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[RELEASE] Canada On Demand (Successor to CTV Properties)
(2013-10-23, 04:11)DurhamDev Wrote:
(2013-10-20, 22:50)Skyhi Wrote: Anyone else notice CityTV is working again with 0.7.8? 0.8.4.also works if you use the canwest.py from 0.7.8

How did you get City working? I have 8.4.0 and it's not there?

I mentioned the wrong file above (I was trying to do something with Global TV).

This is my custom 'brightcove.py' for CityTV based on 0.7.8 - I'm not saying this will work forever so YMMV:

import time
import cgi
import datetime
import simplejson
from channel import BaseChannel, ChannelException,ChannelMetaClass, STATUS_BAD, STATUS_GOOD, STATUS_UGLY
from utils import *
import httplib
import xbmcplugin
import xbmc

from pyamf import remoting
has_pyamf = True
except ImportError:
has_pyamf = False

class BrightcoveBaseChannel(BaseChannel):

is_abstract = True

def get_swf_url(self):
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('c.brightcove.com')
qsdata = dict(width=640, height=480, flashID=self.flash_experience_id,
bgcolor="#000000", playerID=self.player_id, publisherID=self.publisher_id,
isSlim='true', wmode='opaque', optimizedContentLoad='true', autoStart='', debuggerID='')
qsdata['@videoPlayer'] = self.video_id
logging.debug("SWFURL: %s" % (urllib.urlencode(qsdata),))
conn.request("GET", "/services/viewer/federated_f9?&" + urllib.urlencode(qsdata))
resp = conn.getresponse()
location = resp.getheader('location')
base = location.split("?",1)[0]
location = base.replace("BrightcoveBootloader.swf", "connection/ExternalConnection_2.swf")
self.swf_url = location

def get_clip_info(self, player_id, video_id):
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("c.brightcove.com")
envelope = self.build_amf_request(player_id, video_id)
conn.request("POST", "/services/amfgateway", str(remoting.encode(envelope).read()), {'content-type': 'application/x-amf'})
response = conn.getresponse().read()
response = remoting.decode(response).bodies[0][1].body[0]['data']['videoDTO']
return response

def choose_rendition(self, renditions):
maxrate = int(self.plugin.get_setting("max_bitrate")) * 1024
rends = [r for r in renditions if r['encodingRate'] < maxrate]
if not rends:
rends = renditions
rends.sort(key=lambda r: r['encodingRate'])
return rends[-1]

def build_amf_request_body(self, player_id, video_id):
return [
'optimizeFeaturedContent': 1,
'featuredLineupFetchInfo': {
'fetchLevelEnum': 4,
'contentType': u'VideoLineup',
'childLimit': 100
'lineupRefId': None,
'videoId': video_id,
'videoRefId': None,
'lineupId': None,
'fetchInfos': [
{'fetchLevelEnum': 1, 'contentType': u'VideoLineup', 'childLimit': 100},
{'grandchildLimit': 100, 'fetchLevelEnum': 3, 'contentType': u'VideoLineupList', 'childLimit': 100}

def build_amf_request(self, player_id, video_id):
env = remoting.Envelope(amfVersion=0)
body=self.build_amf_request_body(player_id, video_id),
return env

def find_ids(self, url):
soup = BeautifulSoup(self.plugin.fetch(url, max_age=self.cache_timeout))
self.flash_experience_id = soup.find("object")['id']
player_id = int(soup.find("object").find("param", {"name": "playerID"})['value'])
player_id = None

video_id = int(soup.find('object').find("param", {"name": "@videoPlayer"})['value'])
video_id = None

return player_id, video_id

class CityTVBaseChannel(BrightcoveBaseChannel):
status = STATUS_BAD
default_action = "list_shows"
base_url = "http://video.citytv.com"
is_abstract = True

def action_play_episode(self):
url = "http://video.citytv.com" + self.args['remote_url']
player_id, video_id = self.find_ids(url)
self.video_id = video_id
self.player_id = player_id
clipinfo = self.get_clip_info(player_id, video_id)
self.publisher_id = clipinfo['publisherId']
self.video_length = clipinfo['length']/1000
parser = URLParser(swf_url=self.swf_url, swf_verify=True)
url = self.choose_rendition(clipinfo['renditions'])['defaultURL']
url = parser(url)
logging.debug("STREAM_URL: %s" % (url,))

