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Hmmm... hopefully I'll have enough time this weekend to set up non standard installs for both xbmc and steam to test out on. Out of curiosity what version of windows and what are the install locations for both xbmc and steam?
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Posts: 176
Just tried this out, and it worked, with one glitch.
Since I run in offline mode, it prompts to switch to online upon steam start up. This isn't a deal breaker, but ideally I would like to avoid seeing that.
Is it possible to have steam (not big picture) running in the background, then when the steam is launched from xbmc, it switches to big picture, then when leaving big picture (to return to desktop), it starts up xbmc again?
This way takes less time to start steam bigpicture too.
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Thanks for the info. AutoHotKey looks very interesting, being able to have steam return to the desktop and have xbmc launched would be nice.
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2013-09-06, 18:49
(This post was last modified: 2013-09-06, 18:49 by buymeapc.)
Is this new AHK version just a straight translation from the vbs/bat files that you were using previously? (Just curious since I noticed you didn't update the first post.)
Really dig the script, by the way!
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I'll test it early in the week (the weekend is bad - family hogs the TV and don't like to do any tweaking then in case of problems).
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Posts: 176
It took me a while, but i got to test the upgraded version finally.
In a word, perfect!
With 0.3.4, when i start up steam:
* If steam is not running, it starts up, and I'm prompted to stay in offline mode.
* If steam is already running, it starts up straight away, and no offline message is recieved. This is what I wanted.
Then whether I exit by shutting down steam completely, or when I exit to desktop and leave steam running, XBMC starts up properly.
I thought it wasn't working at first, because i installed 0.2.2 by mistake!
I found with that, it worked exactly as described above with one difference: when using "Exit to Desktop" from steam (so steam was still running), xbmc didn't start up again. I could have worked with that because i have button on my remote to start xbmc up, but the autohotkey version is much more seamless.
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Is there anyway to organize the events of the script to call upon Steam BP without having to lose focus of XBMC that way everything is seemless?
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Do you mean not close xbmc? Or keep xbmc open longer while steam BP loads? Currently (in windows only) when the addon is run it will launch steam BP, wait 2 seconds, kill xbmc and force focus on BP. The AHK script is included in the addon zip file so you can make edits and compile the changes, you could even make it so xbmc isnt killed by editing out those lines, but running steam/emulators over xbmc has always given me issues so I dont recommend it. Also for faster startup of steam you can run 'steam.exe -silent' at bootup to have steam startup minimized so BP starts up faster or install steam to a ssd while keeping your games on a hdd using a junction link, If you like I can post some info for having steam on a ssd.
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teeedubb, are you aware of a way to launch an addon - IE this one, from an advanced launcher? Like for example I have a homescreen link to a favorite that opens to a launcher for individual PC games ( as one launcher) and one for wii games(and dolphin launcher) I would like a add a third to that to just launch steam, but to use your add on to do it? Ideas?