2013-09-30, 20:33
(2013-09-29, 14:00)Blutarsky Wrote: Amazing add on mate!It depends on the skin you are using. On confluence you can define home window shortcuts at System > Appearance > Skin > Settings > Add-on Shortcuts.
Is there a way to launch the add on from XBMC's main menu?
(2013-09-29, 19:58)slinuxgeek Wrote: In file script.audio.spotimc/resources/libs/spotimcgui/views/newstuff.pySadly there's no way to fetch that information using the public API exposed by libspotify. They once had some public methods for creating radio stations, but this was removed long ago in favor of (presumably) Echonest. To implement that functionality on Spotimc it would need to talk to the Echonest service (which takes care of all the mixing and suggestion tasks), but it requires some amounts of coding time and is not achievable at this moment.
I think this is the main code that brings new stuffs from server:
PHP Code:@run_in_thread
def _initialize(self, session):
cb = NewStuffCallbacks()
self.__search = search.Search(
session, 'tag:new', album_count=60, callbacks=cb
How can I modify the code to get My Radio Stations? Spotimc currently does not have this facility.
Thanks for help in advance.
It's on the roadmap, and I will certainly start working on this soon after the release of 1.0 final, but I'll have to take care of polishing all the mayour bugs first.