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Release LazyTV - an unwatched TV Show playlist generator
(2013-10-09, 23:42)Karnagious Wrote: Nah it should complete in a few seconds, so your version failed very early on.

When you first ran it, did it take you to the Addon Settings?

Did you use the version currently in the XBMC repo, or the one from Github?

I used the latest git, it never went to settings on first launch, however I did manually enter the settings menu prior to launch (as i usually configure/check an addon prior to launching it) by going to the addin settings menu.

I did eventually get it to work by cancelling/restarting it again a few times.

I have a question, would it be possible to create a guide (like pseudo tv) that would create a tv guide of all my shows that are in progress. So instead ofa playlist that runs or presents a popup list, it organises it into "channels/show name" and presents it to the user in a tv guide fason.

This way, we could click the add on, be presented with all our in progress shows in a tv guide fashion, with ONLY the current episodes on show... Users can then look at thetv guide.. Select/watch modern family so2-e03 and then afterthis ends, be presented with the tv guide again now displaying refreshed information... Meaning we can continue watching this "channel/show" or watch another running show.

Basically... Pseudo tv style, but instead of channels it returns shows, but only the 1 episode available (1st unwatched)

This way users hve a tv guide of only shows in progress, displaying the first unmatched episode, presented in a tv guide viewing format.

Is that possible with this plugin?

Other than that, it worked after a few restarts and I like the auto play function Smile
Not sure I understand what you're looking for here. The list of next shows option currently in the addon gives people a guide of sorts. I could see an option where the addon would wait until the Player stops and then reloads the list.
It's difficult to explain, but basically I though this was a pseudo tv (xbmc plugin) style interface but made up only of in progress episodes of tv shows.

No worries though,I think that's a whole other type of project Smile
I am testing version 0.1.15.
I stil see a lot of errors, but I see that some of the error messages are send automatic, very good.

I am seeing the next problems:
settings menu

Filter settings.
If filter by show is enabled, shows to exclude can't be reached.

Function settings
I think there too many functions, sometimes the settings are not saved.

1.Create and launch randomised playlist.
2.Specific default playlist, I select one,
3.filter and playlist settings selected automatic.

The interface from the settings menu is falty.
I do step 1 and 2 again, click ok.

I am starting lazy tv, I am asked to send an error report, I send it.

I see that the items of the playlist are the names of the episodes, I would like to see the tv show name too. The number of tv shows is wrong, not enough.

An other try including streams. Number of episodes is wrong.

Your debug xbmc.log:
Welcome back!

(2013-10-14, 20:41)hstegeman Wrote: Filter settings.
If filter by show is enabled, shows to exclude can't be reached.
There was a temporary bug in the master-working branch. I think this bug is fixed now. The window was opening behind the settings. If you are using Amber skin, then it is obscured completely.

Quote:Function settings
I think there too many functions, sometimes the settings are not saved.

1.Create and launch randomised playlist.
2.Specific default playlist, I select one,
3.filter and playlist settings selected automatic.

The interface from the settings menu is falty.
I do step 1 and 2 again, click ok.
This one ought to be fixed too. The playlist selection window should come up without resetting the Settings behind it.

Quote:I am starting lazy tv, I am asked to send an error report, I send it.
By the looks of the error that got sent through, there is an empty list or dictionary entering the process somewhere. Are you able to share your library so I can replicate the issue? I think something in the Library isnt being extracted with enough data. But I cant replicate that problem myself. Is the database cleaned regularly?

Quote:I see that the items of the playlist are the names of the episodes, I would like to see the tv show name too. The number of TV shows is wrong, not enough.
I can change the names of the shows in the List function, but not when they are added to the playlist and are started playing automatically. The plan is to have an optional notification of the show name when the video starts. But the bugs will need to be ironed out before that. The playlist populater will stop once it determines there arent any shows left. This issue is probably due to the empty record mentioned above. Once that record is reached the list stops populating, throws the error, and shows you what it managed to get before failing.

Quote:Your debug xbmc.log:
That link times out, but I get some idea of the issue with the error report that got sent through. (Link works now, just network issue I expect. I cannot see any script errors though.)
By the looks of the error that got sent through, there is an empty list or dictionary entering the process somewhere. Are you able to share your library so I can replicate the issue? I think something in the Library isnt being extracted with enough data. But I cant replicate that problem myself. Is the database cleaned regularly?

How can I share the library? Do you need the 75 db file?
I do clean the database with the clean function at least 1 time a week, sometime 1 time a day.
(2013-10-02, 15:31)Karnagious Wrote: I have a new version in the pipeline but I need it tested, so if you can help out that would be great.

- the 'next episode' list is now a Select window, so I was able to add the show name to the front of the episode name (also added percent watched and days since last episode was watched)
- changed the addon.xml so LazyTV will show up in Video Addons
- changed the way the ignore_show list is handled so spanish characters wont cause problems, this will mean that previous ignore show settings wont work and will need to be re-entered
- launching the shows in the player with the episode ID, which will hopefully mean that watched streams will be changed to 'watched' in the database
- lots of empty list fixes, this doesnt add any new functionality, it just means people who run it on empty libraries or with no unwatched shows available stop getting script errors and triggering Buggalo reports

Hey Karnagious,

do you know a date when you will be push this new version to the official repo?
I'm really looking forward for this features, but i don't want to use a GIT addon.
(2013-10-16, 08:02)anysniper Wrote:
(2013-10-02, 15:31)Karnagious Wrote: I have a new version in the pipeline but I need it tested, so if you can help out that would be great.