def action_browse_show(self):
html = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + self.args['remote_url'], max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
toplevel = self.args.get('toplevel', None)
section = self.args.get('section', None)
if section:
return self.browse_section()
elif toplevel:
return self.browse_toplevel()
tabdiv = soup.find("div", {'class': re.compile(r'tabs.*')})
toplevels = tabdiv.findAll("a")
if len(toplevels) == 1:
self.args['toplevel'] = toplevels[0].contents[0].strip()
return self.browse_toplevel()
for a in toplevels:
data = {}
data['Title'] = data['toplevel'] = a.contents[0].strip()
self.plugin.end_list('seasons', [xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL])

def parse_episode_list(self, pages):
monthnames = ["", "January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June", "July", "August",
"September", "October", "November", "December"]

for page in pages:
page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + page, max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
div = soup.find('div', {'id': 'episodes'}).find('div', {'class': 'episodes'})
for item in div.findAll('div', {'class': re.compile(r'item.*')}):
data = {}
data['action'] = 'play_episode'
data['Plot'] = item.find('p').contents[0].strip()
a = item.find('div', {'class': 'meta'}).h1.a
date_s = item.find('h5').contents[0].strip().replace("Aired on ","").strip()
m,d,y = date_s.split(" ")
m = monthnames.index(m)
d = d[:-1].strip()
y = y.strip()
data['Date'] = "%s.%s.%s" % (d,m,y)

data['Title'] = a.contents[0].strip()
data['remote_url'] = a['href']
data['Thumb'] = item.find('div', {'class': 'image'}).find('img')['src']
yield data

def parse_clip_list(self, pages):
monthnames = ["", "January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June", "July", "August",
"September", "October", "November", "December"]

for page in pages:
page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + page, max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

div = soup.find('div', {'id': 'clips'}).div.find('div', {'class': 'clips'})
for epdiv in div.findAll('div', {'class': 'item'}):
data = {}
data['Thumb'] = epdiv.find('div', {"class": 'image'})['style'][23:-3]
data['Title'] = epdiv.find('h1').find('a').contents[0].strip()
data['action'] = 'play_episode'
data['remote_url'] = epdiv.find('h1').find('a')['href']
yield data

def parse_show_list(self, pages):
for page in pages:
page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + page, max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
div = soup.find("div", {'class': 'shows'})
for item in div.findAll('div', {'class': 'item'}):
a = item.find("h1").a
data = {}
data['action'] = 'browse_show'
data['remote_url'] = a['href']
data['Thumb'] = item.find("div", {'class': 'thumb'}).img['src']
data['Title'] = decode_htmlentities(a.contents[0].strip())
data['TVShowTitle'] = data['Title']
yield data

def browse_section(self):
page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + self.args['remote_url'], max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
toplevel = self.args.get('toplevel')
if toplevel == 'Full Episodes':
div = soup.find("div", {'id': 'episodes'})
parser = self.parse_episode_list
elif toplevel == 'Video Clips':
div = soup.find("div", {'id': 'clips'})
parser = self.parse_clip_list
paginator = div.find('ul', {'class': 'pagination'})
pageas = paginator.findAll('a')
pages = [self.args['remote_url']]
pages += [a['href'] for a in pageas]
items = parser(pages)
for item in items:
self.plugin.add_list_item(item, is_folder=False)
self.plugin.end_list('episodes', [xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL])

def browse_toplevel(self):
toplevel = self.args['toplevel']
page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url+self.args['remote_url'], max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
if toplevel == 'Full Episodes':
div = soup.find("div", {'id': 'episodes'})
elif toplevel == 'Video Clips':
div = soup.find("div", {'id': 'clips'})
section_div = div.find('div', {'class': 'widget'}).find('div', {'class': 'middle'})
sections = section_div.findAll('a')
sections = []
if not sections:
return self.browse_section()
elif len(sections) == 1:
self.args['section'] = decode_htmlentities(sections[0].contents[0].strip())
return self.browse_section()
for section in sections:
data = {}
data['section'] = decode_htmlentities(section.contents[0].strip())
data['remote_url'] = section['href']
data['Title'] = data['section']
self.plugin.end_list('seasons', [xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_DATE, xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL])

