Xvid files do not play
(2013-11-27, 16:14)RDPearson Wrote: I am currently trying it with a 2nd SD card, however I am battling to get past the initial boot. I get to the openelec first time config screen and the box just hangs.

Yes. I've not installed a clean gotham image lately, but Milhouse frequenty posts the answer. See:
@popcornmix, I still seem to be battling.

This initial config screen is still hanging. I cant SSH into it either as it appears that it is refusing connections. Is SSH enabled by default or does it need to be enabled via the GUI? Obviously I cant enable it via the GUI as this other config screen is hanging it. Lol, I seem to be in a catch 22 situation. I have been fiddling for over an hour now trying to get around this. I have also tried mounting it on another machine but all I see are some files, there are no sub-directories so I have no idea on where to try create that file.

Any ideas?
Got it. I didnt realise that the SD had multiple partitions configured on it. I had sdb1 mounted instead of sdb2. Once I mounted sdb2 I found the directory and modified as per your previous link.
(2013-11-27, 14:45)popcornmix Wrote: Got the file. It plays fine on my development build of xbmc (gotham).
It also played fine with command line omxplayer.

At the moment I'm guessing it's a problem with ffmpeg (frodo uses an older version).

Can you try it with a gotham build of xbmc?

Update.The Pi is now running on Gotham.
I have not been able to get Gotham to see my existing SQL database at all so far. So as a test I just mapped to the server and attempted to play the files I was having problems with. They do not play on Gotham either.

The problem is exactly the same on Gotham as it is on my existing Frodo installation.

I am running OpenELEC (official) Version: devel-20131120110614-r16406.
(2013-11-27, 19:00)RDPearson Wrote: The problem is exactly the same on Gotham as it is on my existing Frodo installation.

Okay, that makes it more complicated.
My development build (and raspbian) use an "internal" ffmpeg. Openelec uses an "external" ffmpeg which could have some effect.
I think openelec uses basically the same version of ffmpeg as the internal one, but I'm not 100% sure.

I can confirm if it plays from openelec from home (but I suspect I'll see the same as you).

So xbmc on android behaves the same as rasbperry?
I assume android is not running openelec?

So, presumably a core xbmc issue, rather than an openelec specific bug.
The bad file working on xbmc windows is confusing. Is the windows xbmc latest Frodo?

Testing on raspbmc is another data point.
(2013-11-27, 19:23)popcornmix Wrote: So xbmc on android behaves the same as rasbperry?


(2013-11-27, 19:23)popcornmix Wrote: I assume android is not running openelec?

No, not openelec. It was downloaded from the XBMC site. V12.2

(2013-11-27, 19:23)popcornmix Wrote: The bad file working on xbmc windows is confusing. Is the windows xbmc latest Frodo?

Windows is running V12.2.

Any idea on why Gotham would not see my existing SQL server? Pop the old card back in and works perfectly. The same advancedsettings.xml was uploaded to Gotham as was running on Frodo.
(2013-11-27, 20:05)RDPearson Wrote: Any idea on why Gotham would not see my existing SQL server? Pop the old card back in and works perfectly. The same advancedsettings.xml was uploaded to Gotham as was running on Frodo.

Should see it. Gotham is on a different database version. What should happen is gotham loads MyVideos75 and converts it to MyVideos76.
Both databases will exist when this finishes, but updates from gotham won't be visible to frodo.
It might take a while for this conversion with a large database - I expect xbmc.log will have some clues if this is happening.
From Gotham log
00:00:25 T:3044282896 ERROR: Unable to open database: MyVideos75 [2003](Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (101))

From Frodo log
18:13:49 T:5628 NOTICE: Running database version MyVideos75

So MyVideos75 is correct but Gotham wont connect.

Anyway, this is not really important at this stage as I am not planning on moving to Gotham at this stage as it has not fixed the video playback issue I am having. I will worry about this at a later stage once Gotham is released as non development.
I have just tried an image of Raspbmc v 13.0 and still have the same issues with playing those files.
(2013-11-27, 21:55)RDPearson Wrote: I have just tried an image of Raspbmc v 13.0 and still have the same issues with playing those files.

Thanks for checking. I can't think of a good reason why my development build would behave better than all the official builds...
Any further ideas? I would love to get this sorted out. Sick of having to sit in front of the PC to watch certain files.
It sounds like a muxing problem rather than a codec problem. Try remuxing with something like
ffmpeg -I file.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy newfile.avi

Or remux to mkv with mkvmerge?
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Just tried your file on my openelec system at home, and it plays fine.
I'm using Milhouse's latest Gotham build.
(2013-11-30, 21:42)nickr Wrote: It sounds like a muxing problem rather than a codec problem. Try remuxing with something like
ffmpeg -I file.avi -vcodec copy -acodec copy newfile.avi

Or remux to mkv with mkvmerge?

Why then would the file play fine on my windows version of XBMC and also via other players I use? The problem is playing via XBMC on my Pi and Android tablet. I cant go through the process or remuxing hundreds if not thousands of existing files as well as having to remux any future files I get as well. Thats really not a solution or an option for me. I have to find a solution to allow these to play as is. Popcornmix has tested and the file plays fine on his Openelec system so there has to be some reason they are not playing on mine.

(2013-11-30, 22:25)popcornmix Wrote: @RDPearson
Just tried your file on my openelec system at home, and it plays fine.
I'm using Milhouse's latest Gotham build.

Thanks popcornmix. I will try find that version and give it a go tomorrow.
Rpi uses an external player omxplayer, not xbmc's own code. Not sure what is used on android.
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Xvid files do not play0