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Release TvTunes Addon - Retrieve & Play Soundtracks Whilst Browsing Your Library
In XBMC log with debug enable :

Searching C:\Videos\Films\Le Roi Lion\ for (theme[ _A-Za-z0-9.-]*.(mp3))

So theme1;mp3, theme2.mp3, ... should work Wink
Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...

Main HTPC : Odroid-C2 running CoreELEC with Titan Bingie
Secondary HTPC : Freebox Mini 4K running Android TV with Titan Bingie
(2013-09-27, 15:34)Deano316 Wrote: Ok, gave it a quick test and so far it seems to work fairly well. I would suggest fading it in as well as out though as it sounds a bit jarring and occasionally a split second of the start of the track is heard before the random start. Fading in should cover that anyway. Great work, the add-on is steadily moving towards greatness Wink

Please can you raise an issue on the following project for the Fade-in if you would like it:


(2013-09-27, 15:36)Wanilton Wrote: Added support for multiple theme files (default order alphabetical)

How work this? I am testing new release.

If I put theme.mp3 work fine, if used file with other name don´t play (namemovie.mp3), how I put other file in movie folder for randomize (other mp3 file for example).

It will pick up files starting with "theme"

Hope this helps!

Thanks mikebzh44 and rob_webset, understand now.
MediaBrazil forum Website - Youtube Channel
MQ9- - 09.15.2023 - Aeon MQ Skin Team
MarcosQui Website Donate and support us.
Will do Wink
(2013-09-23, 23:47)wgstarks Wrote:
(2013-09-23, 22:24)iJunaid Wrote: Also, when is .FLAC support going to be added?

You may want to put that in as an enhancement request or at least check to see if anyone else has. http://code.google.com/p/robwebset/issues/list That way you can track it and get notified when it gets added.

FLAC, ALAC (.m4a), WMA and other formats have been added today. Please see here: http://code.google.com/p/robwebset/issues/detail?id=15


"The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all" - General Eisenhower
(2013-09-27, 15:34)Deano316 Wrote: Ok, gave it a quick test and so far it seems to work fairly well. I would suggest fading it in as well as out though as it sounds a bit jarring and occasionally a split second of the start of the track is heard before the random start. Fading in should cover that anyway. Great work, the add-on is steadily moving towards greatness Wink

Fade-In added in repo version r14

From what I can see that just leaves the following requests:

9: Play theme for movies without entering info window
10: Update summary and description for addon (Is there already details somewhere for this?)
12: Search and download movie themes
19: searching and downloading more than just one tune per TV Show

There is one other issue:

22: Use 'Info' panel display delay function to trigger theme play

But this seems skin specific - and I wanted to keep things generic - everything should work with the default skin (Confluence) - So unless I am missunderstanding this, and some-one can tell me where this would be for users with the default settings - I was planning to kill it off.

Now is the time to submit your requests (to the google-list) if you would like anything else, or have found any bugs!

Thanks, Rob
Yes, I think that info panel is skin specific. And may be view specific because some views in Aeon Nox don't have info panel.
Sorry for my english, but, you know, I'm French so ...

Main HTPC : Odroid-C2 running CoreELEC with Titan Bingie
Secondary HTPC : Freebox Mini 4K running Android TV with Titan Bingie
(2013-09-28, 09:44)rob_webset Wrote:
(2013-09-27, 15:34)Deano316 Wrote: Ok, gave it a quick test and so far it seems to work fairly well. I would suggest fading it in as well as out though as it sounds a bit jarring and occasionally a split second of the start of the track is heard before the random start. Fading in should cover that anyway. Great work, the add-on is steadily moving towards greatness Wink

Fade-In added in repo version r14

From what I can see that just leaves the following requests:

9: Play theme for movies without entering info window
10: Update summary and description for addon (Is there already details somewhere for this?)
12: Search and download movie themes
19: searching and downloading more than just one tune per TV Show

There is one other issue:

22: Use 'Info' panel display delay function to trigger theme play

But this seems skin specific - and I wanted to keep things generic - everything should work with the default skin (Confluence) - So unless I am missunderstanding this, and some-one can tell me where this would be for users with the default settings - I was planning to kill it off.

Now is the time to submit your requests (to the google-list) if you would like anything else, or have found any bugs!

Thanks, Rob

Hi rob did you fix the fade out problem with muting the system ? as i turned it off and its seems to of fixed it.

(2013-09-29, 10:38)meridius Wrote: Hi rob did you fix the fade out problem with muting the system ? as i turned it off and its seems to of fixed it.

Give it a go and try it - as I said - the only things I see as outstanding are on the list :-)
thanks but can not find rev 14 ? just version 3.1.0 R7 zip
(2013-09-29, 13:11)meridius Wrote: thanks but can not find rev 14 ? just version 3.1.0 R7 zip

There is no zip yet - just manual files to patch from the repo - I guess the zip version will be available in a few days or so.

no problem will wait for the zip version to test out
Was going to try out the custom path for themes, does anyone know what the folder setup/naming convention should be?
I have now updated a new zip to:



- Restructured code to try and improve reset of volume
- Added support for different file types
- Added support for multiple theme files (default order alphabetical)
- Added option to allow multiple files to be shuffled in the playlist
- Added option to allow random start point within media track
- Add support for fading in theme on start
- Fix scraper bug when selecting from Information Page
- Add support for downloading additional themes
- Add support for downloading movie themes

(And a fix to custom paths that was broken in a previous beta)

For downloading movie themes from the info page you will need the following edit to DialogVideoInfo.xml

<control type="button" id="106">
    <description>Fetch TvTunes stuff</description>
    <visible>Skin.HasSetting(ActivateTvTunes) + System.HasAddon(script.tvtunes) + Container.Content(movies)</visible>

Please also read the setting for things you might have to enable.
Just installed the 3.1.1 update from zip. Added the code to DialogVideoInfo.xml.

Here is a screenshot of configurations-

All 4 selections have basically the same view.
Did I miss something?
ASUS Chromebox M004U (LibreELEC 8.2/Aeon Nox SiLVO)--->HDMI--->Onkyo TX-NR646--->HDMI--->Panasonic P65VT30
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TvTunes Addon - Retrieve & Play Soundtracks Whilst Browsing Your Library2