def action_list_shows(self):

page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + self.root_url, max_age=self.cache_timeout)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

paginator = soup.find('ul', {'class': 'pagination'})
pageas = paginator.findAll('a')
pages = [self.root_url]
pages += [a['href'] for a in pageas]
for item in self.parse_show_list(pages):
self.plugin.end_list('tvshows', [xbmcplugin.SORT_METHOD_LABEL])

class CityTV(CityTVBaseChannel):
short_name = 'citytv'
long_name = "CityTV"
root_url = "/video/navigation.htm?N=0&type=shows&sort=Display"

class OLN(CityTVBaseChannel):
short_name = 'oln'
long_name = 'Outdoor Life Network'
root_url = "/video/channel/oln/allmedia/4294965726/"

class G4TV(CityTVBaseChannel):
short_name = 'g4'
long_name = "G4 Tech TV"
root_url = "/video/channel/g4/allmedia/4294965638/"

class Omni(CityTVBaseChannel):
short_name = 'omni'
long_name = 'OMNI TV'
root_url = "/video/channel/omni/allmedia/4294965410/"

class ShortsInTheCity(CityTVBaseChannel):
short_name = 'shortsinthecity'
long_name = 'Shorts in the City'
root_url = '/video/channel/shortsinthecity/allmedia/4294965731/'

class TVOKids(BrightcoveBaseChannel):

short_name = 'tvokids'
long_name = 'TVO Kids'
default_action = 'root'
base_url = 'http://www.tvokids.com'
player_id = 48543011001
publisher_id = 15364602001

def get_swf_url(self):
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('c.brightcove.com')
qsdata = dict(width=640, height=480, flashID=self.flash_experience_id,
bgcolor="#000000", playerID=self.player_id, publisherID=self.publisher_id,
isSlim='true', wmode='opaque', optimizedContentLoad='true', autoStart='', debuggerID='')
qsdata['@videoPlayer'] = self.video_id
logging.debug("SWFURL: %s" % (urllib.urlencode(qsdata),))
conn.request("GET", "/services/viewer/federated_f9?&" + urllib.urlencode(qsdata))
resp = conn.getresponse()
location = resp.getheader('location')
base = location.split("?",1)[0]
location = base.replace("BrightcoveBootloader.swf", "federatedVideo/BrightcovePlayer.swf")
self.swf_url = location

def action_root(self):
data = {}
data['action'] = 'list_shows'
data['age'] = 5
data['Title'] = "Ages 2-5"
data['Title'] = "Ages 11 and under"
data['age'] = 11

def action_play_video(self):
info = self.get_clip_info(self.player_id, self.args['bc_id'],
self.video_id = self.args.get('bc_id')
parser = URLParser(swf_url=self.swf_url, swf_verify=True)
url = self.choose_rendition(info['renditions'])['defaultURL']
app, playpath, wierdqs = url.split("&", 2)
qs = "?videoId=%s&lineUpId=&pubId=%s&playerId=%s&affiliateId=" % (self.video_id, self.publisher_id, self.player_id)
#playpath += "&" + wierdqs
scheme,netloc = app.split("://")

netloc, app = netloc.split("/",1)
app = app.rstrip("/") + qs
logging.debug("APP:%s" %(app,))
tcurl = "%s://%s:1935/%s" % (scheme, netloc, app)
logging.debug("TCURL:%s" % (tcurl,))
#pageurl = 'http://www.tvokids.com/shows/worldofwonders'
url = "%s tcUrl=%s app=%s playpath=%s%s swfUrl=%s conn=B:0 conn=S:%s&%s" % (tcurl,tcurl, app, playpath, qs, self.swf_url, playpath, wierdqs)

def action_browse_show(self):
url = self.base_url + "/feeds/%s/all/videos_list.xml?random=%s" % (self.args['node_id'], int(time.time()), )
page = self.plugin.fetch(url, max_age=self.cache_timeout).read()
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(page)
for node in soup.findAll('node'):
data = {}
data['action'] = 'play_video'
data['Thumb'] = node.find('node_still').contents[0].strip()
data['Title'] = decode_htmlentities(node.find('node_title').contents[0].strip())
data['Plot'] = decode_htmlentities(node.find("node_short_description").contents[0].strip())
data['bc_id'] = node.find("node_bc_id").contents[0].strip()
data['bc_refid'] = node.find("node_bc_refid").contents[0].strip()
self.plugin.add_list_item(data, is_folder=False)

