when the next episode airs; check when eps are added at thetvdb. usually at most a day before they air

I think you're the one who's delusional spiff... that statement is not even close to true. I use a digital PVR that uses thetvdb data to determine the next airing episode and EVERY one of my 20+ shows currently on it has the next episode already added. Some are even weeks or months away...
then we surely watch different shows. anyways, i wasn't picking a fight or anything, you all know what i think about this from earlier in the thread
I know it's a old thread but was wondering if spiff changed his mind already on this request? I'm also wondering if this could be accomplished without changing xbmc source code in its current state? Seperate plug-in database maybe or skin modification?
(2013-09-03, 23:09)schumi2004 Wrote: I know it's a old thread but was wondering if spiff changed his mind already on this request? I'm also wondering if this could be accomplished without changing xbmc source code in its current state? Seperate plug-in database maybe or skin modification?

I think there are add-ons and certain skins that do this, at least partially. For example, there's an add-on that fetches upcoming un-aired episode information and can display that when you are looking at a TV show listing.
Is this feature now possible somehow??
Sort of. It won't show it in-line with a normal list, but some skins have integrated the add-on NextAired.

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Option to fetch complete Television show season episode lists0