- the 'next episode' list is now a Select window, so I was able to add the show name to the front of the episode name (also added percent watched and days since last episode was watched)
- changed the addon.xml so LazyTV will show up in Video Addons
- changed the way the ignore_show list is handled so spanish characters wont cause problems, this will mean that previous ignore show settings wont work and will need to be re-entered
- launching the shows in the player with the episode ID, which will hopefully mean that watched streams will be changed to 'watched' in the database
- lots of empty list fixes, this doesnt add any new functionality, it just means people who run it on empty libraries or with no unwatched shows available stop getting script errors and triggering Buggalo reports

Hey Karnagious,

do you know a date when you will be push this new version to the official repo?
I'm really looking forward for this features, but i don't want to use a GIT addon.

I don't see a problem making use of the git version. You could help the developer Karnagious solving errors by sending log reports.
The addon will still containing errors till Karnagious will get enough input. You can help to solve problems.
Thanks guys,

The XBMC addon tsars ask that we dont spam them with update requests, and I have been on the verge of having all problems solved by tomorrow for the last few weeks Smile So I didnt want to send through two requests one day apart and be labelled a trouble-maker.

I had the revolutionary idea of putting a debug-mode in the Settings to print data to the xbmc.log (pretty sure no one has ever thought of THAT before, /sarcasm). Should be ready to send the request tomorrow, I reckon, and so it may be LIVE the day after that.

Oh and hstegman, the 75.db file would be good. Even if I have the debug mode released, it would be good to have a few different db's to use in future testing.
I have submitted the update to the official repo, so it will likely show up soon.

The debug function causes the addon to run slower, even if you dont have it switched on. I will remove it from a later version once the addon has fewer common bugs.
Hello ... New to this forum.

Major XBMC user ... that is to say, it's my main TV and Movie watching method.

I find "LazyTV" extremely useful, fills my evening watching in a click. Wonderful.

One addition to this already useful as is add on would be the ability to launch different profiles of shows. Currently I tell it which shows I want it to choose from and from that list it gives me a set of shows to watch. That is it responds to that one profile of possibilities. But I think it would be good if it could allow me to choose from a number of choice profiles -- say one for New TV, one for Old Classic TV, one for Anime, one for Saturday Morning style Cartoons ... you get the picture.

If you don't add this feature and leave things exactly as it is I'm still thankful for this add on.

But what do you think of this idea for a new feature for this add on?

Thank you again
J. Nemec

Nice idea. I could see it working by using multiple smart playlists. So you set up a smart playlist for each type of show and then in the settings you get 5 slots for those playlists and a way to say how many shows to take from each.

I will keep it in mind for the future.
I have managed to reduce the footprint of LazyTV at the expense of a slightly longer processing time. The log is less intrusive as well.

Two other things,

If you are playing a random list there is now an option (set ON by default) that will post a notification on the screen telling you what show is playing. This feature was requested by endlesslyonline a while ago.

Plus, theres another option (also on by default) that resumes the videos in the playlist from when they were last watched. Previously you could only remove the partially watched shows or start them from the beginning.

I also identified one particular issue that was causing script errors and believe I have fixed it in the 'testing' branch on GitHub.
(2013-10-17, 08:49)jveenem Wrote: Hello ... New to this forum.

Major XBMC user ... that is to say, it's my main TV and Movie watching method.

I find "LazyTV" extremely useful, fills my evening watching in a click. Wonderful.

One addition to this already useful as is add on would be the ability to launch different profiles of shows. Currently I tell it which shows I want it to choose from and from that list it gives me a set of shows to watch. That is it responds to that one profile of possibilities. But I think it would be good if it could allow me to choose from a number of choice profiles -- say one for New TV, one for Old Classic TV, one for Anime, one for Saturday Morning style Cartoons ... you get the picture.

If you don't add this feature and leave things exactly as it is I'm still thankful for this add on.

But what do you think of this idea for a new feature for this add on?

Thank you again
J. Nemec

I came here just to say this very thing! Thank you so much for this addon! It takes the "what should we watch tonight" stress out of my evenings. The one thing i would LOVE to see is profiles. I watch a lot of anime and tv with the ol lady and this would make it wonderful for slowly eating through both ^_^
(2013-10-23, 23:21)Reikon Wrote: I came here just to say this very thing! Thank you so much for this addon! It takes the "what should we watch tonight" stress out of my evenings. The one thing i would LOVE to see is profiles. I watch a lot of anime and tv with the ol lady and this would make it wonderful for slowly eating through both ^_^

Thanks Reikon, I appreciate to feedback!

Have you looked at using Smart Playlists? You could have one for all anime, and another for everything else, then you can change the settings so that when you launch LazyTV you get to choose which Smart Playlist to use.
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LazyTV - an unwatched TV Show playlist generator4