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[Release] Language Preference Manager
Will this addon be compatible with gotham?
I saw some commits about subtitles as new stream and etc...
Is it going to be a xbmc feature without an addon?
Will that commit handle external subtitles so the skin can use this info and addons would auto download subs for library items without ext subs?
(2013-09-08, 23:08)fernandovg Wrote: Will this addon be compatible with gotham?
It is, isn't it?

(2013-09-08, 23:08)fernandovg Wrote: I saw some commits about subtitles as new stream and etc...
Is it going to be a xbmc feature without an addon?
Yes, the pr is independent from an addon

(2013-09-08, 23:08)fernandovg Wrote: Will that commit handle external subtitles so the skin can use this info and addons would auto download subs for library items without ext subs?
Skins which support `Black's addon http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=155693 can use the info.
I have no idea about the auto download thing, maybe one of the subtitle addons can do it: http://forum.xbmc.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=143
I could not find the add-on in the official repo. Will try again when I get home.

There's isn't an add-on like I described.
Its just an idea for a "service" (whenever a new video library item is added and there's no subtitle, the service would search and keep searching)

I have a script that does that but it runs in a specific folder (just for files without subtitles, I only move them to library folder when I find subtitles).
In fact it reads Twitter from 10 to 10 minutes (cronjob) from a subtitles service. When It finds a tweet that matches my videos that don't have subtitles, it force a search using periscope in that service. Otherwise the script runs every 2 hours keep searching for subtitles. this way whenever a new subtitle is available I have the video file in my library with subtitles in less than 10minutes.

But its not an addon and as I'm new to python, the script it not beauty! =).

I think XBMC Subtitles could have this option but and I can't tell if they would like to have that and that king of customization.

Is there a timeframe for this PR? this year or next one?
(2013-09-13, 16:02)fernandovg Wrote: I could not find the add-on in the official repo. Will try again when I get home.

Now I understand! The add-on is not in the official repo, you have to install it manually.
I'm planning to revise it and submit it afterwards. But I don't know when I find the time to do so.

(2013-09-13, 16:02)fernandovg Wrote: Is there a timeframe for this PR? this year or next one?
No, it's not feature complete yet.

Sorry for going a bit off topic, but I have a quick question regarding the preferred subtitle ticket you're currently working on and it's not appreciated when non-devs post comments on github Wink

Will that ticket take into account that external subtitles should usually be prioritized higher than internal subs if a movie has both? There's generally a good reason why a person has acquired additional subs than what was originally muxed into the movie.
(2013-10-09, 01:21)sialivi Wrote: @ace20022

Sorry for going a bit off topic, but I have a quick question regarding the preferred subtitle ticket you're currently working on and it's not appreciated when non-devs post comments on github Wink

No Problem at all!

(2013-10-09, 01:21)sialivi Wrote: Will that ticket take into account that external subtitles should usually be prioritized higher than internal subs if a movie has both? There's generally a good reason why a person has acquired additional subs than what was originally muxed into the movie.

That sounds reasonable, but I have to check if it's possible.
External subtitles should be always prioritized over embedded subtitles, that's the reason users have them. It works that way in current xbmc code anyway. Hopefully this ticket will only improve priority handling/filtering of embedded subtitle tracks.
(2013-10-11, 12:35)ezechiel1917 Wrote: It works that way in current xbmc code anyway

If that's the case, the current implementation must be buggy cause I've had to manually select the external ones for every single episode of a tv series I've been watching over the summer, using nightly builds.
External subtitles have to be in same folder and must have prefix of video filename to be automatically loaded/preferred over embedded ones (ie. video.mkv + video.srt or video*.srt)
I have just tested this with latest nightly on windows+linux and xbmc always prioritizes external subtitles.
If that's not working for you. Can you please provide episode+external subtitle samples and specify your xbmc build + subtitle settings?
(2013-10-12, 11:50)ezechiel1917 Wrote: External subtitles have to be in same folder and must have prefix of video filename to be automatically loaded/preferred over embedded ones (ie. video.mkv + video.srt or video*.srt)
I have just tested this with latest nightly on windows+linux and xbmc always prioritizes external subtitles.
If that's not working for you. Can you please provide episode+external subtitle samples and specify your xbmc build + subtitle settings?

Sample file: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41720...ubtest.zip

I'm using todays (oct 12th) win32 build. Not sure which subtitle settings you're referring to, I'm seeing this behavior with this add-on disabled. Also note that in this sample the first 2 lines of subtitles are skipped every time I play it, but if I then rewind to the start they will display properly.
I'm not using this add-on at all. Your sample plays external subs automatically just fine here (in priority order external before internal) First two lines are also displayed correctly.
Try to reset all xbmc gui/addon settings (or try fresh xbmc installation without old data in userdata folder), if that doesn't help provide debug log.
Hi, I've created a test build with the new auto-selection mechanism for subtitles, you can get it via: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=176428.
btw I plan to revise the language settings and integrate something similar to this addon in the long term.
I have a doubt: why XBMC Gotham (Sep 22 NB ) dont recognize my external subtitles as Brazilian-Portuguese? It shows 'unknown' while playing back the movie
Its named as video.pt-br.srt and video.mkv

Whats wrong?
Did you mean build from Oct 22? You definitely need newer xbmc build than from september.
(2013-10-24, 17:54)fernandovg Wrote: I have a doubt: why XBMC Gotham (Sep 22 NB ) dont recognize my external subtitles as Brazilian-Portuguese? It shows 'unknown' while playing back the movie
Its named as video.pt-br.srt and video.mkv

Whats wrong?

Brazil has no ISO 693 2 code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-2_codes) which xbmc uses for (almost) all language feature, sorry.
However it should display Portuguese as language and br as name.
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