def action_list_shows(self):
age = int(self.args.get('age'))
if age == 11:
url = '/feeds/all/98/shows'
elif age == 5:
url = '/feeds/all/97/shows'
page = self.plugin.fetch(self.base_url + url, max_age=self.cache_timeout).read()
soup = BeautifulStoneSoup(page)
for node in soup.findAll('node'):
data = {}
data['Title'] = decode_htmlentities(node.find('node_title').contents[0].strip())
thumb = node.find('node_thumbnail').contents[0].strip()
if not thumb.endswith(".swf"):
data['Thumb'] = self.base_url + "/" + thumb
data['node_id'] = node.find('node_id').contents[0].strip()
data['action'] = 'browse_show'
Thumbs Up 
@Skyhi: Nice!

You should submit your fixes to https://github.com/marius-muja/plugin.vi....on.demand
Once it's up there, I can update the repo so everyone can get a working 0.8.5

Ok I will do that from now on if I have anything to submit.

I just want to clarify that I really did not do anything with the code other than patch in the '0.7.8' bit.

I don't know why CityTV started working again - I just happen to have that version (ish) on my Xbox and saw that CityTV was working again so I patched it into my 0.8.4 version.

I am trying to learn more so I have a better understanding of how this plugin really works.

BTW - great work to everyone that has worked on this an kept it going - I have enjoyed it for many years already!

I see both android and ios have working apps out for Global tv and I wish I knew how they are scraping that website now.

Nice to see new channels being added too!

But it is disappointing to hear CBC has now changed things as well...
Guys, What we supposed to do? update, reload, delete or What to get it works?
Canada On Demand: CBC, The National, etc, is getting a script error and the shows are not playing.

CTV is also giving script errors and the shows are not playing.

I can't get them to play and I am currently in the states. (No the shows I'm trying to play are not blocked here.)

My wife is inside Canada and can't get them to play with XBMC either. (Another machine in another country and an independently verified source.)

She called me after having problems in Canada and I can't get the videos to play either.

Note: The videos DO play when you go DIRECTLY to CTV and CBC to play them, so the programs are there, but I assume the links are off.

Thanks for working on this great program by the way. It enables my wife to maintain her Canadian habits of watching her shows when she travels.

I'm reporting the same problem. I updated Canada on Demand about a week ago and have not been able to play any CBC content. I get a script error.

(2013-10-24, 18:46)Dubhbairn Wrote: Canada On Demand: CBC, The National, etc, is getting a script error and the shows are not playing.

CTV is also giving script errors and the shows are not playing.

I can't get them to play and I am currently in the states. (No the shows I'm trying to play are not blocked here.)

My wife is inside Canada and can't get them to play with XBMC either. (Another machine in another country and an independently verified source.)

She called me after having problems in Canada and I can't get the videos to play either.

Note: The videos DO play when you go DIRECTLY to CTV and CBC to play them, so the programs are there, but I assume the links are off.

Thanks for working on this great program by the way. It enables my wife to maintain her Canadian habits of watching her shows when she travels.

(2013-10-24, 18:46)Dubhbairn Wrote: CTV is also giving script errors and the shows are not playing.

I can't get them to play and I am currently in the states. (No the shows I'm trying to play are not blocked here.)

My wife is inside Canada and can't get them to play with XBMC either. (Another machine in another country and an independently verified source.)

She called me after having problems in Canada and I can't get the videos to play either.

CTV works fine here and I'm in Germany using a proxy to access Canada On Demand.
Same script error. hoping for a fix soon.

(2013-10-25, 15:00)rstone Wrote: I'm reporting the same problem. I updated Canada on Demand about a week ago and have not been able to play any CBC content. I get a script error.

(2013-10-24, 18:46)Dubhbairn Wrote: Canada On Demand: CBC, The National, etc, is getting a script error and the shows are not playing.

CTV is also giving script errors and the shows are not playing.

I can't get them to play and I am currently in the states. (No the shows I'm trying to play are not blocked here.)

My wife is inside Canada and can't get them to play with XBMC either. (Another machine in another country and an independently verified source.)

She called me after having problems in Canada and I can't get the videos to play either.

Note: The videos DO play when you go DIRECTLY to CTV and CBC to play them, so the programs are there, but I assume the links are off.

Thanks for working on this great program by the way. It enables my wife to maintain her Canadian habits of watching her shows when she travels.

CTV works fine here too. I checked csi conan, castle living in Canada. Please you need to share logs by uploading to xbmclogs.com if you having problems.
What i have noticed that COD in windows 7 works without errors BUT in Android nothing works?
(2013-10-23, 00:18)bash1979 Wrote: Anyone else having issues with CBC streaming? Other than that, the plugin works great!

More info on CBC streaming problems: Someone noted that they've changed the manifest file and said that the rtmp stream link is now broken into separate pieces and the ad streams now start with "http" and contain "/pfadx/".

Noted here: https://github.com/marius-muja/plugin.vi.../issues/27

Manifest/link example: http://link.theplatform.com/s/h9dtGB/lmd...edded=true
I have the same problem with raspberry pi and android, will post log soon.

08:12:07 T:2810147904 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 2 times.
08:12:07 T:2810147904 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
08:12:08 T:2810147904 NOTICE: Thread Jobworker start, auto delete: true
08:12:11 T:2906649664 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:12:11 T:2906649664 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
08:12:11 T:2906649664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:12:16 T:2931815488 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
08:12:21 T:2906649664 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
08:12:21 T:2906649664 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:12:25 T:2931815488 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
08:12:27 T:2931815488 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
08:12:27 T:2931815488 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:12:38 T:2931815488 ERROR: WARNING:root:RELURL: http://cbc.feeds.theplatform.com/ps/JSON...dIndex=100
08:12:38 T:2931815488 NOTICE: .
08:12:43 T:2931815488 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
08:12:47 T:2931815488 NOTICE: Thread XBPyThread start, auto delete: false
08:12:48 T:2931815488 NOTICE: -->Python Interpreter Initialized<--
08:12:52 T:2931815488 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
Error Type: <type 'exceptions.RuntimeError'>
Error Contents: theplatform len(items) should be 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.canada.on.demand-master/default.py", line 494, in <module>
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.canada.on.demand-master/default.py", line 459, in __call__
return chan()
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.canada.on.demand-master/channel.py", line 122, in __call__
return action_method()
File "/home/pi/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.canada.on.demand-master/channels/theplatform.py", line 268, in action_play_episode
if len(items) != 1: raise RuntimeError('theplatform len(items) should be 1')
RuntimeError: theplatform len(items) should be 1
-->End of Python script error report<--
08:12:52 T:3041112704 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.canada.on.demand/?Plot=Amanda+Lang+and+Kevin+O%27Leary+take+you+inside+the+business+world+with+their+trade+mark+thought-provoking+coverage.&Thumb=http%3A%2F%2Fthumbnails.cbc.ca%2Fmaven_legacy%2Fthumbnails%2FLangOLeary1.jpg&Title=Lang+%26+O%27Leary+Exchange&action=play_episode&entry_id=2414482954&bitrate=2539&remote_url=http%3A%2F%2Frelease.theplatform.com%2Fcontent.select%3Fpid%3DYNV1n5Mwm5MfyJdhQZpERKQdnLgHo7yq%26UserName%3DUnknown%26Embedded%3DTrue%26Portal%3DAll%2520Content%26Tracking%3DTrue&remote_PID=YNV1n5Mwm5MfyJdhQZpERKQdnLgHo7yq&medialen=2691308&Date=25.10.2013&channel=cbc&Icon=http%3A%2F%2Fthumbnails.cbc.ca%2Fmaven_legacy%2Fthumbnails%2FLangOLeary1.jpg]
08:12:52 T:2931815488 NOTICE: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: false
(2013-10-23, 00:18)bash1979 Wrote: Anyone else having issues with CBC streaming? Other than that, the plugin works great!

Anything can be done for CBC?
Yes CBC National nighties bring script errors now. Hoping for a fix.
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[RELEASE] Canada On Demand (Successor to CTV Properties)11